
Pharaoh: good morning madame. 
New King number one: good morning. 
Pharaoh: not you.
New King number one: where is she?
Servant 1: getting ready. 
New King number one: she is slower then molasses. 
Make sure Pharaoh doesn't forget her.
Servant 2: we can make her cookies. 
New King number one: make it as quick as possible. 
Servant 1: we will you know by tonight. 
Pharaoh: she is 47!
Servant 1: 25!
New King number one: they are all the same Pharaoh. 
Its okay.
You want to go out, you can go out.
New Queen number one: what?
New King number one: get your papers ready. 

Fools gold

King of Fools (whispering the phone): I am ready for everything.
Troll: Friday, pay day.
Fool: you already got engaged?
Troll: why?
Mama Mia: what is this!
King of Fools: who left it here!
Troll: little bit of work.
King of Fools: I already said what I want to say.
I am done.
Mama Mia: phone call!
King of Fools (on the phone): essential services!
Fool (on the phone): I called her yesterday,  she was in the mall. 
King of Fools: she doesn't care.
Fool: I knew it.
King of Fools: see her tonight.
She can reach what you are looking for.
I did exactly the same year ago, actually year and a half. 
Its much cheaper. 
Only one place you can be in the middle of jam. 


New Queen number one: he said, he likes cats.
New King number one: we have new cats.
New Queen number one: I don't see any cats.
New King number one: tell Pharaoh, he got it and you work here.
Don't wear shorts. 



New King number one: sending you the last woman. 
Pharaoh: did you check?
New King number one: I checked it and checked it and checked it.
Pharaoh: why are you so happy?
New King number one: I will have seven servants.
You need only one wife.
Pharaoh: who is this. 
New King number one: the woman who is mad.
We have a lot of those.
Servant: all these wives.
Here, here, here.
Servant 2: and they don't want to do anything.
Servant 1: "call the servant!"
Servant 2: I know.
The same with me.
Is the lunch ready?


Pharaoh: your wife is my sister?
New King number one: long time ago.
Pharaoh: she looks like different people. 
New King number one: they mixed her with another one.
If we knew, we would do something. 


Pharaoh: this presentation sucks.

Servant 1: it does.

New King number one: tell Pharaoh he is technically a baby and you are his sister.

All we have to know where the hidden treasures are.

Hope he remembers. 

New Queen number one: he looks weird.

New King number one: every man is weird if he is not millionaire.

The idea is to find his treasures and helps people.

New Queen number one: what?

New King number one: you have to want what people want!

Servant 1: Pharaoh!

What do we do with him, again?

New King number one: I told you.

Pharaoh: basically you have everything except the big bank?

New King number one: we have some problems.

Pharaoh: I remember what it is.

New King number one: she is only one woman left on Earth.

She is your sister, New Queen number one.

Pharaoh: I like more the idea of having two thousand women. 

New King number one: you have to have giant buildings and a fan to keep drinks cool.

New Queen number one: what did you do with the history book?

Servant 1: check under those books.

New King number one: somewhere else you can have two thousand women, but not here.

We have couples. 

Its sucks.

The whole idea of being paired, I found it out in ten days.

New Queen number one: two thousand women doesn't sounds to safe.

New King number one: only in your mind!

Pharaoh: I will be in the middle of it.

New King number one: it is a lot of work, music, food, with the big bank we will keep trying.

I mean, we can have more.



Servant 1: you better run and hide, no one is here to tell you what to do.
Servant 2: where is the Pharaoh?
Servant 1: he is not at the work side.
Servant 2: Pharaoh's plan worked to the penny,  I was surprised too.
Teacher: how can we go around?
New King number one: what is the line up?
Servant 2: students. 
Servant 2: New Queen number one said "no".
New King number one: no?
Servant 1: no.
Servant 2: no.
Servant 1: how can we call missis Pharaoh now?
New King number one: you can call her grandma.
New Queen number one: who is saying this?
New King number one: okay baby, let's go.
Let's get all these money.
Tell Pharaoh you are his sister.
And he is just a baby.
Servant 1: hopefully the ancient treasures were not staying opened. 
New King number one: as far as it going.
Where is the teacher who is teaching how to say "yes" in Egyptian. 
Teacher: first you need lucky charm.
New King number one: she will smile. 
Teacher: in Egyptian "yes" sounds like "gotta work".


