

I am requesting the special line”.

Natalie looked at the letter she just wrote and quickly posted it on her poetry blog, before thinking and thinking and thinking about it again. She had doubts and wanted to hear someone else opinion, the opinion she would listen and take as a lead.

Only few people would understand her. For everyone else, it's a picture, a story, something weird without any meaning at all. May be poetic, may be romantic, little bit magic, but story without any sense.

From magician of level 92”, she added at the end of her message.

In the evening she looked at another website, with bunch of numbers and statistics.

Someone unknown was telling her “go a head, tell the story".

And Natalie started writing.

Few weeks ago I saw on the news a former Nazi soldier who was being greeted by our Parliament.

This, now, old man got standing ovations and was called a hero. This why it was on the news at least daily for a week. I was watching the news, and I started to think a lot about it. A lot of time. Not that I am angry or hate. No. I was thinking a lot and still do, because seeing this man brought a lot of memories about my childhood, about my grand parents, great grand parents, my old neighbors, people, movies, military parades, stories, about everyone who I used to know and who went and lived during the Second World war.

And this is the first time I see a Nazi soldier alive, real on TV.

That's not only the memories what happened many years ago.

Two years ago I was watching a parade with people carrying pictures and posters with the leader of this soldier. The one who inspired him and people like him, during the war time and after. The video was very loud, the people talking, shouting the leader's name. A lot of history, unknown history, become open at that time, two years ago. Many people were watching and talking about it, something we didn't learn in school. It was secret for many year until recently. It is all public.

The video, with leader. It had no energy. It was empty, with feeling of sadness with nothing energetic or any energy coming from it. I was watching the same video, and may be two more and it was all the same, sad, empty with no energy at all.

I am a blood line magician. The energy is the first thing magicians paying attention to.

I have seen people with different religious believes, talked about things, was asked for opinion. And always, the energy was there, I could see aura and feelings. It means, in magic, something could be done, magician would be able to help.

In the video, there's nothing could be done. At that time, I thought it was weird, and forgot about it. Until I saw this soldier.

With the soldier on the news and the video, intentionally or not, I started to think and re-think about my childhood, my youth, my grandmother.

I spent a lot of time with the old people, who I said, went to the Second World war or were living through it. Not that I am thinking about it all the time, I remember all very well.

I am a child and I am walking with my friends from the kindergarten on a big farm to our house that is close to the farm.

It is summer, bright and warm. Our great grandmothers are picking us up from the kindergarten. They stop not far from the farm, pick few flowers and walk to a house, no one lives in the house any more, there is grass all over it. And the great grandmothers leave the flowers on the old broken bench.

Who are the flowers for?- we ask.

Old woman used to live here, very old - some one says. It was the war, 1941. We were working on the farm, fifteen hours a day, may be longer. Every day. Going home, thinking only about our army, our sons, our brothers, fathers. The war was only two days away from us, and they were stopping it, not letting it to come here.

The old woman was always sitting here in warm days. She was close to one hundred.

When the war will be over? - we would ask her.

She would always reply: “Tomorrow girls. The war will be over tomorrow”.

For four years it was always tomorrow.

Girls, the war will be over tomorrow”. We had sons and husbands in the army and she called us “girls”.

And one day it was tomorrow!

The old women light up, shake a bit, smile and we all happy go home. Kids, as, we jump, run and the women would try to chase us, the sun would shine. This what how it was.

I remember our neighbor, every one called her aunt Katia. She was our grandmothers age, sixty or little bit older. One time I was watching her laughing, it was military parade day. She was Second World war veteran. And that day was wearing her military jacket with all the medals. There was a group of our neighbors, the veterans too, men. How they looked at her, with smile, admiration, warm feelings and they started to joke too. As if they were young again. I still remember her smile and how they looked and smiled with her. The feelings of that day.

... Then I hear boys laughing somewhere. Five brothers. I smile, when I think about them. I was child too, it seems so long time ago. I used to visit them may be once in a while, on the school holidays. We used to play together. And they had computer too, wanted to teach me how to play games, but I couldn't understand anything.

We are going to play hide and seek!”

The boys run away hiding in their apartment.

The youngest boy, like a small very round apple is always being picket to count and find us.

Where to hide here!?”

The only place is the room of an old woman who lives with them. She has her own room with nothing much in it. Couch, TV, shelf with books and pictures. And she always calls me to hide in her room.

