New Kings..

Donald: time to show real things to Fake news media.
Hilary (after an hour):..and?
Donald: well, we have to wait.

New Kings..

Donald: we need more flags.
Hilary: very smart..!
Donald: thank you.
Let's check first if we are all Americans here.
Hilary: I don't like communism.
Lady in grey: what is communism?
Donald: our sweethearts!
Proud and check marks.
..and continue to our "Tons of advises" seminar.
Dont touch the floor, the floor is lava now.

New Kings..

Donald: we met at the same dating site.
Hilary: you do nothing.
Donald: I work fair money.
Hilary: most men we get for free, they are too smart.
Donald: we need some one to help us.
Hilary: to do what?
Donald: anything we want,
Especially with kids.
We take it from mama,
Ladies must treat us right.
You are the mother.
Hilary: I am younger then you!

New Kings...

Hilary: how come at my "Women only" party majority are men?
Donald: you invited me, I invited few friends,
For some reason they all decided to show up.
You said you want publicity.
Harvey (to an old lady): hope no nudity.
Donald: did we order pizza?
Hilary: no, we are going to cook together.
Donald: I always stand for family values,
Men and women cook together..
I should post it on my Facebook and read the comments.
Hilary: all my brilliant ideas are being used by some one else and I am the one who is accused of something.
Harvey: injustice is not only for men.
Hilary: our vegetarian menue is ready!
Harvey: did you just pulled that carrot from that dirty spot?
I can't eat it.
Hilary: this is inside garden.
Donald: congratulations!
We have secret twist to out party.

don't know story

Narrator: all mighty quiters!
Poetess: all was thinking from 9 am to 3:30 pm, should I write something? 
Should I not?
Then I got sign. 
Aunt: is it 5:30 yet?
Grandma w.: at least it's Thursday.
Narrator: in green color?
I don't see anything green on me.
Poetess: something with my camera.
Grandma w.: it's all junk now days.
Inner voice: money is green color traditionally.
Narrator: speaking about traditions,
Raising people on my own head.
Can't trust much anyone.
Grandma w.: poor baby.
Narrator: it's all Gloria.
What a wicked woman, always sarcastic face with red lips, tickling me at surprise,
But forgiveness is the key to my successful relationship with women.
Love rules the world.
And I gave her my soul together with my brains and she quickly forgot about me.
Grandma w.: you said find someone else to worship.
Narrator: and she did very fast.
Grandma w.: we always work fast.
Narrator: I know.. Gloria.

welcome to the dark side..

After the war there were many war tribunals for people who were living on occupied territories and helped Nazii.
I went to the one we got fought and testified, showed my medical papers about multiple head concussion and scars. 
I wonder what happened to the man who told on you? I didn't see him.
He probably mixed me with my grandmother, we have the same name,- Julia said, - for betraying his own, he had another court and another judge..
She smiled, shacked me: "The war is over!" and started to dance one of the most beautiful dances in the world following every bit of the wind, sun.. It was June 1946..

New Kings..

Hilary: after we dealt with mumble television,
I am listening only music now, you know songs make me feel happy and special,
I think I will be the one who will blow up the world.
We will deal with mumble politicians.
(to Donald): I can't understand what he is talking about.
Donald: probably promising something. Why to worry so much?
He has no teeth.
Hilary: why?
Donald: not very elegante to ask seniora.
We can't afford health care not speaking about dentistry.
Hilary: and this mumble actress plays in all movies all because her husband.
(Donald gives Hilary a look).

don't know story

Poetess: I have no voice today.
With all this worry about ..
Grandma w: let's not worry ourselves.
The other day I was worrying at night, something from TV.
Next morning out of my mind.. terrible experience.
Grandma w.: I went to the hospital ones.
Grandma: that's the worse.
Grandma w.: let's follow our own protocol and don't think or worry much.
Poetess: I had to spent 8 dollars on medicine.
Aunt: 8 dollars!
Poetess: all day waiting for symptoms.
Today probably will spend another 10 dollars.
Aunt: 10 dollars!
Grandma w.: let's put our happy faces before we got busted again by creator of many things.