Я смотрю на тебя смотрю,

Я смотрю не могу насмотреться.

Голос твой, мой песенный край,

Голос твой мелодии детства,

Где синеют цветы на полях,

Где ромашки расскажут секреты 

Давних песен простые слова будут кем-то опять перепеты.

Ночь увижу в облаке звезд,

Мы мечтали желаний немало.

Почему-то в любви мы всегда начинаем сначала.

Как ходили в русалочьий край,

На крыльце слушали сказки.

За тобой как за сказкой иду,

Я иду не могу насмотреться.


Servant 1 (yawning): back to work. 
Servant 2: don't spread your contagious yawn here.
Servant 1: Pharaoh!
New King number one: big money finally. 
Servant 2: we are not going to find it.
Servant 1: money should be just stuking out.
New Queen number one: women want money then, women want money now.
Pharaoh: you worked for five minutes, the rest you were on the massage chair. 
This is not work, this is spa.
New King number one: at least one is working,  it's a start.
New Queen number one: when is lunch?
New King number one: I haven't seen you all day!
New Queen number one: I was working. 
New King number one: I know you are.


Servant 1: can I take it?
Servant 2: I don't know, you look like?
Pharaoh: take it.
Servant 1: bring a box too.
New King number one: amazing news, we are working for Pharaoh. 
Don't say anything. 
Servant 1: staring at each other again?
New King number one: today we will be working sideways. 
New Queen number one: good morning. 
New King number one: he is in blue, you are in red?
What's going on!
New Queen number one: Pharaoh doesn't do anything. 
New King number one: he is the real one.
You know what it means. 
Back to work, you will have precious time. 



Servant 1: so we have to stand here and ha e a good look at each other. 
Servant 2: wash your hands!
Servant 3: I don't like it.
Servant 4: not a lot of room.
Is it two meters?
Pharaoh: the slaves?
New King number one: only two.
Servant 1: again, the professionalism?
New King number one: she, Pharaoh is going to get angry. 
Pharaoh: nice to have army of the supporters.
New King number one: they do it for the money. 
Pharaoh: what?
New King number one: each month. 
And the most exciting part!
The wedding.
This what we give for the bride. 
Pharaoh: looks round. 
New King number one: 365 days.
And you know what,  it has many seasons.
You will be dizzy.
Pharaoh: may be you want something too?
New King number one: television?
Are you crazy?
Something you have to walk to get.
Pharaoh: she complains too much. 
New King number one: she can be a teacher or you can do what you want.
New Queen number one: what are you doing here?
Pharaoh: you don't know!
Is she single?
New Queen number one: are you talking to me?
New King number one (whispering): stop talking. 


Pharaoh: what happened!?
New King number one: we tried to grab it here.
Now it's not together. 
Like we have extra pyramid.
Servant 1: we don't have to build it twice. 
Pharaoh: is it a beach?

Fools gold

Miss witch: imagine having a great day or..?
Fools: or?
Miss witch: listening what they tell you to do at work all the time?
Troll: how many more notes?
Fool: he is joking!
Troll: I don't get it.
Miss witch: we have to include you more in our study.
Troll: how often do you study?
Miss witch: you can study at work and for the fun part at home. 
When you are done with your regular job.
King of Fools: oink, oink,  oink.
Miss witch: I think we have the answer. 
What is it, mister Troll?
Troll: what oink means?
Miss witch: we are done with work long time ago. 
Have wonderful day everyone. 

