notes 2

It was time in my life
When I thought I cannot do it any more.
And as law university educated person
I had a bridge on my mind.
That Sunday evening I was driving on empty road,
Man was bravely singing on the car radio about winning Second World War.
For a second light shined my face
And I heard voice:
Don’t leave your child without mother.
It was it, all sadness was gone next second.
On Monday I sold all my gold rings for eighty dollars.
Near book store me and my son stopped.
Book I noticed was about Second World War,
Familiar pictures, page about our women.
I thought may be first time in long while about
Who I was, about my old house, my grandmother,
My great grandmother, her friends,
Who were living during that time.
I saw my grandmother smiling at me,
Saying as she always says:
Everything is going to be good.
And on Friday I won five thousand in lottery.