autumn in our village2

autumn forest

autumn in our village

just a flower

from our garden... 


I am going out...

just a thought

Its a beautiful day!

We are having great time:)
The weather is good,
Day is going perfect,
Everyone is happy,
You too:)
Smile and all the best:)

a few pictures

Little bit of nature....

a few pictures



a story

One time I gave all my money to a gypsy boy.
We had gypsies in our city traveling somewhere.
They were sitting on the ground in dirty clothes with babies, begging for money and everyone pretended they were invisible.
The gypsy boy, stopped me near the bus stop, and asked for bread.
He looked at me with big brown eyes and said: girl, you are so beautiful!
And he smiled...
I gave him all I had.
His mother thank me after, gave me a dry piece of wood to be happy.
I think I was only one who talked to gypsies.
What to do, if a child smiles?



old story

One woman here was upset
And I had nothing else to say,
Than story of my great grandma.
That all I pretty much heard when I was small,
Almost every day I would hear stories watching old loving face.
The woman at work said, it was old.
It is old, but nothing except the people, who didn't give up, didn't quite, didn't hide,
People who were able to stand strong and win..

just a flower

old story

My grandmother's friend is 89 today, an actress, still working.
I have seen all of her friends, old, and they have some ideas,
Always telling to do crazy things, saying why not, laughing,
Making everything into a joke.
The lady, natural healer, said that the most important is health.
You have to take care of you health,
And prayers are not enough.
It's a modern world, - was her word.
You have to eat right, exercise, vitamins, see a professional.
She would never say, drink water, let me touch your hand.
She would send this person to a doctor or had an idea.
Kind of "operation cooperation", all works together.
And we didn't go much to Church,
It was prohibited at that time.
Prayed looking at the sky, for a few minutes, little while.
Looked up once in a while, sent air kiss, rubbed "the air" on the face down a bit and smiled....



Our Churches

Good morning

Good night

Smile and good night:) All the Best:)


a few pictures

a few pictures






just a flower

old story

I grew up on streets, art school and grandmother's work.
Not much at home at all.
My mom, like I think all the moms of my friends cooked and cleaned only once on weekend.
Every Saturday started from scrubbing pots,
I still remember that sound.
Then was hand washing clothes, cleaning floor, dishes, park with the dog.
No homework, afternoon I had to go for a walk.
My sister was living with my grandmother for sometimes,
I would visit her, because we went to different schools,
My mom couldn't handle both of us together,
Only when I went to high school my sister moved in...
That was our childhood.


In the park having a party,
DJ mister F...Up,
No music, no plug.
Hot dog from a dog,
A fight, what else ... bees.
Have to leave,
My girlfriend has to cook for la pig.



old story

In the morning I would wake up at 5 o'clock
And my grandmother or great grandmother would say:
Let's go for a walk.
Winter, sammer, same thing.
They believed fresh air, especially cold, can change anything.
One lady's daughter had big issue with langs,
Doctor said, sorry, nothing could be done.
And the neighbor told go to Siberia in freezing cold,
Kind of fighting against, use winter winds.
And this little girl now is more than seventy years old.
She is an actress, her story was in magazine,
I have somewhere.
This what I heard, cold, winter, more important than hot.
It only can stop.
Morning, early time, little bit dark, go outside, for a walk, for a run.
We used to wipe face with water on the leaves.
Rain water, boiled, once in a while, a bit in the shower, with milk, sugar and honey.
Its might sound funny, this what we used to do.
Sometimes I saw cluds like lips on the sky, its a kiss,
Hearts, something else for good weather.
My great grandmother was very kind,
Birds from nowhere would sit on her hand,
She could touch a tree, say: hi, and the wind would blow.
May be for people its not normal, but I have seen it my self...
I have a little bit of rainbow in my window right now:)
Okay, have to go, the battery is low..

Good morning

All the Best

Smile and have great time... 

old story

I remember old women that used to visit us in our village.
Every summer, almost every day, we had someone staying over from far way.
There were women that could brighten up a room,
Could melt ice just with a smile.
Take half of what bothers, what you don't like.
They sing, talked, told old stories.
Some were nurses, long ago left homes, returned back,
And may be because of that, made our, young girls, worries very easy.
After a talk, nothing was wrong.
It was always happened before, wasn't our fault,
Life is beautiful, no rain, when you are young you have do mistakes,
Otherwise how else to learn, there no life school.
That was the answer, forever, for all.

a few pictures

a few pictures



a few pictures

old village 2

old village


it still summer here... 

All the Best

Smile and have a great day:) 

my old village

on my sky

When you see hearts on the sky,
It means everything going to be great.
Love, happiness, good health,
Everything you wish.
Make a wish:) ...

on my sky



a few pictures

Good morning