The Martian story...

Martian: we don't know what it is!

Martian King: check the pockets.

Martian: 19 degrees.

Marian: when I saw part of the hill has no snow, I figured out.

You can't go fast on the grass.

Martian: even chicken, I mean, lobster can figure this out.

May be they don't like snow.

Martian: you can go faster on the big hill.

Martian: big hill full of ice.

Martian: monkeys can steal things.

Marian: following steps of their ancestors.

Marian King: our new vaccine called “sanitizer”!


New Kings..

Princess: and where is the boyfriend!?

Princess number two: he can't talk. 

The craziest thing.

Is it a problem?

Princess number two: not at all!

Did you call 911?

Princess: no, the wrong number. 

Princess number two: this why. 

Princess: it's the same thing, so stupid. 

Doctor said to show the boyfriend pictures from under the sharks.

May be he doesn't know them too.

Princess number two: in the jacket?

Princess: under supervision.

May be he starts to remember the thoughts can change. 

Diamond: how old is the bride?

New King number one: what is the difference.

Go to her, she is very friendly. 

You can call her a dog.

The priests.

Servant 1: King looks dreamingly at the sky and then someone shows up.
Servant 2: Pharaohs had million of slaves. 
Servant 1: 5 million. 
New King number one: everyone wants to work from 8 to 2.
Servant 2: picture perfect. 
New King number one: it helps, thinking like this.
Priestess: good morning young man. 
New King number one: I know.
Priestess: today we will work together. 
New King number one: I thought you said "today we are going plan something together".
Priestess: where are the history books?
New King number one: I am reading. 
Priestess: well, hurry up.
We have to read it too.
Servant 1: Pharaoh.
Servant 2: what we suppose to tell Pharaoh?
Priestess: tell Pharaoh, we have been waiting for this. 
Pharaoh (enters the room): good morning. 
Priestess: good morning love!
Pharaoh: how are you?
Priestess: very busy.
All those plates.
None of us speaks the language anymore.
Servant 1: see it says, Pharaoh, you are number one, you are number one.
Priestess: Pharaoh, you are invited to read.
May be you understand anything. 
Servant 1: we have few minutes till lunch and then we go home.
New King number one: it's not okay.
Servant 2: you do the same thing.
New King number one (whispering): 200 pieces for the pyramid!
Servant 1: I don't care, I am going home.
New King number one: lots of pieces to smooth!
Servant 2: you can take it home.
New King number one: we will bring chairs tomorrow, you can sit and smooth. 
Servant 2: great idea. 
Servant 1: you will be working by yourself. 
It's the weekend. 

The Martian story.

Martian King: if you see fingerprints, you know its people. 
Martian: you notice, people and Martians do the same thing.
Martian King: like what?
Martian: you should know by now.
We are looking at the space. 
Martian King: I thought you will tell list of stuff.
Martian: we did already. 
And you know what happened after that?
Martian: this why we are sitting here like some people. 
Martian: it's part of knowing the answers.
Martian: like you see zero, zero, zero, zero, zero, you always get the same answer.
Martian King: okay, we leave it like that.
Martian: then more you see, then more you get it.
Martian: the answers!
Flooding in the space like balloons!
Martian King (looking at the balloons): it wouldn't be right. 
One, one, one, one, one.
Martian: we have to add all those numbers. Martian King: don't try to mess it up.
Martian: may be we count the opposite way?
Martian: we can make one page where we are deleting stuff. 
Martian King: we can't,  we don't own the Internet. 

New King..

Servant 1: we can't smile in our masks. 

Only with our eyes may be.

Pharaoh: this what I am thinking about.

Servant 2: New Queen number one would smile.

Pharaoh: yes she would..

New King number one: anything new?

Servant 1: we have 13 news.

Servant 2: slaves 001 and 002 will be on the break.

Servant 1: we have to see 98 more.

Servant 2: are we getting any snacks today?

Servant 1: little refreshment?

Servant 2: 34 more dollars.

Servant 1: we never get free coffee.

New King number one: what kind of craziness are you talking about?!

What to do with the special offer?

Servant 1: leave it here.

Servant 2: switch it.

Make sure we can reach the cups.

Servant 1: we need a line.

Servant 2: I think it's okay right now.

Pharaoh: now I know who is working and who is standing like this.

Servant 1: we need house keeper.

New King number one: where are you going?

On vacation?

Servant 1: we don't want to work on lunch.

Pharaoh: why they are telling me now?

Do you work at lunch?

Servant 1: look at the time. 

Servant 2: we will tell you when we come back.

Diamond: how old is the bride?

New King number one: what is the difference. 

