Wizier Hruck: you should go see Swinuks.
You will be very surprised.
You will see a pig, pig like you, with big snout and he will sound like wild boar.
When he talks.
Big Hruck: Swinuks have news every day, like crazy.
Wizier Hruck: you are just jealous.
Big Hruck: Swinuks wish to have at least 15 percent of our army.
Wizier Hruck: enough is enough!
Go! Why are you still here?
Wizier Hruck: who is this green crocodile!
Big Hruck: I try to stay young in my heart.
Wizier Hruck: keep stretching.
Wear green for your wedding.
Big Hruck: Swinuks are going to eat me to get more attention.
Wizier Hruck: let her eat your slowly.
Your bride is waiting at home.