"Sunrise and sunset" ...

There are people - "sunsets" and people - "sunrises" ...
The first one negative, the other you would call "crazy, insane" ...
But those with "craziness" are often smiling, shining, pulling you in their laughter circle ...
And "sunsets" unhappy, no one knows why...
You feel the cold and nothing more ...
With "sunrises" you feel young, happy, free, hugged before asking...
They give you part of their forever light,
For only a smile...
"Sunrises" have nothing bright to give.
We are all people...
Give the "Sunset" without asking back,
Piece of light that disappeared for some reason,
Without blaming for anything, because they want to be warm and loved too.
May be because we all have sunsets and sunrises,
When sky turns dark for the night, stuff not going right.
And then comes morning, again!
Sunrise will always take over...
Doesn't really matter if you call them "insane, crazy"...