
We are having a work party.
Tomorrow is  Halloween and
The story is about cults.
This what we are talking about anyway. .
Once upon time..
My favourite aunt, the one I was living  with for a while..
Met at the end of nowhere,
Close to her new apartment
A few people who promesed everything 
Except I heard money.
Day ago she had a dream to start own massage and accupancure business.
Since she was a theraphy emergency doctor 
It wouldn't be a problem.
And she invited all those people to her house.
The way the were sliding on the couch,
I think it was, 
But because may be it reminded what they wanted to go for or told, 
It was really a blessing.
My mom got the news.
Next minute she is packing my stuff.
All next week my mom brainwashing my aunt from one side,
The cult people from another.
My grandmother goes to a lawyer and changes her will.
Father preparing a space in his new mental institution.
And it was important group meeting,
Instead of promesed praising my aunt, 
As usual she forgot everything and called them a bad word and left slamming the door.
Next day, after praying all night to different religions,
She was at the office early than most beloved members asking for forgiveness.
They called her the same name and slammed the door.
Nice people by the way..
Will delite later
Nice people by the way...