Fools gold.

King of Fools (on the phone): wisdom!

Ozdom, ozdom.

Troll (enters the room): you broke my door again.

King of Fools: mister Troll,

You didn't push “I am okay, thank you” button at 5 o'clock.

We've already sent you a dog to guard the door.

All you have to do, push the button (pushing imaginary  button), very simple.

I was throwing duzzies all the way to rescue you.

Troll: I was sleeping.

King: beauty sleep?

Troll: did you say free country?

Mama Mia: Mister Troll, don’t argue.

King of Fools: good point. (kissing Mama Mia's hand).

Troll: here.

King of Fools: what is this?

Troll: I fixed your problem and bought new plunger.

King of Fools: it’s not our style.

I hope, you didn't use our credit card to pay for it.

Troll: it’s a plunger.

All you have to do is plunge the toilet.

King of Fools: we do it in style!

Troll: where is the wash room?

King of Fools: first of all, its “bathroom”.

Mama Mia (looking at the plunger): the stuff looks so old, you can give it for free.

King of Fools: its probably cost fortune like the paper from a week ago.

Troll: where is the bathroom!

Mama Mia: phone call!

King of Fools (on the phone): essential services!

(whispering) my sock is still on my heal, yes, since the afternoon.




Happily ever after.

King: forever young, forever young.

Pharaoh: your singing warms up my heart.

Where are the slaves?

King: your thinking no more then mine.

They are sleeping.

Pharaoh: on the plantation?

King: at home.

Different climate.

Pharaoh: you don't have dessert,  you don't have sand storms?

King: yes, unfortunately.

Servant 1: queen is on the phone.

King: tell her I am not hiding.

Servant 2: she think you didn't go to work, you went somewhere else.

Pharaoh: where are you going?

King: home.

Pharaoh: at 1 o'clock?

Truth and only the truth.

Servant 2: I am going to the same hone, to the next month,  the night club.

Servant 1: bananas!

Pharaoh: what is this?

Servant 1: bananas.

Pharaoh: I think it’s a shame to give Pharaoh green bananas for breakfast.

Servant 1: our monkey slaves are terrible.

They are only learning how to say “cheese”.

The monkeys didn't want to work 7 days, then we have to shorten by 5.

Now we have to do their job, not every day.

We will color the bananas at any color you want.







Happily ever after.

Priestess: why are putting water on your head?

You are sweating already.

Pharaoh: they are not nice.

Priestess: you are dreaming, your are sleep.

Pharaoh: they don't cook.

Priestess: every time you wake up to have breakfast, think you are sleeping.

Eat this, mayonnaise and honey, relaxing dish.


Pharaoh: how many servants do you have?

Priestess: since all the prices gone up on everything.

Before we could afford eight hundred servants,  now only one.



Happily ever after.

Servant: lucky star!
King: we will get it later.
Martian: well, lunatics, we are here.
Martian: what is the shortest way out?
Martian: build new space ship. 
It will take few seconds to go home.
Martian: no one knows how it works!
Martian: well, you will be happy here.
Martian: you notice, women always say something, where they are.
Martian: may be we speak slowly?
Martian: because men never listen. 
Martian: general, they are perfect. 
Martian: we need more schools like this,
Explore different places, everything might be the same.

Happily ever after.

Parrot: money.

King: I don't think so.

Servant 1: you have to look at this bird again.

King: I was looking at home.

Why is it always me!

Servant 2: she doesn't know any difference.

Servant 1: you are the man, ha ha.

King: one day, I say, bye, see you, and go home.

Servant 2: yeah, see you tomorrow.


Happily ever after.

Pharaoh: please tell me what is this!
Servant 1: our new office. 
Pharaoh: my eyes want to rest right now.
Servant 2: you will be fine.
Hopefully it will be cool soon. 
Servant 1: we see it every day. 
Servant 2: Pharaoh, when you leave work, you will have big smile. 
It's a good thing. 
Servant 1: you will have smiling face when you get out of here.
All evening and night. 
Servant 2: especially after big jobs.
Servant 1: we don't have small jobs here.
Pharaoh: king, your servants say, you have big jobs here.
What is it?
King: "choo - choo".

Happily ever ver after.

Priestess: and what did she say to you?

This is your last night at her kitchen?

If she is normal, give her this cooking oil, if she is crazy, give her this honey.

And if she complains, change the subject.

Don’t drop anything.


Pharaoh: I am sweating here.

Priestess: are you behaving?

Was anyone helping you before?

Pharaoh: mess.

Priestess: who?

Pharaoh: mess.

Priestess: you found one already?

This how you learn.

One day you do this, next day you do that.

Pharaoh: and on top of that,

How can I go 3 thousand years back in time?

Priestess: he probably wanted to know how it works.

Pharaoh: I thought it probably foolishness of my young years.

Priestess: sure.

Pharaoh: its king and his witches.

Priestess: they probably scanned something wrong.

We can check if they use the right scanner.

I can see, they put “zero”.

Pharaoh: what it means?

Priestess: this what happens when you change your system every day.

We watch one of the time.

We ask mostly, and they say, they have no idea.

Priestess: you have 30 in file and zero mistakes.

