
My great grand aunt,
A short, always smiling, 
Running around with some great grand baby,
She was a nurse during Second World War.
And every year this old man was visiting her in May.
He would sit on a couch like a happy cat:
Do you know, every day in times we couldn't see anything from dust, 
She was happy, saying that we will win this fight ..

Almost every day I call my grandmother
To hear her voice, to know everything is fine.
She has this power, I don't know,
She can make every one happy,
Especially before when people used to stop in our home.
She had parties, dinner table, music, TV
And I used to eat everything that was after.
I call her, few times I didn't know what to do really
And she said her favorite words:
Let's not go crazy in the morning.
And another one:
When I was young at fifty. .
So what even half of your life is f.. up,
Don't f.. the rest of it.
Be good,  kind and all works our somehow
And the funny thing, it did.
Everything is going to be fine :)
You look amazing

I used to be like women in the world 
Just happy with the little I got.
I followed my mothers steps 
When being free had no sense.
Every day waking up already mad,
Think what else I forget.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner 
And I am in the middle.
Going to work like the best member
Of the best ever racing team, 
But something was shining 
People followed me.
I gave them hope,
At least daily laugh.
Still thinking of not being pretty and smart.
I almost gave up 
I almost blended in.
And I looked at the eyes 
Eyes of the Queen..

Life is a f... bitch,
But a beautiful woman,
The one when men forget everything,
They buy a wedding ring,
Wear themselves on own finger and say
Take me.
She is like this. 
When people talk about life,
She forgives and forgets,
Listening every word,
Than laughs and smile.
Listen my child,
I don't give a ... I do .... myself,
Even few minutes ago.
And as you can see I am fine,
Beautiful, hot, look at my eyes, touch my hair,
Love me forever, hold my hand...

Will you forever for the darkest night 
Or you say that may be stars can never fly
Will today tomorrow always be the same
Will mistakes from yesterday be mistakes again 
Will you tell your baby to give it up
Or you say my dear you will win and fight.
You are child, just bigger 
Look at day time light 
There are stars that always fly..

I was cleaning floors at my grandmother's hospital.
The nurses became my good friends,
They all were young after medical school
And I was tall a bit, on high hills and we bonded well together.
Few times a week they would get together in a small storage room under the stairs, drink beer and talk about life.
I would sit and listen.
One of the nurses had a short hair cut and had sparkling lipstick and I though she was one of the most beautiful women.
Sometimes my father's second wife used to visit them and she bumped to my mom once in the big empty hallway.
They started a fight like all civilized people, a patient tried to pull them a part.
And someone called the police, be authentic thought the doctor and nurse are beating the patient.
My mom had black eye and had to go to the police and my father's second wife had to quit her job.
And later I had a New Year party in our apartment and we almost burned Christmas tree.
We were all dressed like prostitutes, it was our school dream work,
One of the firefighters had to call my mom
And this how she met her boyfriend..

People asked her why you always
Soft and calm,
Why you don't get mad at all.
She would turn to you,
Looking somewhere deep.
And she would say.
It's simple, I know price of live.

In our village back then
We had few old husbands and wives
Living very lovely together.
You would probably see bright lights
Flying around, still normal families.
We were their great grand children.
The old woman said on some dinner:
Do you know how happy I was
When he returned back from the Second World War when twenty seven million didn't.
All four years every moment, every second
I was thinking about him, how he was.
Forgiving everything forever.
And really, how it is to be able to even look every morning, afternoon, evening, night
Someone you like and love.
To talk, laugh, smile, have little children...

How do you know when you are in love.

How do you know?
Looking at her or him makes you smile,
I am not going be specific, just talking.
Thinking makes you happy all day,
It's twenty four hours by the way.
And you have this look on your face
When people ask to begin with something
What happened, 
Are you in love!
When you say without a doubt: yes...

I have a friend, we used to take a bus
And her niece was usually with us every morning,
Going to school, unknown grade,
All she had wad lip gloss and eye pencil.
One time she had a bag, she forgot on the bus,
Her aunt had to run and stop the bus.
Then in school some one called her a sluts,
She was thinking to stop classes.
I was like in our age being called a slut is a compliment.
Fifty years, you will hear, get out old pal.

