
Little birdy (by Jaden)

Good morning

ПАРТИЗАНЫ В ГОДЫ ВОЙНЫ. Всего в тылу врага насчитывалось более 6 тыс. партизанских отрядов, в которых сражалось свыше 1 млн человек. В ходе проведенных операций партизаны уничтожили, захватили в плен и ранили 1 млн фашистов, вывели из строя 4 тыс. танков и бронемашин, 65 тыс. автомашин, 1100 самолетов, разрушили и повредили 1600 железнодорожных мостов, пустили под откос 20 тыс. эшелонов.

Welcome to the dark side. was the last time when my great grand aunt went to that old house. My sister went, my aunt, my mother was driving. .
It was pretty much saying "good bye" for two old women who went to the war together in 1941 and being friends ever since.
They cried and we cried to..
At the dinner young woman walked in, but to me something strange was about her, like when she talked sense of a very old person was coming from her.
Master witch, - Julia said.
Witch? - I replied crossing myself.
You didn't know?
How would I know?
It was pretty much our dialog. She laughed, called me crazy, someone else laughed...

Good morning

old story. .

My grandmother made it for her brother who went to the Second World War in February 1942.
She said: "Bring it back to me", and her brother replied : "I will".
He brought it back in 1946.

Welcome to the dark side.

...and I had this vision..
Two times appealing child benefits and taxes to Supreme Court. It seemed endless "no money and no one to ask story".
Mostly upset about the money to make it short.
..First He was on the sky like a cloud. Then in my ..can't say dreams. .
Orangy brown background, round silver circle far away, shadows going inside.
Black with red eyes raises up.
..government did't mind if .. go to H..l, but He didn't want me to o to H..l.
That was my last day I was upset about the money..

Good morning

New Kings. ..

Donald ( gently touching sexy young woman ): time to focus on new generations.
(looking at Hilary) old knowledge won't run away.
Hilary (smiling while washing dishes): not surprised at all that North Korea wants to drop a bomb, I would do the same.
Donald (smiling back) : once again to all my critics,
Our relationship with North Korea are perfect.
This morning I sent personal letter to their leader and the letter is still in his Inbox.

Little birdy (by Jaden)

Good morning

Welcome to the dark side

From school time we were friends who knew each other, but never really talked or spent much times together.
Our great grand aunts knew each other and once a year I would visit her.
She was always nice to me and I knew she liked me a lot.
From my great grand aunt I would hear, - Julia always asks if you are going to visit.
Then at her house we would have nothing to talk about.
Sometimes at night I would watch her playing with small candle fires near mirror in her bed room.  She was talking to it, moving softly hands and smiling.
One time I got scared and next time, she would put Bible in their living room..

Good morning

Good morning

В первом военном 1941 году сельскохозяйственным трудом, главным образом в колхозах, было занято 19 млн женщин. На их плечи легли тяготы по обеспечению продуктами питания армии и страны.

don't know story

Poetess : my phone is finally not working.
It turns back on and off.
I think I've spent too much time online at work.
And I pay for the Internet myself, find time, take few pictures,
In case if someone think it's so easy to entertain,
I put a lot of effort in it.
And sparkling about the book.
Aunt : don't mention my name.
Grandma : I have my personal story about the Second World War.
Mom : I have black kitten in case if someone wants to buy a cat.
Poetess : may be I try again.
I wrote something before and in some way my poems were exchanged on immigration to Canada..

New Kings. ..

Hilary : what are those trains for?
Donald : Democrats are leaving the country and going to Palestine.
Hopefully it will recover..
Hilary : from who?
Donald : from our people of course.
Anyway sweetheart, your train is 345.
(to lady in fur coat): don't forget your dog my dear (pushing small dog in lady's hands).
Hilary : this is a joke?!
Donald : every one who is not sleeping is joking.
We better hurry here with ladies, gentlemen will just jump in.
Where is your husband?
(One month ago).
Donald (marching with flag): Free Palestine, 
Free Palestine! 
Free Palestine!
Hilary : you don't even like Palestine.
Donald : I love Palestine!
Be honest, more then I love America.
(whispering) Between us, quiet destubed nation.
No one knows what's true, what's lie,
People make own news and follow this news on twitter.
Free Palestine!
I already found few lovely places in Europe.
You know Europeans love tourists, beautiful weather, grass, trees, (whispering) not to many Jewish people..
(to a different lady) good night baby!

Good morning

don't know story

Grandma w.: I think I saw shadow?
Grandpa w. : what?
Grandma w. : I thought it was vampire,
Then I heard sexy voice.
Poetess :  We have a huge problem, gianormous.
You know when big men wear..I don't know.. Everything  loose and its tight at .the same time.
The real witch : may be because you are single, you are over reacting on...
(Everyone is laughing).
Poetess : why do you have to wear some tight white jogging pants to work.
Big black man,  my God.
I see everyone all the time at work, never missed.
The real witch : kind of fun.
Poetess : not straight for 8 hours.
Have to go..

Good morning

New Kings. ..

Donald : once again I was accused by corrupted media
that I was looking like I was ready to say well known four letter word.
This news is completely true, because that exactly how I felt at that moment,
More I was cursing in my mind too.
And will do so until every person will be rich.
Old rich lady ( some where in average supermarket): can I please have this piece of bread for one thousand dollars?

Good morning

don't know story

Narrator : I hardly can contain myself after all these holidays.
Grandma w. (writing): ..hardly can contain..
Narrator : you don't have to write my every word, keep something in the dark.
(Every one laughing).
Narrator : have to excuse myself now.
9 am and no one is at work.
Grandma w.: I am writing a book.
Narrator : I expected this book seventy years ago, not surprised if nothing will ever written.
Grandma w.: what is this loud noise?
Poetess : our work is flooded, there is water every where.
Guess who volunteered to clean it?
Yesterday I had a nap, went to cafe and jogging.
Going to buy coffee now, and new mop.
The real witch : haha.
Poetess : if people think we are witches, we are not.
Grandma : save us at least from that.
Poetess : I am only writing about them.
The real witch : being a witch it's talent, art, beauty and I am sorry knowledge, not lots of free time at work.
Grandma w. : you have to memorize everything.
The real witch : speak Latin.
Any one speaks Latin here?
Grandma : me.
Grandma w. : I tell you personal witchcraft story.
Aunt: I was living at forest at that time, thank goodness.
Grandma w. : and all to impress German tourists.
Poetess : I was invited to live in Germany, and study and work.
Grandma w. : they loved all of us.
Such memories, little house, cat.
And all went on fire, all because of ancient book.
We bought stolen book.
Anyway, skipping one year of community work for burning entire street.
I still think my cat knew something, because he showed up back with the police.
Page one and then I see flames, hear sirens and my grand mother screaming to save me.
(Everyone is crossing)
And I was grandmother myself.
I tried to argue with her presence.
And then my Prince is breaking the door.
Get out, he says, and I am safe and sound.
Grandma : it's a miracle..

Good morning

Good night

New Kings. ..

Donald : can someone hold candle under these numbers "51" and "47".
Every taxpayer can do that, except this crazy monkey.
Speaking about number 4, this how happier we all are, compare to last year.
Live until 100, work until 95, my personal anthem.
And to have this day absolutely happy, tomorrow is tax day, big coincidence..

old story

At this day, April 16, 1945,
Soviet Army began the end of the Second World War,
Fight in Germany.
Less then a month and red flag would be raised on the German Parliament.
Two million Soviet soldiers were in this fight.
Nothing personal, just in memory of few people who were stood until the end, believing in victory.

We have ice rain and snow in Toronto. ..

Good morning