
It was the first music video
I had ever seen.
My mother got from a friend,
The girls band was singing in English,
Laughing and dancing, swimming in the pool,
I didn't know what they were saying,
I thought, may be:

Life is not what you see,
It's what you dream.

I had never seen so much new clothes,
So much new shoes.
We had nothing even close,
We had nothing to choose.

For me, the song, the girls, the music,
Became freedom, knocking the door.

Life is not what you see,
It's what you dream.

Many my friends started to drink and smoking, could not stop.
Someone stay still in that wondering world.

We were alone after school,
Parents always working,
Nothing to do.
That was forever excuse.

Life is not what you see,
It's what you dream.

I remember my friend gave me
A cigarette and glass of cheap vodka:
Try, you will see real things.

I tried only one time,
Only one time in my life,
Because that night
The girls band was singing on
Our dirty and empty street,
They were singing only for me,
I understood every word,
Even I didn't speak their language:

Life is not what you see,
It's what you dream.
Don't do it, believe us please!

Happy New Year!

Smile :)

You look amazing :)
Just saying
I watched the movie:)
You look fantastic :)
What else can I say...
Your friend is happy too,
He probably noticed something:)
Be happy and smile many times
For people you love and like,
You are happy that's all they care about, 
Smile :)

Happy New Year!

little bit blue

Good morning :)

a story

When I was small we didn't celebrate much Birthdays, New Year,
Or any holidays.
I would get chocolate and the best wishes from all my relatives.
On New Year Eve was a lot of food and TV all night.
We had Christmas in January with old ladies sleeping in our living room, visitors from old villages, friends from eighty years ago.
One time asked, why and one lady said that every day I should feel and act like it's special day, if I want something I should ask or get it.
My grandmother had parties almost  every Saturday with food and music,
Then sauna in our village,  herbal teas, water from underground river...
Always was like that...

Good morning :)

good night:)

just a thought

You look amazing:)

Everything is going to be great:)


a few pictures


a few pictures

a few pictures

a few pictures

just one smile:)




just a thought

I don't know if I am right,
That girl in the story, well known one,
She was beautiful and strange in her way.
I remember another story with her,
And in magazines I used to buy, mostly because of make up and hair, style.
What I can say, some things we will never know,
Because the world is so big, never answer for it.
Now two different words,
From us, and we have to let it go with wind, rain, sun..
It will be better

All the Best :)

Smile and have a wonderful day:)

Everything is going to be great :)

just a flower

little bit white

 Siberian forest....

a story

My grandmother has two aunts and uncle almost 100.
Before when we talk,  they would encourage me to do something new all the time,
Everything was justified, answered before me,
My mom was told to leave me alone,
She didn't. 
I had to go outside every morning for a walk or jogging.
And they acted like me a bit, looked different from people around, 
I always had funny feeling. 
Since we in some kind of memories, 
I heard:
With our friend God, 
Everything is going to be fine,
Only don't tell anyone...

Oh My God!

Yesterday I went to a flea market with on a lady who has flower business,
 I have never been at that place before, didn't even want to go.
I am walking, and walking and there is right in front of me exactly the same bag I bought when I was may be 15 years old.
Oh my God!
I just saw myself standing with my aunt in this new store in out city and looking at the same bag.
It was on winter holidays too.
We spent almost an hour looking at it and deciding.
I liked it, it was made in Italy,  ten times more than anything else in the store, different from what we used to, brown or black.
I got another one,  but next day exchanged it and had that bag for a few years.
Oh my God!
That's the story. ..

just one smile :)

I have seen the story, 
I can say "Wow".
I think the main character looks even better now:)

a story

Natural healers, I have seen,
Only care if person is okay now,
The rest, what happened,  they won't even ask.
They think, what happens,  happens for the best,
From what we learn, become strong, wiser to go on.
Smile :)

a few pictures

a few things


my old city

just one smile :)

Everything is going to be okay:)!
Wait and you will see,
I am always good in telling it.
(hopefully you know by now).
Let's put smile on the pretty face:)
Smile :)

All the Best :)

Smile and have a wonderful day:)

just a thought

You look amazing :)
What else can I say?
Even if I think all day.
Okay, fine, I put word "very".
Everything is going to be great:)

just one smile :)

a story

And with my parents, my aunts, everyone,
Just doing crazy things, forever.
It were normal days, I can count.
Then Papa fixed my aunts cars, houses,
Their universities, they all went back may be at 40,
Children schools, homeworks,  universities,
Little farms on the balconies, new apartment,
My grandmother has medal for her work,
Everyone still working,
Cats, dogs, pigs, horse, our gardens, everything,
Orange couch...
What else?

Smile :)

a story

Since I remember myself,
I heard only:
We have nothing to worry about,
May be only this .... dinner
(No one knew how to cook good).
Everything is perfect,
Papa will fix everything.
My aunt calls God Papa.
I have never seen my grandmother, aunt,
We have spent lots of time together,  my mom
Thinking much of anything.
Most of the time:
Ah, it's gonna be fine.
And I grew up with this belief,
Now it's pretty much the same.
You look amazing by the way:)
Some things might feel strange, new,
Only because this is new road,
New level to go, new dreams.
Smile many times :)

Good morning :)

just a flower

just a flower

just a flower

just a thought

You look amazing,
That's all I want to say.
And everything is going to be great for you.
I can ask, you know.
From now to future,  we are going.
People you love will help with this beautiful walk.
And you are the biggest gift.
That's true, just ask.
Smile many times:)

just a thought

Beautiful day:)
The smiling man can be good friend?
Sometimes we cannot ask and bring back all we had.
It is how goes forever,  people say, life, I guess.
I am only thinking here.
It is hard to let go, what words with sympathy to show?
Old people, who have seen a lot, say:
We have to move on, don't hold it, let go,
Universal law.
I can talk more if you want.
Think about people around, looking up to you now.
Give them hope, that life is going on,
Be strong.

a few pictures


a story

From December till January,  31
Children used to get blessing,
It consider the best time,
Two Chistmases: Catholic and Orthodox.
People said goes double blessing from
Person who gives blessing and God.
I have seen babies waiting,
Mothers with covered hair,
Old lady sitting on a bench near window,
Opened blinds,  ice shining on the glass,
Bright light, people are happy...



Merry Christmas :)

You are doing amazing job:)
Smile :)
I have heard many times a story,
When I was small, every night
About special baby who is born in December,
Who changed forever our world with believe, wisdom,  love, faith and hope.
He made this months special forever with laughter and gifts.
And the story says, that it makes little bit more special every baby who is born in December.
Like a gift.
We can give to people, very special people,  pray and our word will be heard, may be some unique talent, shining personality, beauty, few favours. ..
Even horoscope says the same.
Smile :)

Good morning :)