The woman quickly moves heavy table cover from the table and covers me.

You will hide here, - she says, - and stay near the wall.

Then she asks me: “What do you feel, what do you see?”

I feel bricks, - I say,- very big, smooth and light color, nor white, creamy. Sand on them, soft sand, and lines. My finger is touching the line. And its day time.

We play again, with the five boys, different time.

I am running to the old woman's room again.

Hide near the wall, what do you see?”

I see dancing man and woman. They are holding something in their hands. The woman has bright, colorful long dress! They are spinning together and slowly spin away”.

One day, that family was moving. The father, looks short in the big almost empty apartment, is giving orders to people moving the furniture.

He gives me few books.

Read it, - he days. Study good.

Then I heard he was talking to the old woman: “Lets go with us mother. You will be alone here now".

No”, - the old woman replies, - I have grand daughter here".

I was worrying she would be bother me now, but she was bothering my grandmother.

As soon as the old woman found out my great grandmother and grandmother were magicians, they could heal with their hands, grass, that only she could talk about.

One evening my grandmother came home and slammed the door.

She is not going to leave me alone until I do what she wants!”

The grandmother said, noting that “she is your friend!”

The old woman wasn't really a friend, she was the grandfather's cousin. And from 1935 to 1985 they didn't see each other. The grandfather was at the Second World war, got very bad injures and some one told him, after the war, that there is an old woman, healer, who can heal. She was my great grandmother. This how he met my grandmother, her daughter. The great grandmother was a white magician and the old woman, as soon as she heard the story, was asking about the same spiritual path for me. The spiritual cleaning.

We do the spiritual cleaning, you become magician, will go to medical university after the school!” - my grandmother was loudly washing dishes and talking to herself.

It was the day for the spiritual cleaning. Bright and sunny day. We used our traditional sauna house. All the windows in the sauna house were open. At the end, the wizard, who was leading the cleaning, raised his hand and it felt like he was cutting the air. He took a big round plate, big circle and small in the middle, touched with bouquet of dry flowers. And then pored on my hair. There were few people, all of them I have never seen before.

After the spiritual cleaning, things changed. Some people I knew, from my city, I played with, I didn't want to go out any more. The books I liked, I didn't want to read. I would see the darkness in them, and didn't want to touch. My best first friend was gone too, we stopped talking, sharing anything. Untill then, we were very close. They used to live in the house with a lot of stuff, and clothes and we always used to play, dress up, make clothes for our dalls. It was a lot of fun, and after the spiritual cleaning it was all gone.

Years went by, I was sixteen years old.

The phone rang.

I didn't want to pick up the phone, but inner voice said “pick up the phone". I answered. A woman with soft friendly voice asked little surprised “Can I talk to your grandmother?” I told that he my grandmother wasn't home. The woman thanked me and disconnected.

I was still holding the phone in my hand and looked at the mirror near the phone. For a second I looked at myself. And I was looking different, beautiful, strong, confident. First time I thought of my self as beautiful, strong and confident.

Part 2.

The phone rang again. This time my grandmother was at home. She answered the phone, standing quiet for a second, - No, we cannot – she said. You need three magicians. It is dangerous. Something like this was done, more then fifty years ago and not by me. I will not be able hold it alone.

The witch. It was her calling on the phone. They wanted my grandmother to do something for them, as a magician.

The conversation was going on and on, people on another line probably didn't want to agree. I felt some sadness in the room and on the phone line, the memories about the past, people who were gone. The grandmother was still talking, she made few jokes, but didn't really laugh.

It is sad, but I don't understand how I can help you. It is not safe for both of us, you do you part, and I cannot do mine. See, if you can find someone else.”

The grandmother asked about the witch who she was asked to help. I call her like this, she was probably dark magician, but we call her, how I thought of her.

We we went to see her. I was sitting outside. Warm weather, flowers, a goat was eating grass. It was her goat and he was waiting too. The goat stopped eating the grass few minute before my grandmother would go outside of the building, stood on the step as if he wanted to day something.

Her organs are failing, - my grandmother said to herself, worrying about something, quietly looking in front.

In a few days, an unknown old woman stopped at the house.

I can be the second magician, - she said.

The witch was from her army division, she called her “my comrade”, and they went to the Second World war together.

In the evening, her, and the grandmother, were sitting at the table, in our living room, talking and thinking. The conversation was about the same thing. The grandmother did not want to agree.

