
The phone rang again. This time Natalie's grandmother was home. She answered the phone, quiet for a second.

No, we cannot – she said. You need three magicians. It is dangerous. Something like this was done, more then fifty years ago and not by me. I will not be able hold it alone. The conversation was going one, people on another line probably didn't want to agree. Natalie felt some sadness in the room. The grandmother was still talking, she made few jokes, but didn't really laugh. It is sad, but I don't understand how I can help you. It is not safe for both of us, you do you part, and I cannot do mine. See, if you can find someone else. Grandmother asked about the witch. The witch was in the retirement home. We we went to see her. Natalie was waiting outside. It was so weird. Warm weather, grass, flowers. Grandmother got outside. Her organs are failing, she said to herself. In few days, an old woman stopped at the house. I can be the second magisian. The old witch was from her division, or something, they went to the Second World war together. And her, and the grandmother, were sitting at the table, in the living room, talking about that time. The conversation was about the same thing, The grandmother did not want to agree. Not enough people, grandmother was repeating the same thing. And then Natalie, she got exited about it. I will do it. She though of herself looking at the mirror. I am cleaned magisian, and I can do it. Granndmother didn't agree. Learn your school firt. Then, it was no other choice, there were no one else to find. And they agree to help the witch, to get her soul back.