Kingdom of Swinuks.

Big Swinuk: between pigs and wild boars are two different things.

Swinuk: he threw something at me!

Big Swinuk: vegetables?

Is it the same story?

Big Hruck: I didn't throw anything at you!

Do you know what “on" means?

Big Swinuk, you are my witness.

Swinuk: Big Swinuk didn't see anything!

Big Hruck: I threw vegetables right beside you.

Not at you.

Big Swinuk: do you know what pisses me off?

We have to learn word “library" now.

Kingdom of Swinuks.

Big Hruck: for pigs,

Looks are everything.

Big Swinuk: good thing we found you.

Big Hruck: walking long distances, lifting weights.


Big Swinuk: what's that?

Big Hruck: when you run and don't wait for each other.

And someone gets there first.

Big Swinuk: oh yeah.

Big Hruck: don't let pigs eat fattening food and fifty five percent of the plate are vegetables.

Wizier Swinuk: someone threw vegetables in the garbage!

Big Swinuk: wild boars are always like that.

They buy vegetables and throw it out.

Big Hruck: pigs don't spend money on what they are not using.

Big Swinuk: bravos!

We write it down.

Big Hruck: make it the new law.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

First day.

Big Swinuk  my daughter sounds like a pig.

Wizier Swinuk: sometimes.

Big Swinuk: all the time!

You should hear some.

Like, damn, she is a pig.

Wizier Swinuk: everyone knows.

Big Swinuk: it’s the name.

Wizier Swinuk: your lovely daughter, Bright Sunshine, needs husband.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

They have a lot of pigs there.

Big Hruck.

He is the man!

Big Swinuk: are we lucky!


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Battler Swinuk: Big Hruck is hiding in the library.

Wizier Swinuk: we should've not let this pig come here.

Big Swinuk: yes!

Battler Swinuk: Big Hruck is here!

Big Swinuk: Big Hruck!

I have been waiting for you all my life

And here you are.

In our library.

You, my daughter and sugar are getting along very well.

Wild boars: what is sugar?

Big Swinuk: do you know what “sugar” means?

Wild boars: no.

Big Swinuk: good for you!

Good for you.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: pigs say “hey"

And wild boars say “ey".

We have our sense of mind.

How are the shoes?

Big Hruck: very comfortable.

I feel like I wear socks.

Big Hruck: mess!

Wizier Swinuk: I didn't see anything.

Don't worry.



Big Hruck: do something pigs!

Wizier Swinuk: you are right!

Our crazy attitude.

The price is right!

Big Hruck, you stopped at the right door.

We will focus on sugar business.

We will be Big Hrucks!

Not by size.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: oh man..

Wizier Swinuk: you always say a lot.

Big Hruck: I was singing under the rain!

Wizier Swinuk: you were servicing us under the rain.

Use proper words.

See you tomorrow, hopefully under the better conditions.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: what is this?

Wizier Swinuk: no idea.

Lets try.

Big Hruck: how long have you been working here?

Wizier Swinuk: I don't see the difference.

You are wrong or right.

Tomorrow you are going to pick outfits for Princess Swinuk.

This is your job now.

Make sure she looks great.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: you have to focus on ladies now.

No more focus on men.

Big Hruck: we are warriors!

We are soldiers!

Wizier Swinuk: when you see Princess Swinuk,

Say “Oink, oink, is it you, Princess Swinuk!”.

And keep oinking.

Big Hruck: she is boring.

Wizier Swinuk: go to some place.

Jamaica is right here.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: did you leave pop in the freezer?

Big Hruck: no!

Wizier Swinuk: no?

Not you?

Big Hruck: lots of sugar.

Wizier Hruck: look here.

Our computer.

This is day.

And this is night.

There's no reason to forget.

Big Hruck: you can't figure out?

Wizier Swinuk: we are always students.

Unfortunately, you have to go to work first before going home.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: did you leave pop in the freezer?

Big Hruck: no!

