Double Lie

(when I had nothing to do, that's not a personal story..)

Sample 5 scenes of current screenplay)                                                                                           
          INT. SMALL LIVING ROOM. NIGHT TIME.                              
          Woman in her early 30’s types fast on the computer keyboard.     
          She occasionally looks back to make sure that her husband is     
          not watching her.                                                
                              IVAN (HUSBAND)                                
                         (loud from the bed room)                          
                    When are you going to sleep                            
                    tonight? It’s after twelve already.                    
                              NATALIE (WIFE)                               
                         (blocking the computer screen)                    
                    I am writing to my sister. She’s                       
                    online now.                                            
          She continues typing.                                            
                    You know we’re getting up early                         
                    tomorrow and I hate driving when                       
                    I’m tired.                                             
                    OK, OK. One second. Don’t wake up                       
                    the kids at least.                                     
                    Come to bed! Jesus!                                    
          Natalie makes a funny face and continues typing on the           
          keyboard. She smiles to herself.                                 
          On her way to bed Natalie quietly checks how the children        
          are sleeping. She kisses them and then goes to the bedroom.      
          INT. BEDROOM. SAME NIGHT.                                        
          Natalie gets into bed facing opposite her husband.               
                              NATALIE (whispering)                         
                    Ivan... Ivan...                                        
                              IVAN (in a low voice)                                  
                    Do you love me?                                        
                    Go to sleep.                                           
                    But do you love me?                                    
                    Stop bothering me.                                     
          Natalie tries to hug Ivan.                                       
                     No, no. Sleep.                           
          Natalie terns away from Ivan.                                    
          INT. FRONT DOOR HALLWAY. MORNING.                                
          Natalie spends more time that usually getting ready.              
                           (turning around)                                
                    Ivan, do you like my new dress?                        
                    Common already, we gotta go.                           
                    The kids are not ready.                                
                         (looking at his watch)                            
                    Is it so hard to get ready on time?                    
                    Why do I always have to wait.                          
                    Just a second. We are almost done.                     
                    You should’ve had their clothes                        
                    ready from yesterday.                                  
          They leave the house late, almost running. Ivan holds one        
          child and Natalie holds the second one.                          
          INT. CAR. SAME MORNING.                                          
          After dropping children in the daycare Ivan proceeds to          
          drive Natalie to her work.                                       
                    Don’t forget we have to pay for                        
                    daycare and rent tomorrow.                             
                    I know.                                                
                    You always know.                                       
                    Don’t start.                                           
                    Remember we’ve been late the last                      
                    few months.                                            
          Ivan is quiet.                                                   
                      So I’ll need the money on time.                      
          Ivan does not answer.                                            
          Natalie leaves the car angry and slams the door. Ivan drives     
          away fast.                                                       
          INT. SMALL OFFICE. SAME MORNING.                                 
          As soon as Natalie enters the office she sees Mike (the man      
          she’s cheating on her husband with) waiting for her near the     
          office lunch room.                                               
          Natalie walks over and stands beside Mike.                       
                    (looking around to make sure no one                    
                     sees them together)                                    
                    How are you Mike? Did you receive                      
                    my letter last night?                                  
                    (smiles and gently touches                             
                    Natalie’s face)                                        
                    Why are you so beautiful?                              
          Natalie looks into Mike’s eyes and gently touches his            
                         (leans into Mike whispering in                    
                         his ear)                                          
                    I bought a new perfume. What do you                    
                         (playfully sniffing Natalie’s                     
                    Mmm... It’s very nice.                                 
                    But do you like it? I bought it for                    
          Mike pulls her in close, but she pulls away.                     
                    Do you like my new dress?                              
                    It’s beautiful just like you.