With my friend God...

With my Friend God…

In the darkest night I know,
There are stars
That shine and glow,
There are stars that always bright.
No matter where I go,
No matter what I know,
I have my God to follow...

I used to be like many women in the world,
Just happy with the little I got.
I followed my mothers steps when being free had no sense.

In the morning,
Waking up mad, thinking what else I forget.
Getting ready in five minutes.
Breakfast, lunch, summer, dinner,
And I am in the middle.
Thinking who would say what about me today,
What ugly to wear.
Gossip in work review twice,
Jealous women.
Almost flying to pick up my baby from nine to five day care…

But something was shining,
People followed me.
I gave them hope,
At least daily laugh.
Still thinking not being pretty and smart.

I almost gave up,
I almost blend in…

And I look at the eyes,
The eyes of the Queen.
Beautiful woman,
Strong, sexy and free.
She stared at me:
What’s wrong with you?
Are you blind?
Okay, one more time.
Open your eyes at least!
Can’t you see!
Can’t you see
You are me!

…Then he said,
He was just leaving.
May be I should be forgiving.
May be he is a bad father,
May be I should talk my mother.

I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

Two years no money,
Of course, money is not everything.

I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

People asked me,
Why I always wear same clothes,
Why I sold my mother’s ring?

I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

Only one time I was standing near the last fire line,
God wiped my tears softly and smiled:
You have your son,
You have your King!

My mom was living with me for five months.
I thought being a single mom is better
Than living with your own mom,
Telling every five minutes how to live right.
Then she had to return back home and I had to face the reality.
How to raise a child on my own.
…And one time I thought,
I cannot do it anymore.
Thinking about baby, money, going back to work ..

Was thinking of giving up for the first time in my life.

 That night, I was driving home.
Wiping tears, put music on,
Man bravely was singing about winning Second World War.

The road was dark;
No cars, empty,
Me alone going home.

Yellow light from small sign of Jewish Synagogue brighten my face.
Just yellow light went in my face.
I read in a second the name,

And I heard strong loud voice:
Don’t leave your child without the mother!

All my tears, sadness disappeared.
I thought about me, being a little girl,
Kind eyes of my grandmother,
With love looking at me.

I was shocked and at the same time,
Knew, I will make it through,
I felt strong.
Cannot give up,
Because if I do, my son would give up too.

The next day I sold my four gold rings I brought from back home,
In a mall’s pond shop.
For ninety seven dollars.
It was enough to buy food and made for two weeks.
And I bought a toy for my son too.

For some reason, after, I stopped in a mall’s book store.
To look at the beautiful pictures in the magazines.
The first book I noticed, right in front of me,
Was a book about Second World War.
I think it was called
“Greatest battles of the Second World War”.

I opened it on a page about Russia.
The country I am from.

Russian women looked at me from old pictures.
It was paragraph about women during that war:
Women soldiers, nurses and mothers.

On this page,
Young mother is holding two children.
Her face… eyes, she is confused and scared.
Everything is destroyed around.
Houses, streets, all pieces of bricks and wood.
Where would they go?

Three women are pulling metal on their backs.
Digging grey, dried farm land,
Girls, probably daughters, are trying to catch up,
Throwing seeds from small newspaper bags.
Old grandma saying something.

Here a woman, army nurse,
I see bag with red cross,
All frozen, going with group of soldiers trough deep shining winter snow.

I felt like those women smiled to me
And said quietly:

You know, we made it through the war.
We made it!
We won.

You are our grand daughter!

Don’t tell us you cannot deal with the money problems.
And so what if you are raising a child on your own.

They smiled again:
New generations, new generations…
Look, we are standing strong,
Believing in God, our army, our people.
All good we can believe.
And you?!
Don’t cry any more, go home, walk on the freedom streets you got,
Be happy, just because you live without war!

And I thought, for the first time in long while
About God,
About my grandmother Ira,
Who loves me so much.
I remember her kind blue eyes telling me,
That everything is going to be great,
Just wait...
My great grand mother, great grand aunt,
Women from a small Russian village,
Who were living through the Second World War,
Who have given and showed me God.
Were teaching, long time ago,

How to be strong, funny, have optimism and hope…