New Kings..

Donald (sarcastically): very nice!
Slept trough the revolution.
Hilary: what revolution?
Donald: what revolution..!
Don't you see there is no lights on the street and no water.

I know:)

New Kings..

Donald: according to Google, US is only one country on Earth where Democrats are feeling lucky.
.. I want to be a hucker.
I would be working non stop.

don't know story

Narrator: if you think that author is ..
I will .. without words.
Grandma w.: surprise?
Aunt: knowing the truth,
can we be more delicate for change.
We have to understand, with all our hearts, 
People go to university to learn how to write.
We can't expect every writer or poet write and be the same way and be loved exactly the same way as well.
Narrator: what are you trying to say lady?
Aunt: if you want to survive in this world,
Read people who went to universities.
From my personal experience read biography first, like it's a strange person in your life, study before getting into bed.
Grandma w.: education is poison.
My grandmother, she was very beautiful woman,
As soon I mentioned work and school,
She found me husband.
Let's all relax and count how many years I've been married.
Narrator: you all should think how much you've done?
It will be fast .. not much, not much ladies.
Actually, you don't have to think at all.
Grandma w. : I know my position in the society.
Aunt: we are normal people.
Narrator: Anyway, time to take things seriously,
Jokes are over.. for now.
Hopefully, we won't freak out about every little thing from now on.
Grandma w.: such sweetheart.
Poetess: I found bird feather near the door at work, grey.
First time ever..
What if it was ..
Grandma: why would He fly around that weird place full of cars.
Poetes: from the time I joined gym and eating less,
All I am writing about witches.
I have to wash my hair again because it's look messy.
I haven't done it for years.
And I bough make up and thinking of baleyage...
Hopefully I am not possessed.
Grandma: you will be too heavy on the broom.
Aunt: oh my God,
Go to high school, they have benches.
There is not such thing as possession, it's called bad luck.
Grandma: really?
Save us at least from that.
Grandma w.: let's not worry ourselves.
Narrator: no more crazy fake stories and slamming doors.
Grandma w.: okay!
I'll make sure.

New Kings...

Donald: I wonder what will happen if I break this mumble TV?
Hilary: in my family TV is .. (looks up).
Harvey: for sure.
Mel: not when I am on.
You are all old school, go back to listening people in supermarkets lines.
Harvey: my competition.
Mel you are to late, I am the first one going to jail.
Donald: in front of our law everyone is equal.
Hilary: I stay here for five minutes.
Donald: where?
Hilary: obviously not in jail.
Harvey: I go play with the puppy, my new lucky charm.
Donald: I am old school too,
I am wearing different school.
Prinsess: I am good in contouring my face,
I mean that's my talent.
All you have to do is draw some kind of butt on your face, like this ..(draws imaginary butt).
(Harvey starts suspiciously walk around).
Harvey: time to pay visit to the doctor ask is I have a chance.
Prinsess: where should I leave my bed clothes?
Hilary: I want to catch Bannycon.
Donald: who is Bannycon?
Hilary: the one you make wishes to.
They come true in a second.
(Mel is looking at his new designed fur piece on the wall).

New Kings..

Hilary (looking at the receipt): what is 10 dollars for?
Donald: for revolution sweetheart, for revolution!
Hilary: with milk..?
Donald (writing): ...interesting..
"We got revolution with milk".
Hilary: I should go home.

New Kings..

Hilary: what is this?
Donald: you said you want lots of money.
Hilary: and you brought food!
Donald: am I only one who is living in this problematic relationships?
Hilary: and what am I supposed to do with pork, apples, orange juice, potatoes.. fish?
Twenty dollars a pound when I am saving on everything!
Donald: what normal people do with food?
They cook and eat.
I have to make sure you are here for me, not for my money.

New Kings...

Donald (closes daily newspaper):  that's about enough.
We have to look for normal people.
(loud) Normal people!
Hilary: take microphone.
Donald: I think I have to do public announcement.
grades 1-3 school shopping list