My Grandmother Ira memories about Second World War - Part 4

The same night my uncles Dmitry, Ivan and Petr came to say good bye to us. The next day, June 23, 1941 they were leaving the village to join the military training and then join the acting Soviet army.

In the morning two of my uncles had to go for registration and have their small bag (with some food and clothes) ready.

All the men were told that they would leave the village immediately for military training.

We had simple dinner together, and my uncles hugged my brother and me and told me to grow big. 
They left at midnight.

My brother told me secretly that he would go to army too.

In the morning my father and my brother went to register in the army.

The place where the registration was full of people, everyone from our village came, even very old people, everyone wanted to join the army.

My uncles already signed up and were waiting for the truck to go to the train station.

My mother’s brother Dmitry (uncle Mitia) went to the war in June 1941.

My father’s brothers Ivan and Petr (uncle Vania and uncle Petia) went in June 1941.

My father was signed for the forest army division.

My brother Sasha was too young to go to the army, he was not 18 years old yet.

All young men from 18 to 35 years old were taken for military training. Only older men joined the labor military divisions.

Many young women wanted to go too, but only women with medical degree or any technical degree were allowed to join the army.