Russian nurse

1941, Second World War,
Young Russian nurse dancing
On a mobile hospital floor.
Green uniform, medal and smile.
Like nothing to worry,
Nothing to cry.

Everyone’s laughing, no sirens.
Old doctor quietly said:
Now I know,
We always will win.
For girls like this we will stay until the end.
We will stay until the end.

The first winter battle,
Fire and ice,
Bombs, flying grenades, fast dirty tanks.
No time to worry,
No time to cry.
Go under fire,
Save life after life.
Red captain, can’t see the face,
Looked at her eyes and
Wiped all burned hands:
For girls like this
We will stay until the end.
We will stay until the end.

1945, near Berlin,
Surrounded house,
Only one our soldier,
Out of hundred survived.
He gives the nurse gun:
Girl, you can ran,
Beg them, believe,
You are young, you have to live.
Leave me here,
I don’t think I’ll make it anyway.
Take the gun, do what I say.

What the nurse said,
How she smiled:
I am not leaving you,
The war will end.
And we,
We will stay until the end,
We will stay until the end.

The Special day

I worked at a bank for about a year.
New employee like everywhere,
Do what you told, smiling and “please”,
Hoping to get one dollar raise.

Nothing special, except one day
I will never forget.

Salary time, far in suburbs,
Once a month like a big bank curse.
Criminal region, dark and insane.
Everyone like:
We have a new employee to train!
Looking at me:
Go suburbs, it is okay,
You are young, you can walk all day.
No bases, two hours way,
But lots of stars will shine again.
No cell phone, you’ll be fine.
Horoscope promises no crime.

I worked all,
Tons of complains, smile anyway,
Thinking only when are they all go home.

Finely, finely the day is over.
And I have all night to get home.

Alone, no light, no bases, not taxi.
Craziest time.
No, there is the moon, like a mercy.
If I did something wrong,
It will be forgotten now for all.

At the end nowhere, just me and the stars.
Then something pushed me at the back very hard.
I flew or jumped, have no idea.
All I thought, will I see my mama, my dear.

When I landed, speaking that way, shaking, had a biggest sky pray.
Went home, woke up earlier the very next day.
Took taxi to see that place, paid half of my salary for that mysterious trip.

What I looked at, surprised me or shocked me,
What better to say.
Place where I flew, jumped, anyway.
There was a big hole on the road,
Full of junk, garbage, wood, railway road,
It can fit even a tank, a big one.

I wrote a huge complain,
Made sure it’s fixed, no place should have this crappy road.

Always in my mind,

I am thankful for that special fly. 

Русские женщины - мои стихи

Сегодня подумала,
Даже не знаю:
Я русская женщина
Любимая мама.
Бывает без денег,
В платье поношенном,
Я жизнью любой
Совсем не испорчена.
Может такие мы – 
Русские женщины.

My story - a few thoughts

Long time ago,
Lets say that way,
I wanted to be a cop 
And I went good way,
College, university,
Papa had few friends.
I had got uniform,
Tight blue pants.
Went fr a ride
To see my friends.
Someone screamed,
"The girls are fighting!
Those (nice word) girls
Were so exited,
Knifes, blades everywhere,
I asked my self,
What I am doing right here.
Well, I completely freaked out.
Instead of calling for help,
I called my mama... 

Getto girls - just a few thoughts for me

I am living in the getto.
I had no idea
Until it was shouting
And police right here.
"What to expect,
It is getto mam".
It is the first place
It's real.
And the people nice to me.
I get smiles,
I get support from all the getto girls.
They call me "sis".
Boys call "miss"
Whats up sista,
Lets go for run.
We getta girls should take care each one.
Every morning:
"Lets go for run,
Lets go for a run".

Spring jogging

I had my first spring jogging!!!!!!!!

And there is lots of love in the air!!!!!!!!!

Have an amazing day!!!!!!!!!!

My King - a few thoughts for my new poem

Then he said
He was just leaving.
May be I'll be more forgiving.
May be he is a bad father,
May be I should talk my mother.
I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

Two years without money,
Cause "money is not everything"
I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

When people asked me
Why you wear the same clothes,
Why I sold my gold ring,
I smiled:
I have my son,
I have my King.

Only once I stood near the fire line.
The God wiped my tears softly
And smiled:
You have your son,
You have your King!

Hand made stuff (done by me)

My Water lily

You are my secret - my poem

You are the star!
And stars you wear every day
On uniform will say the same.

Who you belong?

Your country that uses you
And orders fight?
"We pay you salary,
All right!"

Another woman,
Who doesn't care any more?
"Just leave me please alone,
I have a lover, astma and migrene!"

No, you belong to me!
A stranger 
From a very far.

I love, because I've met you,
I know who you really are.
I see what gentleman you are,
What kind of man you trully are!
You are my secret dream.
I love from very far.

Baby stuff by me

My hand made (by me) Russian stuff

The butterflies

My Russia - slideshow

А вьюга шумит ночами - мои стихи

А вьюга шумит ночами,
Белеют дороги мои.
Как жаль кого мы любили
Не встретитить уже на пути.
Снегами их судьбы заносит,
Уносит с метелями в даль.
А сердце лишь верности просит,
Храня лиц любимых печать.

(Ирина Муравлёва)

А мне мама, а мне мама говорит

А мне мама, а мне мама говорит:
Ты красиво одевайся,
За собой седить старайся,
Спортом больше занимайся,
Да пораньше просыпайся,
И по-чаще улыбайся,
Будь любима,
Будь счастлива,
Будь добра и справедлива,
Будь приятна, аккуратна,
Жизнь ведь так невероятна!

My Grandmother's memories about the Second World War - pictures

My Grandmother's memories about the Second World War - pictures