Not enough people, - my grandmother was repeating the same thing.

And then, I was already thinking about it, the ritual that might take place, I got exited.

I will do it, - I said. I was thinking about myself looking at the mirror. I am cleaned magician, and I can do it.

Grandmother didn't agree.

Learn your school first, - she was pushing me plate with the dinner.

Then, it was no other choice, there were no one else to find. And they agreed to help the witch.

In about a week me, my grandmother and the old woman were going to take part in the almost unknown ritual.

My grandmother and the old woman knew Latin, not a lot, I was watching my grandmother repeating unknown words. She was not nervous.

It okay, we do what we have to, - they both smiled.

It had sentimental value. The war united them, united dark and white magicians. Many went to the war together, fighting together for the victory, they were both people, citizens of the same country that did not stand on the knees. Many did not come back, and it was for them too.

It was early morning, a car signaled near our house. It was time to get ready. I was dressed in the bright light clothes. My hair blond. I was all in white pretty much.

Grandmother was wearing clothes she was wearing to work, it was pretty, spring flower colors.

The old woman was waiting at the car. She was wearing old military uniform with medals, a lot of medals. It was kind of funny, old woman in military uniform, she was skinny, and felt like she came from the battle, if you don't look at her face, from the back, you would think, you see young person. And she had small military hat too.

We were quite in the car. I know, my grandmother was repeating the words.

The house was nice, sweet and soft. The atmosphere was sunny, open window, old style furniture. It was so relaxing, you want to open all the windows and sleep in it. There were houses a bit further, but this one was the last one close to some open land.

The ritual had two parts, give back own soul to an old witch and lead to the light dark souls who gave their life fighting at this war.

And there was another group, the witches, this how I called them, even though, again, they probably were not witches. They were somewhere far, at the same ritual, finding those souls and bringing where the white side can get them and take to the light.

We stood on the knees, and the first magician started a prayer. My grandmother. First, it was in Latin language. I did not understand. I was listening, repeating some words. You have to repeat the same, and kind of go in the trans, the words bring to the trans mind, like you are in the sleep, but you can see everything. I was bending slowly up and down. After a while you start to hear singing. The witches were singing. Somewhere war, in Latin language too. I could hear the singing, the intonation.

At first it was brown chocolate color, I could see it like a dream. Then some kind of vibration, from the floor. And singing, louder and louder, like wind and thunder, like warm and cold weather changing each other.

The witches opened the portals. I heard about it before, but here, I started to panic. I really freaked out, ready to open eyes and leave the ritual which magicians are not allowed to do. After the agreement, they have to stay until everything is completed. I knew I couldn't stay. The chocolate cloud started to move, I could see some things in it, moving, almost like faces, shapes.

All I wanted, is to open my eyes, and ran, like from bad dream. I was feeling that something was breathing and choking. In a minute I would open my eyes. Then, a face came from nowhere, and looked at me. Watery eyes, they blinked, soft, feeling strong and calm, wondering. I felt security in it, calmness, even he was staring at me with some question ion mind. Someone is here and willing to go through the ritual too. This how it felt.

After, the first thing she saw, in the dream, was a big garden, lands, big open place, day time, green trees, green leaves, grass.

A dog was running, very friendly, he was playing, running around like playing with the wind.

Black small cloud appeared, it had spikes going in different ways, the cloud was kind of spinning in different directions. White cloud came from somewhere. They started to “play” together, spinning, like dancing. Playing and dancing changing their shapes.

Then Natalie saw big man, very light, with white beard, his face was on the sun, she couldn't see it. The man was at what would look like bunny's hole, something where small animal live. At the same time, two small white animals, with white pompons on there heads, left that little house. They were friendly and happy. Black and white cloud were playing again, until the black cloud left. And everything became bright and sunny.

It was shiny, then something started to fall from the sky. Train sounds, stopping train. And flying plane. The plane was dropping bombs on the train. A short young woman in green skirt and blouse, was running from one cart to another and opening doors. She jumped in one, and soon few horses jumped outside from the same cart. The horses were confused, didn't know what to do, jumping and standing on two legs near the burning train. It was chaos. Someone started to scream very loud: “Get out, everyone get out! Run from the train!” Someone else was opening the doors and going inside. And few more brown horses were running away, can see their long hair far away. The short woman was a witch. I could feel it. At the end some one grabbed her::”Get out, get out!” . “The horses, the horses!” - she would only repeat. And it all turned orange.

