
Winter. She is looking straight and far. No smile, no any emotions in her face. Only the eyes, thoughtful, that go deep, studying and understanding. 

What is she thinking about?

May be about the time when this village didn't know what electricity is, was mostly illiterate and uneducated.

How she shyly walked in the room filled with old and young people who were loud reading together book now parents reading to the small children. Where she first time met people talking about equal rights and freedom. 

Or she sees herself young, looking at the mirror and touching new necklace with shiny red beads.

“Your beauty is not for this"- her mother says.

And again, work in the house and roads without being or end. They are walking without shoes, her mother and grandmother, following few people and quietly prayings

Picture of a man appearing from somewhere far, becoming brighter and brighter. Tall man, looking like a black bird at the beginning. Then the colors start to change. He is wearing long shird, with thin made out of thin long fabric. The shirt is white, creamy white. He has long black hair, the face, the skin like doll skin, smooth and light. And he has black beard, a bit curly or wavy. It surprised in the childhood, why the hair is smooth and the beard are wavy. Then someone's  else faces come on mind. Men are drinking tea, they look very satisfied and proud. She sees her grandmother hiding few coins in the bag and saying: ”Our helper”. And secretly watching this man again, back in the far away childhood. The man is listening, sitting half on the stool. Its some kind of café inside of a small hotel where people like them walking from different places could sleep overnight. The road home again.


Always happy, fresh looking in colorful clothes with fuchsia color lipstick. And with solution for everything. Everything is easy with her. Long time ago, I was studying, after the Second World war, and living in a room rented by my parents from an old woman. A young man started to follow me, we became friends, he would met me in the evening, we would go my  house together. One day he didn't meet me, I was surprised and went home by myself. Everything was gone from my room, food, clothes, food cards. We used student cards to by food  at that time. The room had only bed, chair and table. I was so upset, that I sat on the floor and started to cry. Then I went to his house and he wasn't living there. For few days I didn't eat, didn't what to do, the people I was living with gave me some food and told to go back home and get something else to wear and eat. In the morning someone knocked to the door. It was this young man all white and shaking. In his hands was all my stuff. He dropped everything in front of me, fell on his knees and started to beg for exuse. After a while, when he stopped shaking,  he told me the story. In the middle of the night something lifted him from the bed and threw on other side of the room. He hit the wall and slided on the floor. Three soldiers were standing in front of him. He could see through them, they were from some kind of fog. And they were angry. “Return everything “, - one of the soldiers said, it sounded as metal was scraping something. They stood and watched him when he was picking my things. Then disappeared. I think the soldiers were my uncles who gave their lives in the war. And that what her personality was coming from. Its nice, its warm and going to be fine.


She is like spring that always comes after winter. How cold it is, its March, the spring is here, and the warm days are coming. Strong and stubborn, taking no “no" for answers. She always gets what she wants, mostly its not much, but  still, its her way. Born before Russian Social Revolution in 1917 in the wealthy family, she received education most girls in her time didn't have. After the revolution, she married a very funny man, how she described, who supporter the revolution and was a revolutionary himself.  The life was changed, everything went in to hidden until the early 1980th when it became popular to look and remember the secret family roots. The family tree was made into big picture and put on the living room door.


Autumn. She is cold autumn. With wind and dark sky. There's nothing warm about her. Cold, strong,  with no chance of getting the sun through those grey clouds. She doesn't smile or laugh, always focusing on something people don't really see or think.

On the bench she moves her scarf covering her head and shoulders. Medals on the front of her jacket. She was at the war. It is very strange, because no one think about her being young or beautiful. “ She was young and very beautiful”- an old man says slowly drinking his tea. Then he continues. “I was working at the place, in the city, where people can rent horses for personal rides and deliveries. All day feeding and cleaning horses. One day I went on the market to buy something for our shop. And there was her, in a small shop selling berries. It was a side where people from the local villages selling their vegetables and fruits. She looked like a young woman from the city, not from village. Light skin, fashionable hair and clothes. I was stunned, stood over there and only was looking at completely forgotten what I had to buy. From that day I would go every day to look at her. In a week I stopped at her small shop. “What would you like?” – she smiled looking in my eyes. Her eyes were different like they tried to look almost inside of my mind.  I wasn't be able to say anything and left, coming back again the next day.

One evening she asked me to help her bring her things, the one she didn't sell, to her house. “It's far"- she smiled. I noticed, every time she was talking, she would smile and open her eyes as if she was very surprised. We walked always to the same place, close to the forest and then she would disappear into green lines of trees. “Don't go with her,”- my mother told me when I was trying to leave for a new date helping to move unsold things. “People think she a witch.” We started to argue and I didn't listen, I was in love. Months went by, meetings on the market and walking once in a while to the forest. “Let's get married?” – I asked when we got closer to the forest. She smiled with the same surprise in her eyes. “I cannot. I have to marry my own". I thought she was talking about me working at the horse shop. We started ti argue and soon I realized I was in the forest with her. I turned back, dropping her bags on the ground. After walking for a white, I realized I was at the same place. I walked again and I was at the same place. And again, and again. Walk in the same circle. Scared a little, all I could think was old falk stories and their advices. I turned my shoes different way and started to walk again.

She met me at the same place where we were standing. She smiled showing with her eyes to follow her. A ball of leaves rolled to her and when we were walking it would follow us. It was rolling close to her getting little bit bigger from peaking more small leaves or grass on it. Finally we got to a house standing on the side of a village. I have been at this village before, but I have never seen her before. “My relatives live here. Come in". Few children ran to us showing things they made. A family was sitting at the table and waiting for us. We had dinner without saying anything. Every one was quiet. On the way back, she walked with me back to the city, I asked who where those children. “They are not children “, - she replied with different tone of voice. Then slowly we started to see each other less and less. In 1941 I went to the Second World war.  We met again when I returned back on few days off the army in 1943. She was in the military uniform. We walked together on the road to the forest. I was talking, it was warm evening, the sky, everything around was calm and peaceful. I went back to the war, she too. In few month I was captured by the Nazi and was sent to Poland to work as prisoner of war. And all that time until the liberation, in 1945, I would see her eyes in my mind, imagination. Her face was blurry, only the eyes, brown and serious, watching me. I returned back to my city, and never met her again, until I was already old man.

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: there are two owners is in here.

Big Swinuk: sugar!

Big Hruck: war!

Wizier Swinuk: exactly.


Big Swinuk: we gor the wrong pig.

Big Hruck: we are going to get our free sugar tomorrow!

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Big Hruck: when you are pigs are done?

Hrucks: can this job be more boring.

Wizier Hruck: crazy bees.

Big Hruck: give them candies.

Wizier Hruck: be careful, it has alcohol.

Big Hruck: this what we need.


Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Swinuk: who blocked the exit?

Big Hruck: things change, bye.

Hrucks: we are going to Manila bar

To the red lights district. Big Hruck: yeah.

Lets go and get our free sugar!

Kingdom of Hrucks.

Wizier Hruck: the weather looks weird.

Its raining!

Big Hruck: all I want rain and alcohol.

Hrucks: rain and alcohol!

Bees: they are getting stupid by day.

Bee: they are stealing our honey!

Big Hruck: we only want to check sugar!