Wizier Swinuk: no?

Not you?

Big Hruck: lots of sugar.

Wizier Hruck: look here.

Our computer.

This is day.

And this is night.

There's no reason to forget.

Big Hruck: you can't figure out?

Wizier Swinuk: we are always students.

Unfortunately, you have to go to work first before going home.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: welcome.

Did you have chocolate Mishka?

Big Hruck: no.

Wizier Swinuk: we thought you had chocolate Mishka.

Big Hruck: I had chocolate cake.

And this is crazy.

Everything is chocolate here.

Wizier Swinuk: we are wild boars!

Swinuk delivery service: Big Hruck!


Your bananas!

Big Hruck: why would I want bananas?

Wizier Swinuk: he is our new Big Swinuk with 300 new square pigs.

Swinuk delivery service: modern pigs!

Wizier Swinuk: leave your bananas here.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Hruck: she is going to wear mini skirt.

Big Hruck: been there, done that.

Wizier Hruck: you better look happy.

We need Swinuks technology and they need our sugar.

Big Hruck: quite a combination.

Wizier Hruck: it sounds nasty until you eat it and then “boom", fruit explosion in your mouth.

Big Hruck: technically.

Wizier Hruck: you are not the first one who been here.

We need it done man.

Big Hruck: she said, she is on her way.

Wizier Hruck: ask how long it will take.

Big Hruck: she said soon.

Wizier Hruck: stand here in the corner like my car and smile.

Do you know what's our problem?

We think of ourselves as pigs.

And Swinuks think of themselves as wild boars from 100 years old.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Princess Swinuk: only Pigs streets?

Street control Hruck: yes mam!

This is our religion.

Princess Swinuk: and how long we have to drive for?

Street control Hruck: go straight on the Pigs street untill you see the right turn.

Princess Swinuk: we are driving for hours!

Where is the right turn?

Street control Hruck: we are all waiting for that, I guess.

Princess Swinuk: do you have a map?

Street control Hruck: we don't use maps here.

Go all the way and turn right.

You are pretty pig.

Let them look for you.

Princess Swinuk: we have to find Big Hruck.

We need him to make our coffee.

Sugar are our two first ingredients.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: its it's raining outside.

Who wants to go and check?

Wizier Hruck: we will text you.

Big Hruck: where were you?

Do you know how hard is to find you.

I can't find you the whole day.

Wizier Hruck: why you can't find me?

I can find you everywhere.

I find you in the washroom.

Big Hruck: why you find me in the washroom!?


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: those are different pigs.

General Hruck: new army members.

Big Hruck: where are you going?!

Soldiers Hrucks: break time.

Big Hruck: back to the training!

Soldiers Hrucks: wash room.

Big Hruck: I know what wash room is, but your gym starts now!

General Hruck: nothing to worry about.

Big Hruck: your pigs are running away.

General Hruck: its its only training in alphabetical order, oink oink.

Big Hruck: and what are those square pants?

General Hruck: new designs, from the game.




Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: romantic dinner!

 What is this?

Princess Swinuk: mostly drinks and salads.

Big Hruck: grass?

Princess Swinuk: what do you want, chiken.

Waitress Swinuk: your bill sir.

Big Hruck: I have visa.

What are those lines?

Waitress Swinuk: the tip.

Big Hruck: how to skip the tip?

Waitress Swinuk: we don't have this option.

Princess Swinuk: the skip tip option is connected to our emergency line.

Someone will call you and ask if you all right.

Waitress Swinuk: you can pick extra salad next day.

Princess Swinuk: this how we are different.

Waitress Swinuk: and we write your name on the beard with the phone number.

You can pick your salad any time tomorrow.

Princess Swinuk: we can eat berries tomorrow.

Big Hruck: and see my reaction.

Little swinuks: look at his nose!

He is Pinocchio!





Kingdom of Hrucks.

Princess Swinuk: oh, this is door!

