Fools gold.

Troll: I see more people in the lunch room then in the office.

King of Fools: okay.

Troll: you don’t do anything all day.

King of Fools: we are fighting the government.

They better forget we are going to sweat and say "cheese".

Troll: it doesn't make sense. 

King of Fools: are you crazy!

We never got the bonus.

Troll: the government said “great job".

King of Fools: we didn't like the conversation.

What a heck man,

We are not eating only yogurt.

Fool: I am not staying until six any more.

King of Fools: this why.


Fools gold

Troll: you only talk about money.

Fool: I think you misspelled it wrong.

Fool (on the phone): not unless I am being kissed.

Mama Mia (on the phone): they can't find vaccine for covid.

We don't know what to do!

King of Fools (on the phone): yes, at work, on the job, on the duty!

In hot pink, all flashing! 

Pink face too.

Mama Mia: who is paying for it!?

Troll: no one is answering the office phone, when I am not at the desk.

Mama Mia: what do you want?

King of Fools: Mama Mia go for lunch,

When you come back, you calm dow.


Fools gold.

Fool: salutto seniorita!

Mama Mia: good morning!

Fool: um, I say, um.. 

Air hug, we all know why.

Mama Mia: I am saving so much money with these masks.

No make up, no lipstick, no stress of thinking who wants what.

Fool: by wearing masks we will become rich.

I've been saving too.

Mama Mia: for how long?

Fool: from August.

If it will last four more years, this how much I will have.

Took all day to calculate, some things are more expensive.

Fool: no mask, no task.

Fool: we will save a lot!

Fool: is it party in here?

Mama Mia: we told you one million times, busy.

Fool: don't worry, weekend is coming soon, four more days.

Fool: I have a news.

It's a actually new thing.

Millions are bunch of zeroes, you have to only add one.

Fool: from what language is that?

Fool: may be English.


Fools gold.

Troll: Monday, Monday, Monday.

Hi America!

Trolls: Hi America!

Mama Mia: Hi a miracle!

Troll: original touch.

Have you seen King of Fools?

Mama Mia: we have a law here (caughing).

If you wake up naked, you don't go to work.

Troll: you too?

Mama Mia: I am at work every morning!

Troll: a beg you a pardon!


Fools gold.

 Troll: Friday.

Mama Mia: thank you goodness.

Troll: where is King of Fools?

Mama Mia: King of Fools said: "tomorrow starts today".

He was dancing disco ball all night.

Lots of money, (singing) three is sunshine somewhere.

What can't I do for the money?

Troll: its fifty cents and five dollars!

Who in the world calls five dollars a lot of money?

Mama Mia (yawning): oh my God.

Troll: well, very cents is important.

It adds up.


Fools gold.

King of Fools: shake it, shake it.

Boss of Trolls: cleaning up?

King of Fools: yeap.

Who knows what's going to be, but we are loving it!

Instead of cleaning "super flash" once a month, we are cleaning it every hour.

Boss of Trolls: I saw dust flying around.

King of Fools: it's our new "landing on Mars" special effects for 15b Mars sound, personal preference of the worldly monkey.

We will put a sign, in case.

Boss of Trolls: keep trying.

Troll: crazy people still exist.

King of Fools: I am part noble you know.

Troll: we can work overtime.

King of Fools: no.

Fool: no.

Troll: how quick.

Fool: we did our priorities and went for lunch.

King of Fools: working is not our dream.

One million is the dream of an idiot.

The government wrote the same words for everyone, issues with the meaning.

Sometimes I wonder, how many fools are idiots.

Troll: who would want it?

King of Fools: that’s the way we are.

Troll: they will think you are against it.

King of Fools: we just want some one to help fools!

it's like you are sitting at barbershop and complaining about your wife.

We do the same.

Steam out.

But don't help with cash, only with cards.

Troll: why not!

Boss of Trolls: leave it.

Great idea.

King of Fools: he is pushing my buttons behind my back!


Fools gold.

 King of Fools (whispering the phone): I want to bite you.

Fool: look at me.

They want me to be "the fools, fools man" and gave this hat.

Fool: who?

Fool: King of Fools.

Fool: I wish we have less time at work, and more time at home.

Fool: we sent requests to the government,  again "no".

Fool: it was a text.

Fool: the whole thing was apology.

Fool: they still feel good about free labor.

Fool: how many times we have to send a request and get "yes"?

Fool: we must work like we worked before.

Fool: I start tomorrow at 6:30.

Troll: have you seen Mama Mia?

Fool: she is socially distancing by the load.

Fool: washing clothes.

Its Friday.

Fool: one word "wrong question".

Troll: zero.

Fool: good thing we got one for every one.

Fool: having wipes and paper towel at home gives us energy.


Fools gold.

Troll: pigs and monkeys lover!
King of Fools: I was pushing in and he was pushing out!
Fool: did she get the ring?
Fool: mister Troll say something?
Doctor: we will work it out and put bubble rap around his head.
Mister Troll wish us luck with your head, and drink this.
I don't know what it is, but I like it.
Eventually we all get there, (singing) remember the cavemen.
How's our sunshine?
King of Fools: she keeps laughing.
Too much work, can't play now.
Doctor: I missed my appointment on Friday, have to wait for a month now.
King of Fools: monkey "The Genius" not joking about it.
Doctor: I better be on time for the seconds.
Looking for the fools gold?
King of Fools: don't tell me about it.
Doctor: going to work is better way.
You can make all the dollars one by one.
And tape together.
King of Fools: brilliant fact!
Doctor: mister Troll, we will stapler the bubble rap now, you might feel like in the snow.



