old story

My great grand aunt was a nurse during the war. She was the first one to signed up going to the active army at the first day, June 22, 1941.
I remember her an old woman, but always was walking and looking straight. Once in a while she used to wear war nurse uniform with all the medals and tell her endless stories about that time.
The first fight she completely lost it. Everything was blowing up, summer, hot, day time, but the sky was black from dust. She wanted to run away and hide, then she saw a soldier falling on the ground. Then something happened to her, she got very mad, almost running to him. She said she was so mad on their enemies all trough the war, one time she was almost before the soldiers. First mostly were soldiers or tanks, then soldiers, nurses and soldiers again. The doctors, only military sergents, were hiding behind, because they were the most important during each fight.
The nurses, young girls, young women had only medical bags, still were not allowed to turn back alone, they had to help anyone, not just our soldiers. No one allowed to turn back at all, it was immediately considered as a war crime.
Before each battle all the nurses usec to hug each other, checked the bags again, she was praying to her mother and father and just go without thinking about tomorrow, only now.
And May 9, 1945 was the happiest day ever, the end of the war.