Fools gold..

Fool: did we sign for the government "No, no, no" survey?
King of Fools: I love saying Mama Mia.
Sometimes I say mama mia all night. 
Troll: I have one word, do the damn work.
Mama Mia: phone call.
King of Fools  (on the phone): essential services. 
We would pay if we would get different results!
Mama Mia: phone call.
Boss of Trolls (on the phone): what kind of box you sent?
Every thing is zero, zero, zero.
We were looking for a number. 
King of Fools (on the phone): the first one is zero one!
We can send you box with carrots.
Troll: Mama Mia,  do you get pizza for good work?
Mama Mia: excuse me?
King of Fools: Mister Troll, you have things for food.
Mama Mia: monkey  "The Genius" classified us "don't eat any more" until we fit in our jeans.
Fool: all day I am looking at the clock. 
Troll: soon.
Fool: lunch time. 
May be because you are new here.
King of Fools (singing on the phone): it's not right, but its okay, I will love you anyway. 
I take few weeks off at summer.
I need to relax.