a story

The bottom part is that every thing is going to be fine.
We have nothing to worry about,
May be only what's for dinner tonight.
I am going to a restaurant, and now going for my running.
Twice a day I run, jog, walk outside.
I have to wake up at 4.
I learned it from old people, who said that there is time when you feel you need something (and have no idea what), then go outside run until you cannot walk, exercise every day like an animal, non stop, eat well, take care of yourself, do what you do and you will find answer to you question.
My grandmother says, people like her, very positive, energetic, happy in general,
She has seen her grandmother and great grandmother helping people.
This people can give happiness, good luck, good health to other people as a gift.
When you just know that everything is going to be fine.