Может быть когда-то
Вспомню я ребята
Русскую деревню,
Родину свою.
Вспомню маму с дедом,
Старую соседку,
Поле васильковое,
Небо синеву.
Вспомню сенокосы,
Два наших колхоза.
Как отец гордился Знаменем Труда…
Смех наших артистов,
Первых трактористов,
Комсомолок  песни,
Ночи у костра…
Трех красавцев – дядей,
Что ушли не глядя,
Навсегда простившись
В сорок первый год...

New Kings. .

Donald : I was caught at the moment of truth ..during the impeachment.
Hilary : you got impeached?
Donald : in my dreams, at night.
My name was Bell.
Hilary (looking across the table) : this name sounds very familiar..
(thinking) Some people have it real,
And some people have in their dreams.
Donald : I had it 450 nights.
Hilary : I counted 520.
Donald : don't count the sleepless nights. 
To all my critics here,
This is freedom of speech ..imaginary. .
Hilary : in nightmares too?
Donald : in real life.


I was thinking. ..I can't really write good in Russian,
The keyboard. .and putting words together, style of my thoughts ...
Plus I try to be smart.
In English I don't care that much.
I say what I want to say better. .

there are still some amazing people in this world

New Kings. .

Hilary : what are doing?
Donald : I am at work.
Making your country great again.
Hilary : just noticed you are on Facebook now...
Donald : and Twitter!
94 % of people liked my work on Facebook, you know, short daily messages, lunch, dinner.
93 % didn't care, they were watching sports on Youtube. 
100 % will listen me until 2020.
Do you want to collect some bugs?
Or have super vision? 
When you can see in the dark.
Hilary :  Twitter? 
Donald : this where I work.
Hilary : on Facebook and Twitter ?!
Donald : she is always surprised..
Why would we make Surprised Woman superhero?
Walking back and forth with very surprised look.
Hilary : you are confused.
Donald : sweetheart, would you stop bother me,
Your questions will send me bad carma via Internet.
Hilary : how can you possibly send carma on line?
Donald : of course you can.
When your personal private emails become public in instance.
Hilary : by the way you owe me 5 dollars for buying magazine about you. 
And 10 for reading about you and your older women..
Donald : .. online carma got me today.
Time to wear hamlet and start swearing at people with weapons.


Дедушка воевал на фронте, был танкистом и у него было серьезное ранение, контузия. Кто то сказал, что в деревне живет бабка, вылечить может. А прабабушке тогда было около 47 лет. Так он познакомился с моей бабушкой. Родители мной много не занимались, наступили 90 годы. Они развелись в начале 90 из за денег, по полгода задерживали зарплату. А потом врачам разрешили частную практику. У мамы много знакомых, у папы вторая семья. У всех чувство юмора, оптимизм. Если что не так, помню, мама говорит, сходи к отцу в психушку проверься ( он врач психиатр ), дураков у нас слава Богу бесплатно лечат. Все нормально..


...прабабушкa 1900 года рождения, в школу пизошла только после Революции 1917.  Из простой крестьянской семьи. Лес хорошо знала, природу. Дедушка из Москвы, с одной стороны Cвященнослужители, а с другой репрессированные.
Родители врачи, папа еще работает. В начале 1990 он был одним из первых врачей с частной практикой..

Зимняя вьюга 
Подруга моя.
Снежинками нежно
Меня обнимает.
Родная моя,
Родная моя.
Ну что же опять
Тебе не хватает.
Я знаю, я знаю
Ты хочешь весны.
Я знаю, я знаю
Мечтаешь о лете.
А мы расстаёмся
С тобой до зимы,
Порадуй меня
Самым лучшим на свете.


Я родилась в Перми это Сибирь.
Родители учились в медицинском институте.
А через две недели бабушка меня забрала
И я ее по привычке называю мамой.
До шести лет я сней жила, дедушкой, прабабушкой и прапрабабушкой.
Днем со мной прабабушка занималась и ее подруги иногда, народные целители..

Вспомню школьные годы,
Юности пройденной дни.
Мамино платье простое,
Ночной дискотеки огни...

GANGNEUNG, SOUTH KOREA - FEBRUARY 25:  Gold medal winners Olympic Athletes from Russia celebrate after defeating Germany 4-3 in overtime during the Men's Gold Medal Game on day sixteen of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at Gangneung Hockey Centre on February 25, 2018 in Gangneung, South Korea.  (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

by me..

