don't know story

Poetess : don't think that my wish is only about the money.
It's about a wish coming true,
About my word and my imagination being heard.
It's a good wish.
Inner voice (watching sport game): yes, yes, the witch is good...
Poetess : what witch?
Inner voice ( exited with the score) : are you kidding!
Poetess : no, I don't.
I already got sick, cough (fakes cough for sympathy)
And the sign near a store blinked when I was jogging in the evening,
It's kind of dark you know..
Inner voice : New York!
The real witch : it didn't blink,
It reflected the light.
Did you go to school?
Grandma: and why are you jogging in the evening,
Who does it in the cold?
Everyone is looking at Poetess. .