don't know

Poetess: and I wrote beautiful poems,
No, I brought few to read.
Inner voice: you should've brought the money.
Poetess (reading the text)
Dinner time, bright kitchen.
Husband: what is this? (staring at the plate)
Wife: chicken.
Husband: why is it (swears by a mistake) alive?
Wife: why don't you cook!
Here, take this stupid book,
Your birthday gift!
(very sarcastically and throws the book at him).
Husband is thinking which letter "b" word to use.
Husband: beautiful!
(probably wants to be alive too).
Wife: do you love me?
Husband (with a relive he got out so easy): I do.
Poetess (thinking): or I wrote it after? To who?
Poetess again: so I am reading my another poem.
Husband number 2: you never wrote me a poem.
Inner voice: how many husbands did you have?
Wife: about what?
Husband number 2: pardon me?..
Poetess: and I am reading another one.
And the so called publishers started to laugh.
First publisher: what is it, a cook book?!
Poetess: the second one was very mean.
The third one didn't say a word.
Who works like this?
First publisher: I am not sure the food is really cooked.
Honestly, I can't publish a cook book if I am not sure if the food is cooked.
Poetess: it's poetry book..
First publisher: and husband, wife, on every page.
Is it the same family?
Second publisher: second page seems hopeful.
We will rewrite everything except this line:
"Once upon a time", it sounds good.
Poetess: I am leaving the building.
Some one is calling my name.
The third publisher.
For a second I thought he would ask to marry me.
Third publisher: can I keep your poems.
Poetess: for what?
Third publisher: I was unhappy for a year..
Poetess: word unhappy for me like red flag for buffalo.
In five minutes I convinced him how great the life is.
And I would be doing so, calling non stop,
If the phone didn't say that no one is home.
I have to tell my mom what's going on.
Mom: we broke his house door to check if he was okay.
Poetess: I think he was so overwhelmed with my art
That in a week time he asked if I want to live some where far,
For example in over seas, on the another side of the globe.
And faster then any high tech specialist I was living overseas.