Its never about ocean.
It's about man on boat.
Fat cat: okay Mona Kisa.
Piggy: no one won one million cows.
Did you win?
Fat cat: we are waiting for you to rent some.
Piggy: on Friday.
On Friday five million.
Fat cat: eight million on Tuesday.
Fat cat: I only collect the money.
Piggy: in my country every one wins one million cows.
Fat cat: it's a lot of milk.
Fat cat: they have a lot of cats.
Doggy: no work again?
Fat cat: how do you know?
Doggy: it's not Friday.
Fat cat: it makes sense.
Piggy: doggy, start fresh on Monday.
Doggy: I was ready to start at seven, but I couldn't find my keys.
Fat cat: this is new technologies.
Its called "only in the morning".
Piggy: I wonder who is behind it.
Fat cat: the one who can only afford four hundred cows.
Piggy: think so too.
Check on the internet how to buy four hundred cows.
Fat cat: doggy, there are two of them, piggy and wolfie, we mix them together.
Fat cat: piggy and wolfie are old school.
Fat cat: doggy, when you see them, watch yourself.
Fat cat: personal experience.