With my friend God ...

... People stop in our house,
Pushing envelopes, food to my great grand mother,
My grand great aunt,  she could bless,
Same in grandmother doctor's office years later.
His how I remember.
We cannot take anything,
I see smiling face, my great grand mother:
Go home, live long, be strong,
That's all we can ask for,
God is giving us, hundred times more,
Will help everyone who will walk behind.
That's much more.
Any place we went, was the same.
I have seen houses, places, clothes
Unimaginable for communist culture,
Got my own style, even now I am keeping it.
And you know what
I have found one city on the earth
That reminds me my old city, old home.
I felt I went back years and years ago.
Didn't have money for the bus,
Some men in dirty clothes,  going from work paid for me,
Everyone tried to help, don't stay here, go here.
Thought like I was walking near my old home...