Fools gold.

 Troll: what are those weird sounds?

Fool: the fire alarm?

Fool: someone left a napkin on the sink, near "super flash".

Fool: nothing gets dirty here, nothing.

Troll: happy Monday. 

Mama Mia: what? (lauging).

Have you ever been in love?

I feel my minds flying like butterflies.

May be I have to focus on something. 

Troll: work?

Mama Mia: I think he has wings.

Fool: Mama Mia, you are really changed today!

Mama Mia: hopefully he can't read my mind.

It's so nice..

King of Fools (whispering on the phone): 

I am creature of the night.

You will be witness to my fitness. 

Lake a snail, oink, oink.

Fool (on the phone): she is black, 

I mean good black, I have to watch everything I am saying,

She turns everything around what I am saying. 

Troll: this is crazy.

Fool: regular day.

Fool: pretend you didn't see anything. 

Troll: I already didn't see anything yesterday. 

Fool: that's true.
Troll: how long this work is going to take?
Fool: until we find the fools gold.
Fool: first King of Fools was looking for 85 years.
Troll: and where is he now?
Fool: retired and retarded. 
He is our inspiration. 



Fools gold.

Fool: what happened in the zoo?

Fool: monkey "The Genius" locked the door from the inside. 

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools: essential services!

Where are we going?


You can take a bus, bye.

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools: essential services!

We are doing more then anyone else!

With bunch of zeroes we are only missing number one!

Yes, they are lying. 

You will find something on Monday may be, bye.

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools: essential services! 

Miss witch: my heater is possessed. 

It turns on and off and its freaking me out.

King of Fools: will be shortly.


Fools gold.

King of Fools (on the phone): I like how you look today.

Very cute.

Fool (on the phone): only 5 minutes breaks.

We need at least an hour.

Troll: are you coordinating shirt with your dress?

Mama Mia: I am covering fat.

Fool (on the phone): write the phone number, 9060969 extension 1.

Boss of Trolls: what is this?

King of Fools: our 6 fit apart pole.

Boss of Trolls: and who is dancing?

King of Fools: we are working full time!

Like to stay in.

Boss of Trolls: when this is going to be cleaned up?

King of Fools: not by our department.

We sprayed water on the floor already!

Boss of Trolls: can't tell much.

Stay on top of things. 

King of Fools: I will do it for free!

Fools gold.

King of Fools (whispering on the phone): no muffins, no donuts, only Indian celebration.

In triple colors.

Mama Mia (on the phone): I don't know what to say.

You have to explain it properly. 

King of Fools (on the phone): squashing! pushing! squashing! pushing!

We have to figure out!

Troll: you have too much time on your hands,  way top much time.

King of Fools: she called my thing plastic.

Its rubber.

Troll: not in the mood. 

King of Fools: second time this month!

Mama Mia: oh... come talk to us.

King of Fools: you need more work. 

Only one thing I can recommend, it's a fact.

We are moving table and chairs today.

And we have blue blueberry rum cake!

Mama Mia: eat, you will be happy in seconds.

The government closed the gyms again.

You are only getting fat.

Troll: its okay. 

Mama Mia: how?

You are getting fat in tight clothes. 

Troll: they will open everything when they are ready.

King of Fools: ready for what!?

Troll: do you things.

King of Fools: we are always looking for higher standards hopefully on the right side.

Fools gold

Second witch: is that him?

Third witch: King of Fools.

 King of Fools: special task force!

I was looking for the best location. 

First witch: essentiall services!

King of Fools: I have emergency!

First witch: what is this?

King of Fools: the government notes, we have to get rid of it.

We never got the bonus!

Second witch: we can give you the phone number.

King of Fools: lots of work, too busy.

First witch: from Mickey Mouse to high tech.

Third witch: did you bring the cake?

King of Fools: I forgot. 

Second witch: what do you mean, you forgot?

It's only one thing on the list right here.

Second witch: too much garbage. 

First witch: let’s just burn it.

Third witch: this is paper!

We have to recycle!

King of Fools: the government locked everything down again. 

I wish they will lock down our fridges.

First witch: we would ran outside, but now  it's cold.

King of Fools: we get fat everywhere. 

