New King number two (showing a picture): the girlfriend.
New King number one (looking): I see only nose.
New King number two (nodding): love of my life.
New King number one: is there another one?
I probably can organize some fun on the battlefield.
New King number two (reading note): people say we spend more money on war then on peace.
New King number one: people allowed to have opinions.
Throw that paper somewhere, business as usual.
Important documents have been received and lost in the morning.
Diamond: the show is on!
From where I was from to the tv,
It's quite a journey.
New King number two: fat cats bombed everything except the tv.
Diamond: it was only one thing that was painted in red!
Plus I was sitting on top of it, so.
New King number one: there is a phone call for you.
Diamond: tell to call some other time.
Today she is going to meet her ex-husband and go crazy from happiness.
It was in commercials!
New King number one: really?
Princess:.. too young..
I won't go crazy at least until I remarry again.
Princess number two: happiness comes within, not with each marriage.
Princess: and where is the boyfriend?
Princess number two: dealing with the task.
Princess: here?
Princess: nah, at home.
I don't want to be single again with this war.