Well today I am almost grandma.
Oh, my God.
Long time ago, I won't tell how many years ago,
Because I will sound like ...
I had a friend, same city,
We went to different schools,
And later worked together at small store at summer.
At night we were living in the store,
To far to go home, and it was fun to be far from parents.
She started to date this man who wanted to marry only a woman who never been with a man.
She was with some one sometime.
That evening before the important night she was in my kitchen thinking what to do.
At first we thought of finding blood, I had a dog, little bit, it's wired,  but it was the thought.
She was so in love.
Red markers, ink, didn't work.
We agreed on my mom's ketchup, one giant bottle.
It was everywhere, ketchup and wine, on a couch, walls, lamp on the sealing.
Then her daughter was born, year after.
And now this baby has own.
I wished her good luck an hour ago...

"Fuck men", sorry, but this is name of the story.
Few years ago me and my female friend complaining about men,
Successfully bitching in Boston pizza for dinner.
My son is with grandma, her son is with this idiot ex.
Story going on, and on, in details, my mom on the phone, where am I at the middle of the night at 8 pm.
To end the dinner nicely I have simple tost: fuck men.
She is like: yes, fuck men!
Next time I saw her, she was pregnant.

Story from a magazine.
Young woman and a man,
Both actors, nice and sweet.
They used to date for few years
And it wasn't fun any more, like they thought.
They went separate ways.
I like her, this why I read a bit.
Then news about their marriage and a baby.
In new interview he says:
We didn't talk for a while,
Then new movie and we supposed to play main characters,
Not a big deal, we separated like friends.
Filming in church, historical movie.
Then thought hit me literally
She is my woman...

Don't Know 

What did you put in the soup?

I think he said it clearly,
He wants a bitch. Bitch, bitch, not a witch.
What is this, diarrhea pills?
That's only you can come up with!
Remember you mother mixed up medicine for her pets and for people.
At least every one tried to stay healthy that year...
Who is he any way, the newly weed?
Uncle Sam.
You wish, looks like uncle Tom to me...
Well, go, go, keep cleaning the kitchen,
You have sugar plant and five bed rooms to go..

How are you honey,
How is the journey to the past?
You look much better today,
Your eyes have fire and shining,
What ? That's insanity?
That's the house on fire!
Who are those people!
One, three, seven, ten, eleven..
Your children!
Oh, yah, where is the Knight!? 
Writing him a letter:
Everything is great only the house went on fire..
Easy, easy I told you, 
You are always overreacting, 
No throwing objects, no swearing, 
Didn't you promise kindergarten teacher never swear in front of a child..

Good morning!
I see you are happy as usual.
I knew nothing gets to you,
Not even common sense and knowledge...
Wisdom comes with age, but sometimes age shows up alone...
Joking, joking...
Why are you keep looking at the door?
What about missing past,
Oh, it was only few years, not few...
Where is your cave man,
You told him go to hell.
Well in ancient days wife has to follow husband.
But don't worry, some women are comfortable everywhere.
See you soon..

Back to the past...
Did you cook anything to your cave man?
Choking? Or chicken? 
Looks like a Jurassic bird to me,
See how fast trying to run away.
Anyway, it's night time now,
Good luck, let me run away too to my ...
I know, I know, you don't need my problems,
Now you have enough of your own.
Time for a bed time story.
"First island has one woman and one hundred men.
The second island has one man and one hundred women.
One first island the woman is queen on the throne giving orders.
On the second island the man is hiding on top of the tallest palm".

And more to come. ..
Well..since we have no food and no house..
Let's talk like all normal women about the marriage.
Marriage??? He is a cave man! 
He is going to bite me, and probably have fleas..
And he is going to beat me.
Don't worry this how they show big love.
Beat him back, take something heavy,
Show how much you will love him too.
You have few thousand years to go...

Well since you like past..
Here is a gun.
Hold, don't jump a mile from it.
What, to .... some one??? (worrying)
Yes, food!
What food? (confused)
Don't you want to eat? Da!
Go, go ketch a mammoth over there, run,
Move your feet, yourself, yourself.
Yah, that what running outside of the gym is.
(my mm and her friend long ago bought a few farm animals for happy dinners
and the friend son in law supposed to do the .. job.
He tried and had a heart attack after running after a duck.
They called him a complete idiot and the animals moved on with their life to a real farm
The son in law moved in a hospital for a while,
Not easy you know).
So.. back to the story, did you catch any one...
No, vegetarian now?
Here is a palm, go, go!
Will pray later, looking for a cave or building a house like three pigs...