Maid: he is showing something.
Queen: how to book flight from here.
Servant: not easy.
Maid: he is showing something else!
Queen: “buy me lottery ticket”.
Servant: again!
Queen: you see what I mean.
Maid: he is retiring soon.
Servant: give you him more carrots.
Queen: I’ve seen it somewhere.
Servant: yes, in the zoo.
Maid: please, don’t make him more burgers.
His new pants are right already.
Servant: or he has to move quickly.
Queen: how much he pays you?
Servant: oh, no, we work for free.
Maid: we sabotage.
By the fact he spills his soup, we love it.
Servant: he might be dropping the soup soon, we our new proportions.
Queen: he didn’t say he likes soup.
Servant: he doesn’t say that, but he thinks that.
Queen: the table looks crooked.
Maid: it’s crooked for a reason.