Там где-то за дальними далями,
Там где-то во ржи золотой
Стоит на краю деревеньки
Мой домик забытый родной.
Не знаю когда я приеду
Не знаю когда навещу
Все то что любила когда-то,
Всех тех о ком часто грущу.
Я взрослая, взрослая, взрослая,
Ну сколько еще повторять.
Нельзя повторить все что было,
Нельзя повернуть время вспять.
Лишь вера меня согревает
В далекой стране не простой.
И снится мне домик в деревне
Согретый во ржи золотой.

It was first music video my mother got from a friend.
Girls band singing, dancing.
I didn't understand a word,
I thought may be they were singing:
Life is not what you see,
Life is what you dream.
Lines in unemployment office,
No more Soviet Union,
We had no idea what to do.
Parents busy, no where to go after school.
We are somewhere in old empty building,
School bags on the floor.
Cheap vodka, cigarettes, sprays.
Fifteen years old asking me to drink
And see real things.
I tried only one time,
Because that everything
The girls band were singing on our dirty street
They were singing only for me:
Life is not what you see,
Life is what you dream..

...by me..

One thousand dreams,
One thousand thoughts.
One thousand "yes",
One thousand "not".
Summer sunshine today is my friend
Whispering quietly :
Go, go!
Don't be afraid.
Different road, nothing the same.
My thousand lights will brighten your day.

One of the most important things we have
Is our open wings.
How many times we touch the ground,
The wings will bring us up.
Our dreams, love, desire, believe, passion,
People who truly care and never let us go down.
 They are our open wings.

After many times, after many days,
After perfect and not so perfect ways.
I believe in love,
I believe myself.
I believe that everyday is a perfect day.
Never give up hope,
Never run away.
Make your everyday be a perfect day.

Ты скажи скажи малина,
Ты скажи скажи калина
Мне волшебные слова.
Почему я ошибалась,
Поему я обижалась,
Почему же почему же
Я была так неправа.
И ответит мне малина,
И ответит мне калина
Ерунда всё ерунда.
Ты забудь про всё
Что было.
Ты любила, и дарила
Ты волшебные слова.

У каждого в жизни бывает минута,

Когда почему-то так тянет назад,
И в эту минуту запретного круга
Я в книжке английской увидела вас.
Простых русских женщин,
Военное время...
В колхозах, землянках, окопах, снегах.
С заплатами платьях, военных шинелях,
Но светом надежды искрящихся глаз.     
С улыбкой, насмешкой
В глаза мне взглянули:
Ну что ты ревёшь-то
Ведь нету войны!
Ну вот, наконец,
Вот истинно горе –
Не любит мужик!
А ну улыбнись
А ну не печалься
По вольной дорожке
Пройдись походи.
Совет наш простой:
Мечтай и люби,
Работай старайся.
Да радуйся только
Живёшь без войны.

New Kings...

Teacher: time to learn Russian language!
Donald : I am not Russian President!
Teacher: Not yet!
Donald : I don't know who you are!
Teacher : we know who we are!
Open the door!
(quietly in the office) How we say in Russia,
Let's put oil in this fire and start first lesson. (starts the fire).
We prefer sunflower oils in Mother Russia,
Vodka, onion, bread and music to not worry  the neighbours from another apartment.
(In another room Hilary is dreaming under unknown flag).
Teacher : let's be quick here.
We have five more students to visit tonight.
All want to be Russian Presidents without speaking Russian, which is required by the Constitution.
Donald : I think I was thinking about learning different language!
Teacher : we start!
Donald : this was my first nightmare.
Hilary : and what happened? 
Donald : the next one.
( Donald, on TV, news channel) I know who democrats want to be your president - donkey!
This monkey is my candidate, at least he doesn't lie.
Hilary : seems so real..
Donald : when I stopped from laughing about the donkey, I found out our new President is high school kid.
He gave me gun and said: "Be safe".
Hilary: inspirational!
Donald: yeah.. inspirational, you don't have to go far for this. 

стихи в простой тетради...

