The witches kiss

One time my girlfriend Anna asked me to go and see a puppy. Anna always wanted to have a dog and now she found someone who would give away a dog for free.

We found this person's house and ring the bell. An old drunk man opened the door. It took a few minutes for him to understand what we want. Then he let us into the house.

Everything was messy. When Anna was playing with the puppy I looked around. Then I noticed a passport on the floor.

I picked it up and wanted to give to the man. I thought he lost it. Automatically I opened the passport and looked at the picture.

It was a picture of very handsome man. When I gave the passport to the puppy owner I asked who was on the picture. The man started to laugh and then told that the picture was his.

“I tell you the story, believe or not, but its a true”, the man said.

“When I was young, I had a lot of girlfriends. They loved me and I loved them.

One time we had a party and I noticed a beautiful woman standing near the window. It was strange, but I thought I had seen her somewhere else.

The woman looked at me and smiled.

Her eyes were like two fires, sparkling at the dark.

“Hi,” she said. I stepped very close to her, almost wanted to kiss her red lips. 

“I don't know if you are my type”, the woman moved a little bit from me.

“I can prove you, I am”, I said bravely.

The next few weeks were crazy. We went to so many places together and everywhere she asked me to still something or do something bad.

I was beaten a few times. But nothing could turn me away from her. The woman, Lika, was her name had some kind of power over me.

One night we were in the bed together. I feel a sleep.

When I woke up I saw Lika was smoking. I was watching her until she realized that.

Lika smiled and looked at me, then she smiled again, but her eyes were just weird, cold and angry, even she had a smiley face.

“Now you are mine”, her voice was dry like voice of an old woman. Lika kissed me and when I open my eyes I saw an old woman sitting next to me.

After that everything was like one bad dream. I did a lot of bad things and every time I would hear Lika’s voice, telling me:”Do it, now you are mine”.