Fools gold

Mama Mia: people have no manners. 
Troll: no one was moving in the office.
King of Fools: I can't do two things at once!
If I am plunging "super flash", I am not answering the phone.
Troll: you are plunging for months. 
King of Fools: you have to inspect everything!
No one else knows how to inspect. 
Mama Mia: and they are calling like they are born yesterday. 
King of Fools: mister Troll, you know what will happen?
Forget about ordering food for lunch.
You have no idea what I am talking about, because I am plunging for you every week.
Mama Mia: when people are not focused they complain. 
Fool: note from her!
King of Fools: from her!
(reading) gyms are open. 
Mister Fool, make a poster. 
Troll: from the zoo?
King of Fools: you are smart man.
Can you think, how in the world  you can get fat in the global crisis?


New King number one: we really, really, really need you!
Psychic: my daughters are coming. 
May be it will set the beautiful memories or he will be scared. 
Don't tell him.
He will get it after the weddings. 
New Queen number one: what are we going to tell him?
New King number one: what story?
Psychic: seven hundred dollars for each woman. 
We have ten plus your wife.
New King number one: seven hundred dollars!
What's wrong with you!?
Psychic: it will be no documents.


Psychic: I know exactly what to do.
Where is he?
New King number one: he is right here.
Psychic: how much gold?
New King number one: not much. 
New Queen number one: nothing. 
Psychic: very well.
How did it happen?
New King number one: I only looked dreamingly at the stars.
New Queen number one: again!
He wanted slaves.
New King number one: this how it was going.
Psychic: all right,  now, everyone open eyes and stare at the Pharaoh.
Lady keep saying yes.
New Queen number one: yes.
New King number one: how long its going to take?
Psychic: untill another big project. 

High priest: are they all still singles?

Woman, first teacher: scabbing up.

High priest: we brought few new girls. 

Old woman, teacher: not good?

High priest: no, but they still have to be tough. 

We know how you teach or teach at all.

Old woman,  teacher: excuse me?

Is something wrong?

Woman, second teacher: we don't want to know any of your secrets. 

High priest: good night. 

Woman,  first teacher (looking at the new girls): we make soups.

Girls: soups

Woman, first teacher: this what I said.

Delicious soups for the king guards.

Woman,  second teacher: they never be hungry. 

Woman, first teacher: hopefully they go on the war or something. 

Then less work we have, then better we feel.

Woman, second teacher: we will cook our famous soups.

Girls: what about the rutuals?

Woman, first teacher: which means, we will see the king.

Woman, second teacher: so much to dream about. 

This what we start from.

From dreaming.


Pharaoh: he was just sitting there!

Servant 1: may be he woke up in the wrong bed.

Servant 2: may be they wanted to say "hi".

Servant 1: is there to sit?

Pharaoh: yes, chair. 

Servant 2: anything spectacular?

Pharaoh: no.

Servant 2: where did you go?

Servant 1: one time we went to Paris.

We watched the same movie fifty times.

Pharaoh: are you surprised to stay together at the same room?

Servant 1: he is a looser. 

He lost his bed.

Servant 2: where are you going?

Pharaoh: why everyone is asking me where I am going.

Why no one ask me where I am not going.

Servant 1: oh darling, go and relax.

Servant 2: go to a club.

New King number one: psychic is here!

Where is Pharaoh?

Servant 2: he went to a club. 


Servan 1: Pharaoh is looking for food.
New King number one: give him something.
Servant 1: we have only dry food.
New King number one: Pharaoh!
Are we lucky!
Pharaoh: are you the pharaoh too?
New King number one: Thirty mixed!
Mixed at thirty.
Pharaoh: why is your house so smooth?
New King number one: easy get on the couch.
Pharaoh: how can you hold a couch and not more of things?
New King number one (to the servant): he is terrible. 
Pharaoh,  when is there a choice, we hold.