Старая юбка, стихи в простой тетради,
Помолись за меня Марина Цветаева.
Так странно через другое время бывает есть о чем поговорить и попросить.
Прадед бухгалтер с еврейскими корнями, Московское метро "Красная Пресня", расстрелян КГБ в далеком 1937 году.
Другой прапрадед Священник Православной Церкви.
И бабушки, народные целители, прошли войну.

Happy Men's Day

Today Russia is celebrating "Men's Day" or how it was called before "Day of the Soviet Army and Soviet Military Navy". In 1918 New Soviet Army stopped German Army near city of Narva in the First World War and it became day when men in families get little gifts from women.
Have to call my father..
1918 г. — В боях под Нарвой и Псковом части молодой Красной Армии остановили двигавшиеся на Петроград немецкие войска. В память об этом событии в годы Советской власти 23 февраля отмечался как День Советской Армии и Военно-Морского Флота.

don't know story

Poetess : did you see my portraits?
The real witch : hideous..
Ladies, let's take your brooms and master step one, .. kidding.
Grandma w.: I looked like this when I was fifty.
Narrator : where is my smiley face?
With beautiful pointy ears?
Inner voice : no portraits of me please.
Narrator : what is the point if this story?
I must've forgotten.
Oh, the lottery. .
The real witch : I work for my money.
Poetess : I keep seeing, imagining wrong numbers.
Aunt : imagination is art!
Grandma : my mother had imagination.
I still have benefits of her imagination,
When I was 18, she touch my hand and said,
I see you 100..

New Kings. ..

Donald (wearing big Russian hat): all this accusations of quick connections with Russians are completely fake.
(Hilary wearing another  big Russian winter hat makes funny surprised face).
Donald : I only know Russian vodka! On the deep level..
(Hilary makes surprised face again).
Donald : look how great life is! (points hand on random store)
People: ten cases of water,  fifty light bulbs, ten "Cash for life" lottery tickets and home power station.

don't know story

New Kings. .

Donald (on the phone) : your engineering team sucks!
They built wall with Mexico on the wrong border, explain that.
My keys are completely useless, the lock is apparently on the opposite side, together with the door.
It wasn't our engineering team. .?
It was Mexican team..

New Kings. .

On the set of a new movie " How it's started".
Hilary : what are those safety jackets for? 
Donald (on the side): some people are still joking.
She has no clue (smiling).
Me neither. 
Don't you remember?
Hilary : remember what? 
Donald : worrying my "star 100"!
Actually I voted for you.
February...little party in the ocean..
Apparently instead of writing "welcome on my board",
I wrote "welcome aboard".
And I am here today!
Next time my citizens, misspell few words while slightly tipsy instead of being in clear mind.
Be blessed with own mistakes, not with someone else's!
We will have them plenty by the way,
But once again don't blame me for all the troubles.

Good morning

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day,
He said, she said, beautiful story.
Outside is very nice, -
She smiles, - and it's not dinner yet,
What would you like, nice, funny evening?
By the way, here is my gift,
I wrote a card.
Where is it? - he asks.
It's here.
Look outside, bright blue sky.
We moved all the clouds, mixed with warm weather,
Just sun is shinning your day..little note here,
We love you a lot.

don't know story

Narrator : how is Florida?
Oh.. work..
Inner voice : it's perfect!
Narrator : all forgotten  character!
Do you know, work made man to be a man.
And women work made miserable.
Grandma w : I've forked at 18 to 19,
This why I am 95 now.
Narrator : exactly..
Grandma w : have to make a note about it.
Poetess : have to go to work.

New Kings. ..

Hilary (watching news on TV) : two flags?
Donald : since some countries didn't get one flag,
I asked myself, why can't I have two flags?
One for start, one for finish, to be faster.
Hilary : finally we mixed politic and sport.
Donald: that's only thing was left.
Hilary: and where is your doping?
Donald: about that sweethearts, you have to read in my new book, ingredients are included. 
Next will be gold medal before winning given directly by Angels. 
Hilary : are you sure?
Donald: sorry, I have to concentrate on the apple on the tree. 
Hilary: performing!
Donald: personally! 

What else we showed up here for.
Couldn't resist this offer too.
I am irresistible...
Hilary : in what sports?
Donald : would you stop bothering me lady
In biathlon.
Hilary : what is biathlon anyway?
Donald (to man in black) : when I will shoot from this thing, you shoot from the rocket.
The station is across the street.


Czech Republic0011
Republic of Korea1001