New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
New King number one: New Kings are in jail for a few days.
Princess: for what!
New King number one: for many bad things,
Will give them valuable lesson.
I would go too, but it won't help, will not waste expensive space, save for the needy.
Princess number two: can we visit?
New King number one: can go every night.
Ladies are welcome but only with children, money and food.
They are only one who can be trusted in this mistrusted world.
Princess number two: how you can teach a grown.. man in few days if I cant with all my beauty?
New King number one: lots of food, strip and karaoke bars 24\7, lots of weed, wine, tv and mudic, with our guards watching endlessly.
Do what you want!
Those things better do at home.
Princess: you are telling us scary story!
New King number one: sign something for my wife.
Princess: my nude picture?
New King number one: sure.
If you have underwear you are not naked,
My wife told me that.
She is not working, making money online.
Great six is the most popular look and junior kindergarten.
Princess: this is last time I am wearing this crown with bells.

Princess: New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King
Handsome and charming.
Princess: they put picture of pumpkin on page and wrote it's you.
Princess number two: it was me.
Princess: pumpkin?
Princess number two: is it a problem?
Princess: for 5 dollars!?
H..l no.
Princess number two: too bad you cant buy Hell.
I would buy and give it to you as a secret gift.
I bet you would open it and don't tell anyone.
And after push it to New King number four, the one you dreaming about.
Princess: really!
And where is the boyfriend!
Princess number two: let me have a good look at the darkest neighborhoods.
He works on a factory where they make weed,
Today is his day off, probably selling the expired stuff, instead of throwing it in the garbage, factory gives it to employees.
I am chopping it myself sometimes, huge bag.
Look at my new ring, its from that.

New Kings are breaking in
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Princess number two: I was watching new concert on TV,
Sad and old, old and sad.
Princess: Pigs year is coming,
May be its glimpse on it.
Princess number two: look at those cute pigs.
Princess: I bet they are for dinner.
Look at this pig, in pink, its a man!
Princess number two: it's my boyfriend.
Princess: look how he is leaning on another pig!
Princess number two: to make me jealous.
See, he is giving me all kind of looks.
Princess: really!
He is having a good one.
Princess number two: and where is the boyfriend!
Princess: I have to locate him first.
This morning he bought pig, horse, cow, disconnected his cable..
Princess number two: disconnected cable!
Princess: and run away.

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Princess number two: I saw picture of a man in magazine and they wrote it you.
Princess: it was me.
Princess: is it a problem?
Princess number two: not at all!
Princess: actually two men were in the picture.
Me and my boyfriend.
He was behind my back.
He is a midget.
Princess number two: I am wondering what New Kings are doing?
Princess: they are fighting.
Princess number two: who is going to win?
Princess: they have loaded guns,
Whoever will have a chance to step first.
Princess number two: I bet one ten dollars on King number one.
That's all I have.
Princess: I bet one hundred dollars on King number two.
(both making phone calls)

New Kings are break in
And there is magnificent Old King
Handsome and charming.
Princess: I am performing tomorrow with new rock on my finger.
It's literally "the rock".
Princess number two: I would watch only if its free on TV,
If I have time in my busy life.. new manicure.
I am watching baboon in the zoo tomorrow,
Will learn new moves.
And I have engagement ring, much compare to your rock.
Princess: and where is the boyfriend?!
Princess number two: he is underground.
Princess: oh my Goodness!
Princess: singing in the basement, he is underground singer.
Locks himself in the underground and sings songs.
Princess: wow..
Author: I find myself enjoying young people only.
Wizard: I watch tv all day in hopes not miss  anything.
It's in the gym

New Kings are breaking in
And there is magnificent Old King
Handsome and charming.
Princess: I was choking looking at your new figure.
You should work for security,
Everyone will walk away.
Princess number two: I was choking when your boyfriend had saliva all over his face enjoying my physical updates.
Princess: he was probably looking at your blue butt.
Princess number two: those are kisses.
Princess: more looks like some kind of animal put his lips on after having a smoke.
Princess number two: and where is the boyfriend!
Princess: he is sleeping.. tired from kisses too!
Started kissing me on Tuesday, finished yesterday.
One week.
I am all in strawberry, vodka, beer and martini, his favourite flavours.
Princess number two: is he still sleeping?
Princess: blue too, I think kisses are contagious.
Princess number two: I wonder where are New Kings?
Probably we will find out from news,
I wonder if they are up to something?
Princess: knowing New Kings we shouldn't expect anything good.