old story

I never thought much about life at all.
Until I got my first paid job,
Cleaning rooms and floors at my grandmother's hospital.
I studied in school, had own things to go,
Didn't care a bit about sick people.
Then I saw life, the life beyond.
Many times I heard from my grandmother:
You will be fine, nothing to worry about.
I told her: you are just lying.
My grandmother pushed another doctor:
Look at this star, telling me I am lying.
May be you can predict the future?
Let's bet, if they recover, I will give you my one year salary,
Of course I say what I want.
If not, the garden, for entire simmer is yours.
It was mine...
And every day, everyone in the hospital was so exited about every test,
So many people walking or riding around:)
I could not stop cleaning the shit...
Every patient was happy, no problems at all,
Like it was a little slip on the floor.
Visitors were staring at me: oh, everyone is a doctor.
We all had to wear white uniforms,
I looked like a doctor or nurse.
I had to smile, pretend nothing to worry about,
Gave my prognoses, I learned from the books.
Then I just thought, may be really,
Those people this all want to hear.
And somehow, the one we talked with my grandmother,
Got out, fully recovered, never been better ever since,
They are still our friends.