Next, first time I looked at the Nazi soldier. He was different, dressed and looked different, not only the clothes. He was cold. Our soldiers had warm energy. And he hungry. He was eating, non stop, rushing, coughing, leaking the spoon, the small pot. A woman in white jacket, probably the cook, was watching him, thinking a lot. There were another people, every one was watching quietly. Then one of the men, stood up, they were sitting on the ground, polled the pot from the soldier and said “Enough eating”.

After I saw trees, it was forest, between autumn and winter, there were not much leaves, some berries on the trees. It was deep forest, the sky was blue far up.

A young woman was walking, pushing grass and branches of the short trees. She was wearing warm pants, and the same type of jacket. Dressed how farmers used to dress at early 1940th.

She was the witch whose soul we had to bring back. Here, she was young, that what I noticed mostly.

With the almost men's clothes she was wearing, I could see her beautiful young face.

It was a long road, she was on the grass and looking up. It was night and many stars on the sky. Then she got up and started to walk again, and then it was night again, she was sleeping. I was like following her.

Then there was an empty village, there were no one, only few things left, wood, something else thrown on the sides of the road where she was walking.

She walked to one of houses and knocked in the window. An old woman opened the door and started to talk. The woman said: “Germans are in the another village already, they will be here in the morning.” “What to do, what to do?” Going on and on about the same thing. Then she opened small door in the kitchen floor. “Get out", she told to someone. There were a woman holding a baby and two men. The old woman said that they didn't have time to evacuate with everyone else, the woman was having the baby at that time. And then she told those people: “ This girl will get you out”. The mother asked if this girl, who will walk them out, if she can carry the baby. The witch took the baby and they started to walk back in the forest. It was long walk too. Until someone was meeting them on the territory that Nazi did not occupy yet. It was man waiting on the carriage with a horse.

I hear women singing somewhere, they are louder. It’s a guide I have to follow and focus on.

I see two women standing in front of what's left from houses, everything is burned and destroyed. They are watching a woman mixing water in the pot in front of her, tiny smoke is coming from few stones. The water is dirty, there are potato shells in the water, roots, pieces of beets.

Eat girls, eat." she says, offering metal rusty cup.

They eat it, writing something in small note book, with tiny pencil.

Then everything bright up. I am looking at the bug on someone's hand. Very bright energy.  A young girl, may be seventeen years old, thin in pretty summer dress is studying this bug. She put her hand up and looking at the bug through the sun.

Germans!” someone screams very loud that I almost wake up from the dream.

And I feel someone is sliding on the hill down, the sound of the grass.

Get out who else is here!” man’s voice.

There's no one else. I am here alone" woman's voice replies.

And sound of metal.

The light shines, and the girl who was looking at the bug few minutes ago is walking up to the hill.

Then I see a room. Big room, a German officer is talking to a woman.  He is very clean, sense of the clean skin, cologne, well shaved, smooth skin. He is may be in his mid thirties, golden lines on his suit. He is looking at this woman. There's someone else in the room, sitting on the table and writing.

And old man comes in the room, he has something in his hands, may be food, or wood, he is looking too.

Then he says: “ She is a witch. They are partisans".

The word “witch” is translated, it sounds weird.

The officer close to the woman asks “Witch?!” and laughs. At the same second the woman spits in his face and he hits her in the nose. There's blood on her face. Then he grabs her pushes outside of the room and yells in German. The woman is being pushed to the dark room.

In a dark room the second woman is on the floor, some blankets, she is lying down. Then the woman who got hit in the face “the witch" helps her get up, hugs her and takes her hand. They are both beaten, the bruises and dirt on their clothes and faces.

We will run away”. The witch takes hand of the second woman and scratches her hand with something sharp, Her hands are dirty and shaking. She cuts her own hand. And she rubs their cut hands together.

The first woman almost falls on the floor.

The witch goes to one of the corners and starts to write with that cut hand on it, unknown words. She starts to sing.

And her singing is matching and going together with the singing I hear at this ritual. The witch from the past and the witches from present are almost singing together.

Everything stops, the air, the time, everything, its unusual silence. Then witch walks to the woman on the floor, she helps her to get up, “lets go” she says and they leave the room.

No one sees them, everything stopped.

I hear them running, sounds of grass, mud and steps from barefoot. I hear word “Ours!”

