Welcome to the dark side (fiction)

May be because I never said "good bye" to few people who were important to me and to whom I was important, I have another chance to say it. .
It was sometimes in 1990 th, big period of time was closed to the end.
We were walking at night through the forest. It was dark, and bright at the same time. Light from the small flash lights old women carried.
The woman who was walking first turned to us and said: look around.
I wasn't scared, it wasn't first time we were in the night forest.
Sounds, bubbles flying around, I think I see laughing girls with long hair hiding besides the trees.
"Our brothers and sisters - the old woman said again.
That all she would always say.
It took a while going from small train station, on the road where cars drive sometimes to the forest itself, where at summer people would pick up mushrooms and berries.
We were going further and further until we reached small lake. It was breezy, wind was blowing my hair a bit, then ad soon we reached the lake, I started to feel warmth like being on the sun.
Another group was waiting for us already.
The woman in the center, I had seen her only couple of time.
She was young, always looked and dressed the same, in any weather and any day.
Happy and smily, red lipstick, tight Smith black hair, black boots, skirt and again, red blouse.
She smiled, touching my chick.
"Beautiful girl", - she smiled again.
And said the same two other girls who were with us, but ignoring everyone except the woman who thought that every creepy thing was her brother or sister. She was the one who brought us here. That was their tradition, greed only the host.
We sat on the grass, it was blanket with food on it. We brought little bit food too, sweets, juice. Big plate was shining in the middle, the old women took some food from their plates and left on the big plate. They smiled for a second, I could feel kindness in their faces.
The woman  in red blouse was the last one, she kept her hand on the plate for few seconds and the slightly pushed it away.
After our dinner she started to sing. It was different language, Latin. All of them spoke Latin, except us. It was just beautiful song.
Sing something, they asked us.
I never learned how to sing, but liked music a lot. Teacher from our music school told me that I have no rhyme and can't study in the music school.
My grandparents had discs with songs and I learned many of them..