just a thought

When I was growing up, my parents had lots of problems as a couple since I remember. My father cheated, my mother cheated, other people, families were involved. I had to go to court for more than one year, that how long their divorce took, because they had properties together. My father wanted me to live with him, I was 12, I could be in the court at that time. He was saying my sister is not his, my mother was cheating. My mother wanted to prove me how bad, my father was, talking about his then girlfriend, her children, was saying he didn't care about us, didn't give her the money for us, crying. My grandparents from both sides were involved, going against each other, my father or my mother. And all the time I was living in our city, some one was talking about my parents, or about my family. My grandmother was a Chief of the Therapeutic Hospital, had a lot of very powerful friends, and no one believed that I really know something. I had only 2 best friends, the rest mostly were jealous of me and I could feel it. The poor, ghetto city, and some one basically doing better, dressed better, going somewhere, college, university, good jobs.
It didn't change me a bit, because I wanted to be me, be the person I want to be - loving, caring, funny, interesting. I focused on me and my sister only. My mom still stuck in that mood, but I knew, I had to make a step and go on with my life no matter what.
We cannot control other people, their actions, emotions, who cares what they do,because they are behind, not in front of us.
You only can control your responds, feelings, emotions. You love yourself more and then nothing matter. You are the highest, most important person, and sometimes you have to chose thinking about you, what is your reason to do something. There are very important people who love you, wishing you the best, just focus on them all the time.