Then I see a woman, different strong energy, the witch. She doesn't feel like young anymore, strong heavy energy. She is locking her house door, dressed in green military uniform. Short hair, black up to her shoulders. She has green military green pack.

Then I see an old woman, dressed all in black with a stick stepping over the door. She looks scary, angry. And the woman, the witch, behind her, she has two medals her shirt, in military uniform. That old man who told the Nazis she was witch and partisan, is sitting on the table and eating. He sees them and trying to get up, but some power is pushing him down. The old woman is watching.

Then everything starts to change. I hear singing and talking very loud. Black and white lines are changing each other, all I see its black and white lines in front of me. And light, the shining sun light everywhere.

I see a girl and a boy talking to each other. She is on the swings, he is standing near her, they are talking and laughing.

And clear blue sky. Big figure in form of a dark cloud comes up from the bottom. This is old man. Warlock. He is wearing winter coat, its big, this why he looks big too. Almost like walking but it’s a cloud.

I see him at the Second World war. He is in his house, small room, table right near the bed he is sitting on. He is reading. A man in white winter coat opens the door and walk in.

Helping the partisans!? - the man in white coat says.

Lets go, - he says again and grabs winter coat from the fire place in the room. There are eyes watching, the children, they were under the coat.

Few men are waiting outside. They push the warlock somewhere.

The warlock stops, he says: “Sons”. Then darkness and light, the shining stars.

The witches are singing louder and quietly, almost stopping, and go on.

Trough the singing woman says twice loud in Russian language: “Anechka get out". Says it with love in the voice, kind. She knew her.

I see group of children,  walking in pairs, walking near Nazi soldiers.  There are only Nazi soldiers and the children who are walking to one store house. A young woman is with them, probably their teacher, she tells the children to be careful and walk in line.

On of the little girls looking at the soldier standing near by, she is looking at him like a girl who looks at the boy that did something wrong. The soldier is cold, no emotions, not looking at the children or their young teacher. They all walked in this house.

And I see a woman running on the road, dusty, she is wearing blouse, skirt and black wide scarf, trying not let it to fly. Another soldier is locking that house with thick long piece of wood. The woman runs to him and showing to open the door, she is pointing at the door and pointing to let her in. The soldier moves the wood and let her in. Then few soldiers spill something on the house and something flashes.

Blue sky again, a woman walks from somewhere underneath, her face is burned, bubbles. She has this black scarf on her, a cloud and in the middle the dark cloud, the scarf, falls  from her shoulders. And she is going up to the bright sky, up and disappears too.

The light again. The singing stops.

We go outside.  A woman approaches us. One of the singing witches. She is wearing gloves. First time I see this kind of woman. She is rich, strong energy of money and wealth. Her look, her clothes, everything. She smiles and shakes my hand. Not hi or anything, only touching.”

A little message again “Watch the video”.

I watch the video again. I don't see the old man any more. I see young man, young soldier.

Young men, shirtless, are laughing outside, they are taking shower, not really shower really, when men wash the face and don't wear sweater or t-shirt,  like in old farm days. It is old days, more then 75 years ago.

The men are talking about women. I hear someone say “will became good wife". They are laughing and talking. I hear sounds of the splashing water, there are some snow behind on the grass, but must be warm, spring. The trees are somewhere, not a lot, its open land. One of the men is washing his face. His skin is young, body of the young man who eats well and may be is spoiled with healthy food. The skin is light pink from water and cold,  no hair on the chest. I think  “light skin" and there's an echo “holly skin". Its sounds like the same word. The men are young and happy.

Soon, I see a man looking at the window, he looks from the blinds, opens it a bit. There is fire, smoke coming. He closes the blinds and goes to bed.

I hear dogs barking, pulling through the trees. People who are holding the dogs, couldn't handle it. The dogs are exited, they going after someone. The men are moving the tree branches, and I hear dogs barking and feel people sweat and fear. There are men, wearing pants and shirts, and soldiers telling them to stand up. The men are standing up.

Then I see a Nazi soldier, scared, sitting on the rock. He is white, his face pale and he is scared. He is holding the long gun, almost hugging it. And then a black jello cloud coming to him. Everything is bright around the soldier, he was innocent, it was his first fight. but there's a dark cloud that speeds up. The atmosphere started to darken.

There are magic that might be used.