Do you have anything for it?

First witch: love potions.

King of Fools: sure. 

We need it.

I heard you are in love.

First witch: from the floor to all the way up.

King of Fools: is he hot or is he hot?

First witch: hot, juicy and delicious. 

King of Fools: I know this feeling.

Second witch: we never got the bonus either. 

First witch: when you are in love..

King of Fools: only two you care about..

First witch: how ho be happy and stay beautiful. 

King of Fools: smells rosy here.

Second witch: we spilled detergent here.

Fools gold.

First witch: hot.

Second witch: cold.

First witch: hot.

Second witch: cold.

First witch: hot, hot, hot!


Second witch: you have picture of the same man on your cards!

First witch: I know.

Second witch: are you in love?

First witch: you have any potions for it?

Second witch: we have love potion.

Third witch: King of Fools on the phone!

First witch (on the phone): who is this?!

King of Fools: did you get the note?

First witch: about what?

King of Fools: about working at work.

Second witch: it's old times.

Third witch: you tell me. 

First witch: are you lying down?

No, we didn't get the note.

Second witch: we are working more like from 9 o'clock. 

King of Fools: we left notes on all the garbage cans!

First witch: we burn our garbage. 

King of Fools: you freeze me with your answers! Bye.

First witch: have nice lunch.

King of Fools: Mama Mia, make a change in the note, add word "convenient  " at any convenient time".

Fools gold

King of Fools (whispering on the phone): my yumm, yumm.

Mama Mia: a big one, you are right.

Big one are always cheaper. 

Fool: water is water.

Mama Mia: I like the brand.

Fool: miss witch!

Witch: last night sucked.

He called me a good girl and I wish he called me something else.

Fool: he suppose to still read proper books.

Fool: there is so much to learn.

Witch: you are right.

Fool: miss witch,

Should I be boring or have fun.

Witch: go for it bro.

You might get your surprise from today.

King of Fools: I don't think I will be comfortable at strip bars anymore.

I am messed up!

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools (on the phone): what is he missing?!

He know we don't do anything!

Tell him to call tomorrow.

Busy today.


Fools gold.

Fool (on the phone): where is King of Fools?

Mama Mia (on the phone): essential services!

Relaxing at home.

(listenning) You can't go anywhere,  you can't touch anyone.. bye.

Fool: we are running out of fools!

You are hiding them all!

Mama Mia: essential services!

Any one who can talk,  can answer the phone. 

Fool: I get nothing with this government. 

Mama Mia: essential services!

They are teaching you how to be businessman.

Fool: excuse me. 

Mama Mia (on the phone): essential services!

(listening) Is it the same size?

Find a grip and see what’s in it.

Stay on top of it! Bye. 
Fool: excuse me. 
Mama Mia: I knew you will come back again. 
Fool: my shoelaces are cursed.
Mama Mia: oh, oh..
Let me fix it myself.
Fool: where is King of Fools?
Mama Mia: at home.
Fool: only we are here?
You and me.


You like a snowflakes on my shoulder,

Winter, cold,  almost freezing, 

I am talking about moving on and cannot hear...

Fools gold.

Boss of Trolls: how are you?

King of Fools: good.

Boss of Trolls: that's a young man!

King of Fools: Tequila before and after.

Boss of Trolls: what place are you working at!?

Did you find your gold?

King of Fools: we found 25 bucks in the washroom at Walmart. 

Boss of Trolls: you are on the way to your million. 

It might take a while to count..

Fools gold.

King of Fools (whispering on the phone): you look beautiful at 8 o'clock.

Troll: are you ready to work?

Mama Mia: then more I am ready to work than more I want to go home.

King of Fools: it's the wrong size!

Fool: they mixed it.

Troll: what is the wrong size?

King of Fools: the boxes.

We ordered the big ones.

Fool: for our gold.

King of Fools: send a text

"Big boxes only.  Only".

Fool: they should at least specify. 

Fools gold.

King of Fools: why are you checking the large gloves, I know it's your dream, but..

Troll: meeting. 

King of Fools: you didn't wear mask at night.

Why are you checking all the sizes?

About what?

Troll: because you didn't work yesterday. 

