New Kings.

New King number two: I really want King number one to win.

Selfish country with bunch of problems,

I can have it for weekend at home.

Servant 1: she is coming!

New King number three: New Queen number two was all smiles!

Servant 1: we wouldn't be installing cameras all the way to our hiding place.

Servant 2: wait when she gets here.

New King number one: mister Moses,

Toy have to promise you will take good care of King number two.

Mister Moses: I know him.

New King number one: every one knows him,

Unless you are a new born baby.

Servant 1: horse, wine and women are ready.

New King number one: is it a safe horse?

New Queen number three: I feel like resting everything.

New King number three: you are our army of resistance.

The work force.