In a while, I see a clouds that look like two shaking hand, one light, one dark. In my vision, a woman smiles, she breaks piece of bread she is holding and offers a half. It looks like a small shadow on my hand, and it moves on the side. Some one calls this woman, she waves back as if she says “don't bother”, smiles again and disappears.

After, first thing, I see in the dream, like in that old trans, big garden, land, big open place, day time, green trees, green leaves, grass. A dog is running, very friendly, he is playing, running around like playing with the wind. Then black small cloud appears, it has spikes going in different ways, the cloud is kind of spinning in different directions. Then the white cloud comes from somewhere. They start to play together, spinning, like dancing, and disappear.

Warlock, is the main character. He is about 50 years old, slim, something wrong with his hand. He was in the war battle. I see him under the rain, in military uniform, wet, giving the orders.

Now, he is talking to mail man, the young friendly man on the bike. The mail man is giving warlock newspaper, its rolled, has short name, may be blue ink on the title.

Time probably after the war or this place had never been war zone. Clean air, freshness in it, which cannot be at the war. There are hills with a lot of green trees. They are standing on the road that goes down a hill too.

Then the warlock goes to his house. The house is white, one floor, a bit a way from the road, has gate, no dog. Open space, few trees and the house. Inside is clean, bright, its day time. Very clean house. On the table white piece of paper and two small yellow balls on it, shady yellow. There is a book on the table, not very big. The book is opened almost at the middle. I see the warlock is sitting and reading it. He is thinking once in a while, closes his eyes, and opens again and keeps reading until its fark outside.

There's a woman, in plum clothes, long skirt. She is cooking on the fire place in the house. The warlock is watching her and they eat together.

People on the carriage come to the house, an older woman and old man, dressed like a farmer. The woman gives something in the clothes, tighten in the small ball , and she has tears in her eyes. The warlock hugs her and they go to his house.

The ritual.

Door opens, grey wooden door in the wooden house, the wood is grey every where, may be from the moister. I see big empty room. Its not not very dark or bright. Its cool inside. It has small window and there are trees further.

The warlock looks back. He is walking on the road. He feels like someone follows him, shadow appears like walking by. The warlock looks back, but there's no one.

He stands in the room, he is thin and tall or the room is big, his face feels different, white and purple colors on the skin, something is different with his look this time.

He is wearing black velvet robe.

Table in front of him, newspaper on it, one page with a picture. The picture of a man sitting little bit sideways and smiling. The man has both hands on the legs, like a leader who is very proud of himself.

There are people, not sure if in the same room. I see them standing. Voice starts to read, names, the victims. The voice says what happened to them. Its not adult voice, but loud, how children read important news on the school meeting. 

Reading names, reading, papers flip, they fall on the floor. Many names.

A woman, in the room, is biting her lips, hard, trying not to cry loud, tear poring from her eyes. There are men too, they are holding tears. Pictures of people comes to their mind.

There are a child on the floor near the house door, smiling. There are men cutting rye on the farm, girls running home from school and throwing their school bags on the ground, some one else.

The warlock is standing in the room. He is alone. Behind him drops of blood, and water drops right near it. Foggy. The voice keeps reading the names again and again, very loud. The warlock finally screams: "They are all dead!" and angrily spits on the newspaper, on the man picture. After, you can't see or hear much, it is forbidden dark ritual.

A black furry animal jumps from the warlock and starts to run. Its running in the darkness to something light. The light cloud. Thousands of lights falling on this animal, but he keeps running. He runs and runs, trying to move from those light arrows. The light cloud runs from the animal, from the warlock, The warlock is reading words, somewhere you cannot see. Thousands of lights are falling, burning the animal fur. Far a way, behind the animal, people stand up, white shadows of them, may be hundred, they are all bright, and whisper together "See it, see it".

Then the light cloud start to stretch, there is picture of the man from the newspaper, it starts to stretch. The animal jumps on this cloud and everything turns dark.

After the ritual, the warlock could see in front of him, with closed eyes, was black black rectangle,  on something lighter black, like a movie film. Then he looked at the picture on the newspaper, it was sky in red clouds, how it looks in thunder and he heard sounds of the gunfire. After, the woman in long skirt was whipping the floor. One of the men, who was in the ritual, got at the house, his or some else. There was a woman crying on the bed with few white pillows on on another, in skirt with aprons, black boots.. The men sat on the stool, sad, and was looking on his hands.