just one smile :)

for you


Today I am having a wonderful day
Was up all night, moving to a new apartment
My son decided what he wants to do with his life
At four, besides getting married,
After watching Cinderella and Frozen...
I told him: Go!
He wants to learn karate and go to dance school.
Was watching Karate Kid himself five times,
This how he decided...
We found everything and new apartment right near it, the same day ...

Good morning :)

And I am having wonderful time :)
Smile :)

With my friend God ...

... People stop in our house,
Pushing envelopes, food to my great grand mother,
My grand great aunt,  she could bless,
Same in grandmother doctor's office years later.
His how I remember.
We cannot take anything,
I see smiling face, my great grand mother:
Go home, live long, be strong,
That's all we can ask for,
God is giving us, hundred times more,
Will help everyone who will walk behind.
That's much more.
Any place we went, was the same.
I have seen houses, places, clothes
Unimaginable for communist culture,
Got my own style, even now I am keeping it.
And you know what
I have found one city on the earth
That reminds me my old city, old home.
I felt I went back years and years ago.
Didn't have money for the bus,
Some men in dirty clothes,  going from work paid for me,
Everyone tried to help, don't stay here, go here.
Thought like I was walking near my old home...

Good morning :)

Smile :)

little bit of spring

Smile :)

Smile :)

With my friend God. ..

Every year, May 9, was special.
Only one day my great grand mother used to dress up
In her best clothes.
Big dinner, food, old ladies dressed up.
Fifteen glasses with bread on top,
For people who didn't come back.
After quiet minute I hear same story:
Do you know how many times we thought of giving up, but we didn't.
I was a nurse, great aunt wiping her eyes:
Boys,  boys, eighteen years old felt sorry for us,
Frozen, gave us last pieces of bread.
Enough,  enough,  no tears,
Another lady.
My great grand mother smiles,
I see her bright like water blue eyes
With love looking at me:
My first great grand daughter!
Every one is looking at me,
Hugging starting, calm voices:
Bless you baby, bless you baby.
I stop near every one for a hug...

With my friend God. ..

My parents studied in medical university,
Was first year, six more to go.
And from week one until I was seven,  going to school,
I was living with grandparents and great grandma.
Old ladies were always in our house,
Watching us, little kids,
Parents studying,  grandparents working.
Once in a while we went were they lived,
I've seen them praying:
Shh, shh, they are talking to God!
On May 9, every year, Victory Day,
Green old uniforms and medals,
Many, I cannot even count ...

Good morning :)

Just one smile :)

With my friend God. ..

I used to be like many women in the world
Just happy with the little I got.
I followed my mothers steps
When being free had no sense.
Waking up mad,
Thinking what else I forget.
Breakfast,  lunch, summer, dinner
And I am at the middle.
Jealous women, gossip in work review,
What else?
Cannot pick up kid on time from school,  but..
I was only one who got raise twice a year,
Because... something was shining,
People followed me

With my friend God....

People used to stop in our house all the time,
Mostly from very far, dirty clothes, smell:
Is there is chance?
All they could only say.
Looking in my great grand mother's eyes:
We heard you can help,
Is there is a chance?
I knew, even I was small,
Something wrong was going on.
No one told me to get out,
I was looking what they were doing.
My great grand daughter...
People looking now at me.
I want her to learn.
Great grand mother' voice calm.
I knew that everything will be fine.
She sits down, touching strangers hands:
Everything will be fine...

just one smile :)


Smile :)

Good morning :)


Happy Valentine's Day

All I want for Valentine's Day:
People I love
Have love, health, happiness, laugh, long life.
That's all:)
Smile :)


Good night :)

first spring flowers "Snowdrops"

Good morning :)

Catching up,
Spring is coming, my crazy time.
For some reason I always work extremely hard at spring. 
No breaks, no ten lunches.
Only few exercises in public place.
And I go to gym too,
What else go to bed at 1 wake up at 4.
I am nice, gave few gifts, smiled, listen with open eyes.

just one smile :)