Wait with all you've got!
Wait, when rain tells you, you should not.
Wait when snow is falling fast,
Wait when summer is hot,
Wait when yesterday is past,
Wait when others forgot.
Wait, when from far away place,
Letters don't arrive.
Wait, when those with whom you wait,
Doubt if I'm alive.
Wait for me, and I'll come back!
Wait in patience yet
When they tell you again
That you should forget.
Even when my dearest people
Saying that I am lost,
Even when my friends giving up.
Wait for me and I'll come back,
Breaking every fate!
"What a luck" they will say,
Those who didn't wait.
They will never understand,
By you waiting for me,
You have saved my life.
Only you know how you got me through.
Simply you knew how to wait,
No one else but you.