King of Fools: we had a problem here.

Troll: in the forest?

What is the easiest way to find which way to go?

Read the map!

Mama Mia: wow.

Fool: what else do you know?

Fool: map look big.

King of Fools: don't guess. 

Fool: you are right.

Mama Mia: we have to slow down. 

Troll: what else do you do on it?

Fool: south, east.

Troll: what?

Mama Mia: if we guess, we might get the right answer.

Troll: we round how many people we have.

King of Fools: five fools and me.

Troll: it makes it easier. 

Mama Mia: I see minuses.

Troll: its miles and kilometers.

We will mess it up!

King of Fools: and blame on someone else. 

Troll: do it at home.

Don't tell me you are wasting our time on this.

King of Fools: we don't know what it is!

Fools gold.

First witch: King of Fools!

Who wants to talk?

Second witch: where is the boss?

First witch: she is at lunch.

Second witch: (on the phone): who is this?

King of Fools (on the phone): I am looking for a hot sexy lady. (whispering) I like it hot.

Second witch: no.

King of Fools: it was little bit quick.

First witch: we are having good times here.

King of Fools: let me qualify, I am looking for a fool.

Witch: can we have the same hours but less work?

King of Fools: sure.

My signs tell me I will find one tomorrow.

Second witch: don't worry, we fixed everything yesterday.

You will find her in the library.

King of Fools: what is she doing in the library?

First witch: extra bonus.

You like it?

King of Fools: I like it a lot!

Fools gold.

Fool: I like the dress.

Mama Mia: not to short?

Fool: I like the style too.

Time: first time see a person going to mountains in mini skirt.

Fool: you are jealous.

Troll: what a guess.

All this bubbles!

Fool: monkey " The Genius" loves bubbles.

King of Fools: don't touch each other.

Fool: next time we are taking Bonita.

King of Fools: oh yeah. 

Fool: how fat is Bonita?

Fool: about 250 pounds, perfect for a pig.

Mama Mia: we didn't check when we left.

King of Fools: she was excited anyway.

Fool: we will find the fools gold and quit.

Mama Mia: I will go on vacation.

Troll: very popular opinion.

Fool: so my phone was here, my dress there and then another guy called. 

Fool: oh my goodness.

King of Fools: where is the mountain!

Fools gold.

Troll: let's do it!
How we do it!?
King of Fools (on the phone): pizza pizza!
Triple zero!?
You got it! (whispering) we will bake slowly.
Yes, ... yes!?
After this conversation I will be mixing dough myself!
Will be ready by January 31!
Mama Mia (on the phone): and what happened? Nothing?

Fools gold.

King of Fools (on the phone): we need the gyms!

We need more of resistance.

Yes, work in it!

Will be open on Friday!

Thank you, thank you, thank you,

Will work every day.

Troll: he keeps looking at the door.

King of Fools: it makes sense.

Fool: 100% of fools looking at the door or clock during the day.

Mama Mia: I dont care, I am going for lunch.

Fool: I am going home.

Troll: we need you all here!

King of Fools: hopefully not.

Troll: this is here, this is here! (throwing papers). 

King of Fools: I dont see anything. 

Troll: it's a mess!

King of Fools: it doesn't matter.

The whole work has to be done,

I mean in the entire world, all work must be done.

And tell me, who is going to do it?

Fools gold.

 Mama Mia: people are calling again.

See what happens when you answer the phone at the first place.

Troll: the front is hot, the office is freezing.

Fool: expensive... why did you buy it?

Mama Mia: I dont know, 

I think it was Friday, 13.

Fool: monkey "The Genius" sent as a text 

"You are getting fat everywhere".

Fool: we need to do more walking.

Its half of the exercise.

Mama Mia: I don't care any more.

King of Fools (on the phone): no idea!

Boss of Trolls (on the phone): how wearing masks go?

King of Fools: it doesn't bother me at all!

At first, yes, not very comfortable, like someone is touching you slowly in the gloves, but better to be healthy.

We will enjoy something else.

Boss of Trolls: you may have a baby from big invisible hand.

King of Fools: what!

Boss of Trolls: open the problem list.

King of Fools: men clean "super flash" better than women.

