New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Hundsome and charming.
New King number one: that's my right!
Lady: oh my God..
New King number one: he is all yours, born thirty years ago.
Are you sure they didn't drop him on the floor as a baby?
Look, he is looking at the window now.
(to New King) You can't escape big love.
(whispering)You know who will be waiting downstairs?
It won't be me, I am here.
Make sure smile on the pictures.
We talk later (leaves).
Princess: where is my hat?
Princess number two: how are the grandchildren?
Princess: grandchildren!
I am younger then all of you together.
And where is the boyfriend!
Princess number two: getting his award.
Princess: for what?
Princess number two: who knows.. like in old ancient days,
No tv, no radio, no social media.
If you are getting award, you deserve it.

New Kings..

Illegal immigrants: why pay all these money if we can stay for free?
Donald (to Parliament): they are going to reck the place!
Hilary: maybe they can pay to God.
Donald: a lot of places with a lot of room in the world, just find keys to the lock.
Parliament: wow.
Hilary: they love to spend Christmas here in the US.
All the hotels and the rooms..and fruits..
Illegal immigrants: we want that too before last wish, enjoy life.
Donald: find another place, we can't help.
Hilary: its so weird..people are different..
Donald: she is dreaming.
We are not "mama".
Who else wants to do my job?
Hello, anyone!
Every day "wow", You are waiting for something like it's your birthday.
People are not skilled, do you know how expensive they are?
Parliament: we have to see to belive.
Donald: next we will see wings.

Donald: I am feeling like Obama right now.
I am fixing here, fixing here..
We have successful trade with Mexica.
I give them in hands few Canadian places,
And they will keep feet away from our territory.

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Princess: someone took picture of a man with crocodile and they wrote it's you, his wife.
Princess number two: it was me.
Princess: crocodile?
Princess number two: is it a problem?
Princess: for one hundred dollars I pay for Internet to see you every day on news, not at all!
Shadow: I like beautiful women.
They remind me of my mother.
She always used to let me get away with everything, and see what happened.
Princess: and where is the boyfriend!
Princess number two: and where is your boyfriend?
Still with bars?
Invite me to celebrate for at least a week.
Princess: I hope yours won't keep you hungry or stuffed.
Princess: my boyfriend is blown away by my beauty!
Have to finish high school.
Will be back next year.

New Kings..

Voice in the dark: time to finish the job!
Voice in the dark: finish the job?!
Voice in the dark: bulldozers are loaded!
Voice in the dark: now?!
Voice in the dark: now sweety, now.
With our little coalition.
Voice in the dark: when do you think?
On the last day of the world?
Surely, no one will take our jobs,
You need a lot of money to do that.. but what about poor people?
All we want is to make them happy (sobbing).
Voice in the dark: I hate poor people.
Voice in the dark: please not criticize each other work.
Voice in the dark: night won't last forever..
Voice in the dark: no one is here, let's go!
Voice in the dark: we need an hour.
Voice in the dark: very good!
New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Princess: she is a bitch!
Princess number two: how do you know?
Princess: I know all of them, all 571 jealous bitches.
Princess number two: I should do better than that in gambling. (writes 571 on the hand)
Princess: your name comes around too.
Princess number two: and where is the boyfriend!
Princess: New Queen number three!
When I see her, I think I see a ghost.
Princess number two: breath deeply.
Princess: I can't!
I think she is going to sing something.
Princess number two: I don't mind New Queen number three,
When she was number one, she gave a glimpse to my man.
I hope she remembers this forever.
Princess: she is jealous of me too.
Everyone! At the same time!
Princess number two: who are those women in black robes, decorated with burgundy take fur and masks?
Women: those two gave us a look.
Author: all day I am walking with a dumb smile in hopes no one bothers me.
There is jealousy on every level.
New King number obe: New Kings are working very hard and you ladies are only talking.
Princess: not sure about that.
New King number one: I should check it out myself.
Hopefully, my Prince Jingle Bell wasn't rosted by his lady.
Time to fight cats.
For all cats over its not what you think.
He will explain better, been doing it successfully already.
Now, where is he?