Big Hruck: yes this is the door, the exit.

Princess Swinuk: wow!

Big Hruck: it can be an issue.

Wizier Hruck: may be swinuks don't have doors.

Princess Swinuk: I am going out.

Big Hruck: this door, all yours, go out.




Kingdom of Hrucks.

Princess Swinuk: he just grabbed all the food and ate it!

Wizier Swinuk: once a pig, always a pig.

Hrucks supply lots of sugar to us.

Don't you get it!

Princess Swinuk: no.

Wizier Swinuk: we keep all the knowledge to ourselves.

Princess Swinuk: please don’t say no more.

Wizier Swinuk: we can get more pigs working on our recycling plant.

Make it big open space like Texas.

Princess Swinuk: how is Big Hruck going to sit on our throne?

He is so short snd fat.

Wizier Swinuk: we put him a cushion.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: she is slow.

Servant: free pig.

Married pigs move on their heads.

Big Hruck: where is she?

Servant: she said “I am going home right now".

Wizier: We are already getting food ftom Swinuks.

Big Hruck: not today.

Servant: oh, you.

You want to go outside and  make money.

You go outside and make money.

Wirier Hruck: with no experience?

Kingdom of Hrucks.


Wizier Hruck: you should go see Swinuks.

You will be very surprised.

You will see a pig, pig like you, with big snout and he will sound like wild boar.

When he talks.

Big Hruck: Swinuks have news every day, like crazy.

Wizier Hruck: you are just jealous.

Big Hruck: Swinuks wish to have at least 15 percent of our army. 

Wizier Hruck: enough is enough!

Go! Why are you still here?


Wizier Hruck: who is this green crocodile!

Big Hruck: I try to stay young in my heart.

Wizier Hruck: keep stretching.

Wear green for your wedding.

Big Hruck: Swinuks are going to eat me to get more attention.

Wizier Hruck: let her eat your slowly.

Your bride is waiting at home.

My grandmother's memories about the Second World war.

We were by the river. I put my hands in the water. The water was shining on the sun. The sparkles of the sunshine were in every splash. I smiled looking at all that sun in my hands, many tiny lights in the water drop. My girlfriends were running and playing in the water trying to wet each other's clothes as much as possible. 
A boy on a big bicycle looked as he flew right near us screening: “War, war, war!”
We stood still not understanding anything. 
The boy was far on the road, above the river. We tried to run to him, but he was very fast. Riding his big bicycle and screaming “War, war, war".
Few people were on the land above the river too cutting grass. The boy flew by near them too. He slowed down and said something, sweating and trying to catch his breath. After almost a few seconds, I saw those people dropping everything and running to the village.
We ran to the village too.
It was the first time when I saw so many people in our village.
We were the closest village to the farm and people from further villages came to our village too. Men, women and older children.
It was June 22, 1941, about ten o'clock in the morning.
We had a radio in the middle of the village on the wooden pole. The mitting was around it, few men stood on the little stand. They were talking about the military attack on the Soviet Union.
I looked around, the men were quiet, and some women had tears in their eyes.
“We will go to the city and find what is next. For now, everyone has to go back to work!” one of the men said. No one really knew at that time if it was true or false. It was an order not to panic. 
At 12 o'clock afternoon, the radio started to work and was turned very loud.  One of the Soviet Union leaders made an announcement that the Soviet Union was attacked by the German army and it is war now.
Everyone stood quiet. No one said a word, only listen. I remember the faces of the people, many young people, and children. It was the first war we would face. The older people were worrying, asking: "What is it now."
My mother wasn't at the meeting, she ran shortly after to our house.
“War", - she whispered trying to open the top button on her shirt and trying to breathe slowly. She was running home, from far away, and her face and hair were sweating and wet. She damped a cup with cold water from a small pot we had in the kitchen, on herself.
“War", – she said again in started to cry.
“I will go to the farm, and you stay home", - in a few minutes, she said again, got dressed and left.