old story

My stepbrothers used to be
One of the biggest troublemakers.
Everything you can imagine,
Or afraid to imagine,
They did, and not even once,
Not even twice, not even many times.
Their mother, was almost like a witch on the broom,
With a broom and a belt,
Only without a three letters weapon in her hand,
Flying around trying to find out where a hell they both are.
My father helped to rescue them with few police friends
From bars and girls, all weird places,
He strongly believed army or prison will do the trick anyway.
We were friends, and my stepbrothers didn't hide any secrets.
Some times I was laughing so hard,
I couldn't believe boys can be so stupid.
They both still are very good looking, have charm
And from fourteen only stayed around girls.
One morning in school,
I looked, and my oldest stepbrother had black both eyes.
He said he slept on the corner, but don't remember where.
His mother was near the school at four for two months may be...
I think she stopped the visits not to completely screw them up.
What else they did before turning eighteen?
Jumping from two story building, traveling across the country without ID,
All other stuff strongly prohibited by law before 18,
They did.
Different girls non stop.
Mama had to buy a giant dog, put second door, keep grandma around,
So no friends would enter the home.
Finally, the wish came true, the army miracle,
Just on time to keep the mother in her mind.
Two years, all legal,  go bed at 9, up at 7.
And you know where they boys are,
Cleaning the bathrooms, bonding with mops and brooms.
My younger stepbrother ran from the army twice,
He refused to clean the kitchens - bathrooms for the first time in his life.
No mother, no girlfriend, was the officer insane.
After sitting for a day in the dark room,
Running was only the way.
After the second round, well, the army was now 100% winning.
Two brooms, two mops, and promise, one more time and he will be licking all the sinks without any cleaning equipment.
The older one went to the war, after for almost one year didn't get out of home.
With parents around: are you hungry honey,
He gained 100 pounds,
I broke the TV...
It was time to run, not just leave.
The first wife was a doctor,
After "mama, don't worry" was "let's go home".
At 9, every evening, he was home, probably first time in his life.
The second wife cut all "troublemakers cord".
Another stepbrother got a girlfriend.
And they both changed.
Have chosen health, family, good life over going crazy.
It was may be a hard dessication to make,
They had to stop, the road to nowhere was blocked
By parents, wives, children, grandparents, the big dog.
No one could do it, only them,
To make every one happy.
Its a huge deal.
Now, they both married, healthy, very happy men,
Businessmen with a child in each hand,
When there really is no problem,
Bright open road...