Pharaoh: its three thousand.

Priestess: we thought you are only in history books.

Pharaoh: no, I am not in history books.

I am right here.








Happily ever after.

Witch: I see 2 winning numbers!

King: you have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 20, 25 numbers in the ticket!

Witch: what are you doing here?

Lets try again.

King: I was reading and explaining myself my own recommendations why we need many slaves.

Witch: many slaves called “robots".

Stop looking at ours.

King: looks like coffee maker to me.

Witch: we couldn't figure out!

Where's my kitten!?

Fat cat: seriously!


I am a grown man already.

Fat cat: ask more milk.

We will have a party tonight.

Witch: what a good boy.

King: these cats look huge.

Witch: because we care.

Majority of our kittens are special breed.

Fat cat: what movie do you want to see, about love or “meow”?

Fat cat: meow.

Witch: he is saying something!

Kitten, say “please”.

Fat cat: beer.

It might be in the box.

Witch: he is wonderful.

King: wild cats.



Happily ever after.

Pharaoh: where is the priestess?
Where is my woman.
Priestess: excuse moi.
I am not a woman,
I am a priestess. 
Pharaoh: with this ice cream and everything I will like a twenty years old again.
Priestess: you have a problem, we are here to help.
Pharaoh: you heard, you can guess. 
Priestess: we don't shop together,
I can't think what it is.
Pharaoh: how can I go to my kingdom?
Priestess: magic happens.
You can buy a plane ticket, twenty hours flight. 
Pharaoh: what school did you go?
Priestess: New Kingdom?
Pharaoh: that's skilled.
Qui madame.
Priestess: merci bocoup!
Do you speak French?
Parle pas bien le francais?
Pharaoh: non, tres peu ...
I don't know how to start.
Priestess: I don't know how to start too!
Le francias langue of l'amour.

Fat cats.

Fat cat: something stuck in my shoe.

Fat cat: your foot stuck in your foot.

Fat cat: what does it mean!

Fat cat: you are turning into a black cat.

Fat cat: may be I really should!

Fat: relax.

Color flex is my favorite color.

Fat cat: neighbors are making drugs non stop in their kitchen.

We made less the a quarter of that.

We have to stop.

We take a break.

Then we went shopping.

Fat cat: not surprise me.

Fat cat: it’s not drug, its natural medicine.

Fat cat: you are full of vitamins!

Fat cat: we all going to be affected.

Fat cat: bikini mercy.

Fat cat: is it a song?

Fat cat: he is telling on me!

Fat cat: if I will remember.

Fat cat: he is always telling on you.

I just remember, picture of our president or something.

He talks like he is singing.

My favorite song of all the time.

Piggy: bring piggy bank this way.

Fat cat: another piggy bank!

Fat cat: we need piggy bank like this.

Piggy: practice makes a lot of sense.

If you are qualified. 

Fat cat: it has something to do with not being fat cat.

Fat cat: pigs like to roll when they are young.

Fat cat: they don't listen.

Fat cat: leave piggy alone and sit down. 

Fat cat: you are not getting our piggy bank.

Piggy: I know, right.

Fat cat: it's fake gold.

Do you like comedy movies?

Piggy: some.

I've seen a few.

You watch it, you understand this world. 

Fat cat: people are stupid.

Fat cat: you only know few!

Fat cat: world looks cool.

Fat cat: in your video game. 




Happily ever after.

Witch: see, from here to here,

All magic wishes.

All you have to do, is scan, scan, scan.

Who opened the door!

It’s going to be money.

Pharaoh: I feel nervous.

King: we are going to see the witches again.

Witch: no meetings here.

We don't perform CPR.

You are talking and sweating.

King: my magic wish didn't come true.

Witch: what do you want me to do?

Your magic wish didn't come true.


Pharaoh: any predictions?

Witch: go away until hot, hot, hot summer.

And then come back.

Pharaoh: and when is it?

King: you are asking wrong question.

Right question would be, “how fake those witches are?”

Priestess: so he is very playful.

I think he stuck in his childhood.

Queen: nice.

Him, he is secretly  eating sugar,

When no one is watching.

King: witch, this what I mean.

Witch: I see everything!

King: no discrimination.

Witch: you want to play too.

You will be playing some day.

Where do you want to play?

Indoor or outdoor?



Happily ever after.

Pharaoh: this why I don't trust GPS. 
Its better be right this time.
King: hopefully we will get at least half way.
Priestess:  half way?!
Pharaoh: so what's going on?
Priestess: you came to messed up place.
Pharaoh: you promised you know something.
Priestess: how do I know?
Pharaoh: you know.
King: queen!
Queen: I forgot my mask.
King: you don't have to wear mask now.
Queen: you said I can walk outside without clothes. 
Priestess: if I was living in a cave, I would be playing with toys too.
I would have toys everywhere.
This how humanity exists. 
Queen: from 9 to 6 we are at work, but I will write it down. 
King: women love to work!
We did a survey.
Queen: what year?
King: 1894.
Queen: what about after?
Pharaoh: king, you mentioned going without your queen.
King: it's not queen, she is someone new.
Its Dora.
When you don't do what she says, you get stuck.
She is my daily hypnosis.