
If any one will ask 
How was my day,
I tell ...beautiful. .
Skipping doing homework with J,
For grade one,
That's his teacher job now.
Thank you, thank you..
I was so sleepy,
At lunch I had almost an hour and a half nap,
In stead of thirty minutes lunch,
And no one woke me up,
Sleep how much you want, it's not my first time..
Then I called my aunt from work,
Her phone is finally working,
I have to fix mine. 
She was like, 
I saw your pictures,
I think you are weighting like my cow.
She daily goes to gym,
And me kind of once in a while.
Then I called my mom,
She was like my cats, my cats,
How's J?
Now I will call my grandmother and will do home work for J..
I can't even be mad at him,
Because I think what if he tells something to his teachers.
And today only vegetables for dinner,
And mash potatoes and hotdog for J.
That's all..