old story

Thirty years, the war is over, peace.
May be he will be back?
The mother is asking over ad over.
Every one so used to it, no more "no".
She is crazy, still waiting.
New war memorial, May 9, movie at the end,
All village in the theater, laughing and jumping school kids,
New generations, who didn't know him.
In th middle of the movie documentary lines.
In the quiet theater the mother whispering:
Aleksandr, Aleksandr!
It was her son, standing in front of his tank:
The battle will start, lets go then.
Please, please, please, can I see one more time!
Older people shocked, this is him.
Like voice from the past, mother's only one dream.
All night every one is watching the same line,
Young and old, men, women and children:
Go Aleksandr, go Aleksandr!