Fools gold.

 King of Fools (whispering the phone): tequila weekend is coming.

Queen of Fools: what day is today?


King of Fools: cold.

Queen of Fools: Tuesday?

King of Fools: cold.

Fool: are you busy?

King of Fools: I am loosing my mind, I am going crazy!

Fool: back to the jungle.

King of Fools: I remember when I was your age, I would take one hundred grams

and go see strippers, all five of them, worry all night.

Hopefully I can do the same at seventy.

Fool: we have an issue.

King of Fools: about work!?

Fool: something we did on Monday, but didn't do on Tuesday.

Fool: we would smell wonderfully.

King of Fools: what is this!

Fool: someone wrote “okay” instead of “wonderful” in the summer report.

Fool: we never write “ okay".

King of Fools: “ wonderful” is our tool in perfect proportions!

Fool: I can’t go outside now.

Fool: may be it was a mistake.

King of Fools: I really really want to catch this person.

Troll: have you seen Mama Mia?

Fool: she is at lunch.

Troll: I send the report cards, at least do some work.

King of Fools: what’s your problem?

Fool: he is probably learning.

Change your name and eat more soup.

Fool: at work we are only relaxing.

Fool: he doesn't know what it is.

Google it.

King of Fools: is this all real!

Fool: yes.

Fools gold.

 Queen of Fools (on the phone): relax.

King of Fools: after you showed me!?

I can't relax now.

I already feel like going home.

Mama Mia (on the phone): so we got letter from the office,

We don't want letter from the office, we want money from the government.

(whispering) we read it and subscribed.

King of Fools: how are you doing girl?

Mama Mia: are you talking to me?

King of Fools: no, I am calling myself a girl, chocolate with cream.

Troll (enters the room): Mama Mia, why do we have to wear masks in the zoo?

Mama Mia: we got note from the zoo.

King of Fools: if our monkeys have to wear masks and cover their nose, you have to wear mask too

Troll: you said you quit.

King of Fools: I changed my mind.

You can have mind and you can change it.

Just kidding, the government wants me to work for two weeks.

They know how to move, plus they are waiting for their order forever.

Mama Mia: our flying lucky pigs.

Troll: will they get your "piggy boys"?

King of Fools: we are going around it actually.


 In the darkest night I know,

There are stars shine and glow,

There is Sun that always bright,

No matter where I go, no matter what I know,

I have my God to follow,

I will follow my heart.

Fools gold.

 King of Fools: nice and warm.

Some monkeys are terrible and some are very good.

Troll: you and monkey "The Genius" look like brothers from different mothers.

King of Fools: she is a girl.

We are celebrating the best day of our lives.

Troll: every day is the best day for you.

How old are you?

King of Fools: 22 and the monkey is 48.

Troll: she is half of your age.

King of Fools: I know you are upset, but that's my name back home.

Today we, as someone friendly suggested, have decided to go own way!

Monkey "The Genius": yyy.

King of Fools: you see!

How many Mondays I was thinking, go to work or look for the fools gold?

And now I am quiting my job and focusing on my dream!

Monkey "The Genius": y, y, y!

King of Fools: yes, yes, yes!

Some one answered my question!

I will be busy!


Fools gold.

King of Fools: it's a sex.

Boss of Trolls: yeah.

King of Fools: it's a six feet engine.

Very big engine.

Troll: I know who is doing it!

King of Fools: we are trying first!

Like million years ago.

Boss of Trolls: my poll, my curb, my street, my employee, everything.

Troll: they had only one spot to fix.

Boss: people assume you have some water at least.

King of Fools: it's too much money!

We wrote number on the side.

When you see it, you are going to love it.

(In the evening).

King of Fools (on the phone): what lions, what tigers?!

We came from monkeys!

No, you can't yell in the zoo, we had to stop it.

Monkeys are very delicate.

Free parties are at night.

Monkey "The Genius" never takes time off.



First day of school... I already think its going to be a lot of fun, because Jaden has only two children in his class: Jaden and a girl,its going to be better then private school.. 

Fools gold.

 King of Fools (on the phone): where are the tops!?

We are not stuff members!

No idea.

Mama Mia: the cleaning supplies?

Fool: the kids are gone.

Fool: what we did in the past life to deserve this?

King of Fools (on the phone): we are washing hands! Bye.

Mama Mia: you look nice.

Fool: the gyms are open.

Mama Mia: I know, it feels good when you cloths fit.

Troll: happy Birthday young man,

How old are you, 55?

King of Fools: 18.

Look at my new pencil and pencil case,

In and out, in and out, in and out.

Fool: note from monkey "The Genius”.

“Some people do $hit and some don’t. Happy Friday”.

King of Fools: our sunshine always pushes 

our thoughts back where they supposed to be.

Fool: I have to wake up at 7:30 to be at the zoo by 9.

Fool: can you think of monkeys walking up at 7: 30?

King of Fools: for monkeys its nothing.

Fool: I think monkey “The Genius” likes to sleep.

Troll: what are you doing all day?

King of Fools: never mind what we are doing. 

Fool: busy, busy.