Go to her, she is hydrating after 9 o'clock. 

Good night.

Diamond: it's not night yet!

Pharaoh: who is this?

New King number one: Diamond.

Our archeological discovery. 

In million years we will ship him back. 

New Kings...

Servant 1: CEO is coming, are you going to clean?
New King number one: no.
Servant 2: CEO is coming and you are not going to clean?
New King number one: throw something on the floor.
Where is Diamond?
Servant 1: shaving from the morning. 
New King number one: when I think nothing will go wrong, something goes wrong. 
Now we have to rip off the roof. 
Pharaoh: Jupiter is here too.
And half the moon!
New King number one: just don't touch anything.
Pharaoh: who built it?
New King number one: "OR".
"oh, don't worry, worry, don't worry". 
They are (swears).
Pharaoh: flashing lights!
Servant 1: food delivery. 
Servant 2: bon appetit. 
Servant 1: should we shake anything?
New King number one: you can use the computer.
Pharaoh: I have no clue what's happening. 
New King number one: we are on the ship.
New Queen number one: what is that?
The stupidest ship I've seen in my life.
New King number one: never mind.
Pharaoh: let her say something. 
New Queen number one: where is it going?
New King number one: you go inside.
Servant 1: good point.
Pharaoh: where are the slaves?
New King number one: they are waiting. 
You have one.
Pharaoh: really!
Who is this?
New King number one: of course this what happened.

Fools gold.

Troll: its freezing. 
King of Fools: this what cars are for.
Troll: fire trucks? 
King of Fools: hopefully the work place.
Troll: something tells me it's not going to happen. 
King of Fools: glad you said  it.
We are installing new "superflash", 
You can chose between paper and machine,
You should try it on.
Troll: not real gold. 
King of Fools: real.
Troll: not real.
King of Fools: real!
Troll: no.
King of Fools: we bought it in the museum for fifty dollars!
The woman said, it's real gold.
Troll: no real. 
It's like you buy Lamborghini for one hundred dollars. 
After nine o'clock!
King of Fools: I thought we stopped this conversation every morning!
Troll: phone call!
King of Fools: what in the world!
Ttoll: they think you are at work. 
King of Fools: they can think what they want.
Now you spoil the surprise. 
Troll (on the phone): how much work is done?
King of Fools: zero.
Troll: okay, explain. 
King of Fools: we are following health and safety protocol.
I was plunging new "superflash" from seven in the morning!
Troll: what is superflash?
King of Fools: the washrooms.
Drink, washroom, drink, washroom, drink, washroom, drink, washroom. 
Troll: take a big roll and relax. 
King of Fools: thanks. 
Troll: what happened to the work from before?
King of Fools: it aged.
Troll: phone call!
King of Fools: essential services!
I am working from the car.
Troll: phone call!
King of Fools: mister Troll, drive me back home.
I will finish my sleep. 
Troll: what kind of phone number is that?
King of Fools: from the zoo.
Every one has hope, the government says "no".
We finally put our double glasses on!
Troll: what are doing on the weekend?
King of Fools: coming to work.
Wrong way too!
Mister Troll!
Troll: phone call!
King of Fools: essential services!
You are still here?
I told you nine o'clock!
It's time to leave building and hit the city.
At work?!
Tell them "what  a..".
The government said "less is more"!

The Martian story.

Martian: what to do with it?

In the garbage?

Martian King: this is very special car!

Martian: we have a question. 

Martian King: how come?

Martian: should we collect by mistake another car from Earth?

Martian King: one hundred percent "no".

Martian: he can't drive it.

Martian: only three pedals.

Martian: we can collect and pretend we don't remember again.

Martian King: after biting the apple, this what hurts the most. 

Martian: we really loved the ocean.

Martian: may be in five hundred years people will build something here.

Martian: some one is jealous.

Martian King: go to Venus,  they have oceans.

Martian: oceans of lava.

Martian King: same thing. 

Martian: never listen the boss.

Martian: we don't blame you a lot.

New Kings...

New Queen number one: where is my cat!

Pharaoh: you can go home earlier. 

Servant 1: oh man.

New King number one: he doesn't understand anything. 

When you work you are working. 

Servant 1: Pharaoh, cats can live many lives.

Servant 2: sir, you are a cat.

New King number one: not really. 

Servant 1: cats are more wiser. 

Servant 2: we can enroll you in our cats program. 

Servant 1: cats like to sleep on the shelves. 

New King number one: Pharaoh, this is the difference between you and a cat.

Pharaoh: show me on the computer. 

New King number one: turn on.

Servant 1: no one understands what it says.