Boss of Trolls: its life.

King of Fools: you think?

I thought they were high.




Fools gold.

Fool: Bonita and Carlos. 

They never apart.

Fool: all I can say, our lucky pigs are in love.

Troll: it doesn't make sense.

Fool: fine, for people like you, they are busier now.

Fool: we never see you with a woman. 

Troll: I am at work!

Fool: you need love.

King of Fools (whispering on the phone): you suppose not to ask questions when you are learning.

We should know what we learned at least five minutes later.

Troll: after one million chances.. 

Oh my God..

When you find the fools gold,

What would you do?

King of Fools: nothing.

Troll: just sit on the couch and watch all this money?

King of Fools: yeah, with the fools.

If you are curious.

Troll: what about other people?

King of Fools: they can work for the rest of their lives.

Fools gold.

King of Fools (whispering on the phone): looking forward for tonight.

Fool: good morning.

Fool: good night.

King of Fools: what time do you finish!

If you can't sleep, call me.

Fool: good morning.

King of Fools: lots of work?

Fool: tell me about it.

King of Fools: you can dump it here.

Troll: good morning.

King of Fools: one and two!

Um, um, um (singing) after the weekend.

Mama Mia:  good morning.

King of Fools: let's get real.

Its Monday.

Troll: I like this idea better.

King of Fools: let's hit the city and check the girls tities.

It's a song!

Just kidding, we will visit the witches.

See, if they have good lottery numbers.

Monkey "The Genius" wants us to make money for the holidays.

First witch: King of Fools!

Second witch: you look the same!

King of Fools: any numbers girls?

First witch: we believe in miracles!

Troll: any magic ladies?

First witch: think of a another question, no magic no matter what.

Second witch: we work for our money!

First witch: here, five dollars, buy something for yourself.

Third witch (looking on the crystal ball): the King is coming!

King of Fools: I am already here!

She knows everything.

Ttoll (sarcastically): they are the one!

First witch: not that easy.


don't know story.



Spanish speaking officer: buenos amigos Americano dollars and
Grasias cappuccino spy amore me mia or go holla dulce bonita smoking muchacho
Cuban cigars from the wrong side comediante idiota belissimo taco Bella Don Pedro.
Fiesta me amor?
Inner voice: can I make a phone call?
Spanish speaking officer: my friend...
(gives old style radio station): dial 1800 first, its free.
Poetess (answering, in sexy voice): Amore..!
Why are you always calling me?!
Inner voice: Of course I am calling you, you are my girl..


Inner voice: don't know how... sounds familiar...
I always create something stupid,
None of my business what people think about me.
She (Poetess) doesn't care either,
Today is the witches case,
Since they pissed her off again (laughs)..
Don't worry, it's slang.
The real witch: protesting!
I am only the real one here, entitled to the title.
It's skills and talent, mysterious beauty.
I am sorry, those women are ugly.
Not that something wrong with it.
Activity on the social media..
Inner voice: my dear!
I never argue with the real witch.
(Kissing a frog).
And when you will turn into a princess?
Kissing her for few months already. ..
(Reading the
instructions): kiss until it will be written on the sky not to do so..
Granny translated from English,
She learned it in 1947..
(Kisses the frog again).
Today is the bad women case.
One, two and three...


Inner voice : back to the bad women case.
Since we have ten minutes lunch,
It's enough to write something.
Bad woman number one: didn't to say the "Don't know" story is finished?
Inner voice: ops, I forgot.
Bad woman number three: conveniently!
Inner voice: one more.. (thinking) interesting person is here,
The undiscovered genius. ..sounds familiar. .
Anyway. .
Poetess: I was ignoring them completely,
No good morning,
No good night, no go to h..
Inner voice ( interrupts): hold on, hold on.
I thought you provoke, not start the fight.. miscommunication I mean.
Yoga, exercise, writing, printing box,
Texting on the phone,
All at work by the way,
Any clues..
Poetess: I worked in many places and every where was deeply liked at least,
Here too, mostly after 4 pm,
When we are going home and before 8 am..
Inner voice: liked when you touched a person inappropriately?
Poetess: I was waiving the exit to other people,
Who would stay so close?...