don't know

Inner voice (to Poetess): you will be ..
(thinking) with your work
Probably not... (laughs)
Should go to the gym lady.
Look (looking on the phone, Facebook)
Every one has the same lips and happy.
Fine, bed women complained... sounds familiar,
They didn't have a chance to defend themselves.
The real witch: let me say something,
One word, I promise.
Inner voice: my passionate beauty,
No, what side you are on,
We live in civilized world, twenty first century,
Complain behind my back.
Keep your love potion for me.
My wife by the way!
My mama told me to protect myself,
And the best way is to get married without thinking.
The real witch: ..I prefer to be on the top.
Inner voice: beauty and the best.
Shaving her legs with my.., using my cream
The real witch: I am going to bite you tonight for sharing my secrets.
Inner voice: I will sit in bubble bath for hours.
The real witch: I am going to make .. dinner.
Inner voice: don't forget to turn ... on the stove.
The bad women are mad.
Poetess is taking a picture.
Inner voice: When I am with my wife I forget everything.
Who am I,
What are we talking about..
Poetess: fuck I am going to write about them,
This is my story.
(takes a broom): get out, get out! (to the bed women and slams the door).
Inner voice (whispering): she got some issues.
Poetess: I better write about the real witch,
At least she did nothing to me.
Inner voice: don't mention my name.
The real witch: my dear,
In my heart I am a philosopher (fixing suit and a hat with flower).
Let me wipe my red lipstick to look more professional.
And you (to Inner voice) wipe your face,
What people will think about us?
Inner voice (blushing): I have to take shower!
Kids are on wonderland trip today,
Have to take advantage once a year..
The real witch: why don't you leave the bad women alone in their misery and work and never call.
Even you all play nice games every day.
They are bad but not yours..
Inner voice (on the side): I guess my friends we will never fine the truth.
At least not today.
The real witch (continues): You don't have to take them home and do massage.
Poetess massaging the real witch and inner voice.
Inner voice: I feel like a baby!
I think it's a great idea for some women who don't like to work.
(reading highlighted article in family magazine)
It might be hard for the first nine months, the one after conceiving,
Then think of day care, kindergarten, school, teachers, playing with toys, running in the park..
Basically busy few weeks in super relaxing eighteen years.
The real witch: baby again?
We have ten already, well may be..
Inner voice: you see, children are our future!
Newly wed couple: are you sure?
Poetess keeping thumb up.