Fools gold.

 Troll: what are those weird sounds?

Fool: the fire alarm?

Fool: someone left a napkin on the sink, near "super flash".

Fool: nothing gets dirty here, nothing.

Troll: happy Monday. 

Mama Mia: what? (lauging).

Have you ever been in love?

I feel my minds flying like butterflies.

May be I have to focus on something. 

Troll: work?

Mama Mia: I think he has wings.

Fool: Mama Mia, you are really changed today!

Mama Mia: hopefully he can't read my mind.

It's so nice..

King of Fools (whispering on the phone): 

I am creature of the night.

You will be witness to my fitness. 

Lake a snail, oink, oink.

Fool (on the phone): she is black, 

I mean good black, I have to watch everything I am saying,

She turns everything around what I am saying. 

Troll: this is crazy.

Fool: regular day.

Fool: pretend you didn't see anything. 

Troll: I already didn't see anything yesterday. 

Fool: that's true.
Troll: how long this work is going to take?
Fool: until we find the fools gold.
Fool: first King of Fools was looking for 85 years.
Troll: and where is he now?
Fool: retired and retarded. 
He is our inspiration.