My great grandmothers

My great grandmothers, both, were from different backgrounds, families, and at the same time they had something that united forever, it was optimism, believing in good thing, happiness.

My grandmother's mother was helping to raise me, I was living with her and my grandparents until I was almost 5 years old. She was from a very poor family, didn't know how to read well, the oldest sister, always raising a baby, got married at 16 to a wealthier family (my great grand father). At the same time she had that traditional beauty, strength, knew the nature like no one I have ever known.... We always had people in the house, friends, old ladies, relatives, singing, eating, sleeping, looking in old pictures, telling stories. My grandmother is the same way, even now. Everything in the house was very simple, nothing extra, very warm, comfortable, even air was fresh, cold a bit, the windows opened, food cooking. Very nice home.