Happy Mondays

In senior kindergarten I was living with my grandparents, aunt and great grand mother.
Every Monday was the same, a bit insane.
I was up most of Sunday night, was allowed to watch TV, at least asking nothing and quiet.
And on Monday the getting ready on time part would begin.
I was half a sleep, half awake,
My grandmother half mad would dress me as fast as she can.
My great grandmother would made me strange traditional baby food, half would go in my mouth, half in my nose.
My aunt would read half from a book how to raise a child right and half from a book how to get married very fast to get out from parents house.
My grandfather who used to work somethimes days, sometimes nights would push my clothes in a small backpack.
Then we would run to the bus, it was gone as usual.
And my grandmother had to call an ambulance to drive me to my daycare.
She had a story about an important meeting,
It was really dressing up to look nice.
Most of the time I got a ride.
When we were running to the bus, or when my grandmother was dressing me up,
She would always say:
Monday, new day, fresh start, next Monday we will be ready on time... May be..