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Princess: it's freezing!
Princess number two: you really look blue.
Princess: try to walk around naked at winter, you will be blue too.
Princess number two: and who's brilliant idea it is?
I wonder who is he!
Spirits of the past, wake up and educate youth!
See, education makes difference.
Princess: my boyfriend!
He says, give me a break and winks.
I think someone touched me..
Princess number two: I tell you who after my retirement next year.
It might be a sign of something, but what?
May be he wants to eat his food.
Princess: next year!
How did you figure out?
Princess number too: he is fat.
Princess: sometimes I don't brush my teeth before going to bed.
Princess number two: think.
He has another women!
Who knows how many and sees them naked.
All women look the same naked, and men too.
New Kings: what are you smoking ladies?
Drinking, sniffing, looking at, reading?
We buy entire thing.
Princess number two: you want to know everything.
Adious bro.
My sweater and shoes.
Princss: and what to do!
I've been suspicious for two years.
Princess number two: I will ask my boyfriend.
He is detective.
Princess: and where is he?
Princess number: who knows.. he knew too much.
Princess: its a beautiful day and he is missing..
Princess number two: I saw him walking with few people, probably will call me tonight.

Good morning

New Kings.

Princes: is your boyfriend editing your pictures?
The same he edits fake money.
It looks terrible.
Here, give him back his one thousand dollar bill, no one wants to take it.
New King number one: where is my successor to the throne?
Time to shake up few fat cats.
..Keeps looking at the door.
His lady is half naked and he is looking at the door.
Just say "Communism", it's the sane, locked.
Princess number two: time for possessed nineteen years old monkey to teach us how to live great.
New King number one: I will say thank you to my new phone and record the message.
Maybe I should suggest to the monkey read history books next time, inspire soon to be new King number one, have one on one conversation.
We only have to start something anyway.
Princess: monkey needs the microphone!
Princess number two: what country she is from?

Good morning

don't know story

Aunt: let's push our problems to the Boss.
Boss: don't push me your problems.
Grandma w.: my grandmother, she was very beautiful woman,
She used to say: push all our problems to the Boss.
Poetess: then better I work, than fatter I become.
This why I am writing ad work, making lots of free time.
Aunt: I never worry for what?
Be someone different.
Grandma: save us at least from that.
Aunt: let's get spiritual life, music, books..

New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
New King number one: New Kings are in jail for a few days.
Princess: for what!
New King number one: for many bad things,
Will give them valuable lesson.
I would go too, but it won't help, will not waste expensive space, save for the needy.
Princess number two: can we visit?
New King number one: can go every night.
Ladies are welcome but only with children, money and food.
They are only one who can be trusted in this mistrusted world.
Princess number two: how you can teach a grown.. man in few days if I cant with all my beauty?
New King number one: lots of food, strip and karaoke bars 24\7, lots of weed, wine, tv and mudic, with our guards watching endlessly.
Do what you want!
Those things better do at home.
Princess: you are telling us scary story!
New King number one: sign something for my wife.
Princess: my nude picture?
New King number one: sure.
If you have underwear you are not naked,
My wife told me that.
She is not working, making money online.
Great six is the most popular look and junior kindergarten.
Princess: this is last time I am wearing this crown with bells.

welcome to the dark side

Out of all the people who had dinner at summer 1941,
This day, in August 1946 were only old grandmother and her sister, Julia, her aunt with children who were evacuated to north and me.
No one else returned back.
Alwsys remember who gave life in your name,
Julia's grandmother said..

New Kings..

Donald: we will build this wall in no time.
(writing) construction work, 100 dollars an hour, pay daily, 8 hours plus two lunch breaks, full benefits package.
(adding another zero).
And doctors on both sides.

Princess: New Kings are breaking in,
And there is magnificent Old King
Handsome and charming.
Princess: they put picture of pumpkin on page and wrote it's you.
Princess number two: it was me.
Princess: pumpkin?
Princess number two: is it a problem?
Princess: for 5 dollars!?
Hell no.
Princess number two: too bad you cant buy Hell.
I would buy and give it to you as a secret gift.
I bet you would open it and don't tell anyone.
And after push it to New King number four, the one you dreaming about.
Princess: really!
And where is the boyfriend!
Princess number two: let me have a good look at the darkest neighborhoods.
He works on a factory where they make weed,
Today is his day off, probably selling the expired stuff, instead of throwing it in the garbage, factory gives it to employees.
I am chopping it myself sometimes, huge bag.
Look at my new ring, its from that.
New Kings are breaking in
And there is magnificent Old King,
Handsome and charming.
Princess number two: I was watching new concert on TV,
Sad and old, old and sad.
Princess: Pigs year is coming,
May be its glimpse on it.
Princess number two: look at those cute pigs.
Princess: I bet they are for dinner.
Look at this pig, in pink, its a man!
Princess number two: it's my boyfriend.
Princess: look how he is leaning on another pig!
Princess number two: to make me jealous.
See, he is giving me all kind of looks.
Princess: really!
He is having a good one.
Princess number two: and where is the boyfriend!
Princess: I have to locate him first.
This morning he bought pig, horse, cow, disconnected his cable..
Princess number two: disconnected cable!
Princess: and run away.