Михаил Исаковский


В ясный полдень, на исходе лета,
Шел старик дорогой полевой;
Вырыл вишню молодую где-то
И, довольный, нес ее домой.
Он глядел веселыми глазами
На поля, на дальнюю межу
И подумал: «Дай-ка я на память
У дороги вишню посажу.
Пусть растет большая-пребольшая,
Пусть идет и вширь и в высоту
И, дорогу нашу украшая,
Каждый год купается в цвету.
Путники в тени ее прилягут,
Отдохнут в прохладе, в тишине,
И, отведав сочных, спелых ягод,
Может статься, вспомнят обо мне.
А не вспомнят — экая досада, —
Я об этом вовсе не тужу:
Не хотят — не вспоминай, не надо, —
Все равно я вишню посажу!»


King of Fools.

King of Fools: where is this flag!?

Mama Mia: over there.

Troll: you found the flag?

King of Fools: sometimes you must understand.

Fool: mister Troll, we cannot go to look for the Fools gold without our flag.

King of Fools.

King of Fools (on the phone): we are trying to be nice, hug and kiss mister Troll!

Troll (on the phone): he is a new Troll.

King of Fools: it's perfect at our location.

Mister Troll complains about absolutely nothing.

We work to avoid it.

Yes, nothing is done.

Troll: we feel you.


King of Fools.

King of Fools: it’s a big buck.

A size of a tooney.

Troll: it flies?

King of Fools: who?

It’s the Fools gold.


King of Fools.

Troll: “King of Fools” is it your real name?

King of Fools: no, my experience.

Troll: this how people call you at home?

King of Fools: when she is busy.

Troll: and when she is not busy?

King of Fools: Mister Troll, some people don't work from home.

And when she is not busy we use our control panel.

Notes on the fridge.

When its my turn to cook and wash dishes, she is watching.

She call me president in our house.


King of Fools.

Troll: why are you laughing?

King of Fools: I didn't realize it was her.

Some weird clothes she is wearing.

You should inform your man in advance, prepare him.

Troll: harassment still exists.

King of Fools: how could she forget I am going to work!

I expect her to be nicer with some neutral colors.

We surely cannot look for the Fools gold now!

With this hideous day start.

Troll: we can always change.

King of Fools: we can?

Why we never work on the fashion!?

Now its all a mess.

Its always “ok, ok, ok" in the store.

Troll: you can figure this at night at home.

King of Fools: you can't do much night.