Four women

I have this picture in my mind.
Four women are sitting on the bench,
My two great grandmothers, grandmother and aunt.
They are looking quietly on our river, green forest, and the rye lands far away..
It's still the day time, summer, beautiful outside, breeze.
The oldest one is grandmother's mother..
Once cold northern kind of beauty,
Cold but strong, white hair and eyes like sky.
She doesn't talk or smile a lot.
The most she says:
It's okay, she touch your hand, will make warm bath and dinner.
This how it is for years.
Grandfather's mother is from blue blood,
All family was prosecuted by the government.
So what, we are not equal,
Was answer to anything and every one.
Music, dinner by hour.
My grandmother, now she is very old.
She is always happy,
Got medals for the war, for being doctor,
It's going to be fine,
That's all I heard in all my life.
My aunt, like autumn, sleepy yet active,
Always in the gym.